Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Yeah she really is so positive!
Geez, I must read a english book now.
And btw, I won't be on monday, I'm going to 'Pinkpop', it's a festival, and I'll be seeing Franz Ferdinand, Editors, Jamie Lidell, Red Hot Chili Peppers and more, so, if you'll excuse me? lol :p well, going to read that stupid book now again. bye xx
CalleighDuCaine said:
SidLer said:
Good looks, smarts, determination... what hasn't she got? :p
All the negative things! :cool:
Haha yeah! She's beautiful, strong and independent. SHE KICKS ASS! :D

I wonder if Jorja grew up playing with barbies and cute strawberry shortcake dolls? (Hehe do any of you remember those dolls? That was quite some time ago. :p) Somehow I don't see her playing with dolls, but I can see her roughing it up with the boys playing sports and getting down and dirty. :D
SidLer said:

Somehow I don't see her playing with dolls, but I can see her roughing it up with the boys playing sports and getting down and dirty. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry this is OT, but that sounds exactly like me :lol: *who says girls can't play football? :p*

But I totally see what you mean, Sabrina. I can't see her playing with dolls, either! In an interview Jorja actually said, "I grew up barefoot." :p
quoth_the_raven said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry this is OT, but that sounds exactly like me :lol: *who says girls can't play football? :p*

But I totally see what you mean, Sabrina. I can't see her playing with dolls, either! In an interview Jorja actually said, "I grew up barefoot." :p
Hey! I used to run around the playground barefoot so I guess I can say that "I grew up barefoot" too! :D :lol: I grew up catching worms, building forts and chasing a football around with my two older brothers and cousin. :) But I had a few dolls too. :p Jorja's such a strong woman, so I can't help but wonder what her upbringing was like. :)
:lol: I can picture a little Sabrina running around...and when it was dinner time you probably said, "Not yet, Mom! I found a worm!" :lol:

*cough* Anyways... :p The way Jorja made it sound in the interview was that she was a very active kid, always on her feet. *the exact opposite of me, I won't get off my big fat latina ass :lol:*. So yup, she probably was into a lot of sports and things when she was a kid :p
I think she was the kind of little girl who always played with boys rather than girls... I can picture her so well with a baseball hat and a bully expression, saying "Ok, I'll be the quarterback!" :lol:
^Hehe! I can even picture her playing football! I bet she's the one who tackles and elbows everybody down. :D Her nickname was probably "Rocket" or "NO-Mess" or something. :p And Ann, was that you who was hiding under my dining table? I thought I heard a snicker when I told my mom I had invited a worm over for dinner. ;) :p

I can definitely see Jorja growing up with her brother and playing with the boys. I don't think she's a Barbie girl. But... who knows. ;)
No it wasn't me hiding under the table, Sabrina, that's much too obvious. :p Give me more credit than that, I'm not that stupid :rolleyes: :p :lol:

Barbie girl, bad-ass football player *probably made the guys cry :lol: j/k ;)*. Hmm, it's hard to know. Maybe she was a bit of both, ya never know. See, I was kinda both, I was *and still am* a tomboy, always have been and always will be. But I had a soft spot for dolls every now and then *dollhouses are fun :lol:*. So maybe she was a bit of both :p It's hard to tell! The world may never know :p ...unless of course she says otherwise in an interview! :lol:
That kickball video on the net kind of shows the playful side of Jorja. I imagine she must have been one kick-ass kid when she was little.
it's over at [URL REMOVED] under TWZ ;)

Has anyone heard about Dear Bernard (which Jorja is producer for and was due to be on in London) has been cancelled? Kind of strange...

~Edited: (See "Help Guide" about Fan video's and Downloading) The URL was removed if you wish to PM the link you may do so, but you can not link to downloadable material.~
Me2u said:

Has anyone heard about Dear Bernard (which Jorja is producer for and was due to be on in London) has been cancelled? Kind of strange...

Bummer. And it looks like it was really good too. By the way, there is an official link to the show here that's worth a looky-loo.
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