Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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SidLer said:
quoth_the_raven said:
WillowsWannaBe said:
Did you like the way she smiled at Grissom in ToYD?

:lol: Did I ever! :lol: Jeez, I loved that look. :p I think Sabrina posted a pic of one of those little 'looks' in the pic thread :p
I love that look. :) She looks really happy and lovely. That look is certainly one of my favs. :D I can't believe I've used the word 'look' 3 times! Umm, make that 4! :lol:
Don't shoot me, but IMO that was rather out of character.
WillowsWannaBe said:
SidLer said:
quoth_the_raven said:
WillowsWannaBe said:
Did you like the way she smiled at Grissom in ToYD?

:lol: Did I ever! :lol: Jeez, I loved that look. :p I think Sabrina posted a pic of one of those little 'looks' in the pic thread :p
I love that look. :) She looks really happy and lovely. That look is certainly one of my favs. :D I can't believe I've used the word 'look' 3 times! Umm, make that 4! :lol:
Don't shoot me, but IMO that was rather out of character.

I don't think so at all. Sara's always been probably the darkest character of the whole show, but since the beginning of S6 she's been more serene, and IMO it was because her relationship with Griss had already started changing. So I wouldn't call that OOC in WtG. Not at all. Do you think Sara can't smile without being OOC just because she's Sara? Please! She's been brighting up all over the season, in WtG I guess she has a very good reason to smile like that.
I agree CalleighDuCaine. :)

WillowsWannaBe how was she being OOC? Maybe you'd like to share your opinions with us. We won't shoot, we're all about the peace & love
All opinions are welcome. :)

For me, the look is just what it is, a look. And I'm lovin' it. :D

I think she's been in character from Day 1, never OOC. Whether she's giving lingering looks, exchanging shy smiles, or wearing a silk robe. Sara has almost always been portrayed as this angsty woman with a drinking (or ME) problem and some may say that she's got a bad temper. But I don't see her that way at all. I see Sara as... Sara. A good-looking tough chick who's so dedicated to her work that she hardly ever sleeps and listens to the police scanner. From all the pain and suffering she's had had to endure when she was young, I'd say our Sara deserves to have all the happiness in the world. She seems more cheerful this season doesn't she? My guess is that she's let go of her past and moved on with her life. :) All those smiles and "looks" that we have seen, shows how happy and contented she is. :)

And Outsider, thanks for the link! :D She looks beautiful in the vid! :D And the vegetarian forensic kit looks yummy. :)
hey ya all,
Man.....I haven't been here for soooo long.
Good to see Jorja love still growing...

I just wanted to step in to say that Sara looked bloody hotty cool in the silk robe. Damn..Grissom is one lucky fella.

Sara/Jorja kicks ass !!!
SidLer said:Whether she's giving lingering looks, exchanging shy smiles, or wearing a silk robe. Sara has almost always been portrayed as this angsty woman with a drinking (or ME) problem and some may say that she's got a bad temper. But I don't see her that way at all. I see Sara as... Sara. A good-looking tough chick who's so dedicated to her work that she hardly ever sleeps and listens to the police scanner. From all the pain and suffering she's had had to endure when she was young, I'd say our Sara deserves to have all the happiness in the world. She seems more cheerful this season doesn't she? My guess is that she's let go of her past and moved on with her life. :) All those smiles and "looks" that we have seen, shows how happy and contented she is. :)


If anybody deserves some lovin`, it`s our Sara. She had enough trouble and shit in her life.

Go baby, keep your man and be happy! ;)
RoosCSILover said:
What's OOC? lol.. Woot, i love her in wtg!

OOC means Out Of Character, Roos, ie she isn't acting like her character would normally do. But I think Sara was very IC and so was the whole scene, so let's keep on sqeeing around with our ecstatic grins! :D
I agree with CalleighDuCaine , i found Sara's behaviour perfectly "in character". She's in love, but she doesn't behave like a "fan girl", and she's always right at work.
I love like TPTB has handled this storyline, they has been able to keep both of them (G and S) in character.
CalleighDuCaine said:
Do you think Sara can't smile without being OOC just because she's Sara? Please! She's been brighting up all over the season, in WtG I guess she has a very good reason to smile like that.
Not at all! She comes with a very bad past, and we can see her smiling very little times, and I'm glad when she smiles, but... I don't know. I didn't really like the way she looked and smiled at Griss. I'm not really GSR, but I had no problem with it, but I like it less and less. IMO this all GSR thing is OOC from they both.
And actually, I've started not being a shipper at all, because IMO it ruins the show. Yeah, GSRs are glad, but I'm not really... *lol*
And I don't want to start any argument, I know there are a lot of GSRs in this thread, it's strictly my personal opinion what I share ya'll. ;)
Well, if being IC means that they have to be single and unhappy for the rest of their lives, this is a little superficial, I think. Gil a social inept and Sara is (if possible) even worse, but this doesn't prevent them from being human and have feelings, nor from being able to deal with them. Their angst has been going on for six years and I guess they both have had plenty of time to think about it. It surely hasn't been a sudden decision and if they ended up together like that in a bedroom, wearing pyjamas, there was some serious reason. Heck, we shouldn't be discussing it here! Well, I just wanted to stress that they weren't being OOC, they were just different to the ususal, cause they obviously had improved their mutual comfortability. It was great to see them acting like that because it proves how complex and umpredictable these two characters are.
Exactly, guys :D

So I'm watching Butterflied last night with the commentary. The part where Sara goes under the house to get the fluid from the drains was priceless with the commentary.

CM: We had a big debate on which CSI should go under the house, and we finally decided it should be Sara Sidle.
DR: And this is the moment I fell in love with Jorja Fox.
RJL: Yeah, after the stuff spilled in her face 700 times?
DR: *laughs* The day before Thanksgiving!

:lol: Poor Jorja. But she was a trooper! :D
Oh yeah! :lol:

And did you see the dailies of this one, Raven ? When she spills the stuff on the ground and starts laughing?

Yes I did! I watched that 700 times! She has such a cute little giggle! :lol: That was absolutely hilarious! :lol:

JF: *grunts* You know, I think I may be going to wrong way.
DR: Yeah, I think so.
JF: *laughs*

I SO would have done that! :lol:

One thing I absolutely love about Jorja is her free spirit. :p In the commentary for Committed, as well (which I have watched OVER 700 times :p), you get to see (well, hear..) more and more of her attitude toward everything. You see her humor, and her views on different things.

*Committed commentary-- right after the scene where Sara and Grissom are getting saliva samples and Sara almost gets a bite taken out of her (heh...lucky it wasn't Mike Tyson she took the swab from! :p)*

RJL: What is he saying? It sounds...religious, doesn't it?
JF: Yeah, it does. Latin.
RJL: Is that what is it? Latin?
JF: I'm not sure, but it sounds like latin, at least to me. Sounds like he's saying something very forboding and revelations-ish.

:lol: How many of you would have said 'revelations-ish' in your lifetime if you thought about it? :lol: *raises hand* :p

Which brings me to my point! Really, when you see Jorja in interviews, the kind of things she talks about are things you can really relate to. It's like you've known her your entire life, even though you may have just heard of her in this interview.

AND *no, she's not done rambling yet :p* The characters she plays! As with all actors and actresses, they have a job-- to bring their characters to life. Before they give them that little magic *spark*, the characters are but a few lines scribbled on a piece of paper or two. But when the actors go to work, they become real people.

And Jorja does that flawlessly. Every character she has played she has played to the fullest of her abilities. And in CSI, with Sara Sidle, what's nice is like what Jorja was saying about TOYD- they have some of the same views. Jorja was saying how she has committment issues, Sara seems to, too. It's nice to play a character that you're familiar with, someone that you can relate to.

And it's nice to see an actor/actress be able to do that. Makes them *and you* feel comfortable in your own skin. :)

Done rambling! :D *for now* :p
Raven,to be honest the whole "wrap2004" clip is just hilarious.

I also love the end of it, when she`s talking to Billy ( they were shooting a scene, weren`t they? ) and he says : I don`t write these things?!......It`s strange isn`t it?....Pffff....if you`d just stop talking......

and she just keeps rambling things and driving him insane. You gotta love this girl! :lol:

Edited: I swear your post wasn`t that long before I made my reply ;), but you are totally right. Jorja has never been shallow in any king of way. That`s why I adore her so much, everything she says is so elaborate and thoughtful. I´ve never seen an interview with her speaking just one word or sentence, like some actors do these days. Shows me that she`s very dedicated and passionate about her characters. It´s not just a job, but also a part of her life.
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