Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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quoth_the_raven said:

My sis said something at dinner today that really ticked me off. Very insulting about Jorja, I was giving her three chances and she blew all of them! Except I didn't do anything because we were in public :p *cough* Anyways :p I was so mad! But I think she was just doing that to push my buttons. But still! It was mean! :rolleyes:

Yeah well, the sad truth is, somebody is always gonna talk trash about somebody else. Not much you can do about it, except ignore it. Sis is obviously pushing your buttons. Don't give her the satisfaction of making you upset. A shrug and a "whatever" works for me. Confuses the hell outta them. :)
Sorry I'm late! Darn exam bug. :p

Ahh you guys are amazing! :D Congrats on the third thread! :) There're already more than 70 posts ~ WOOT! Wonderfully Jorjeous. :D Keep it up!

trent_bowie said:
^^Jorja, a god?
Now that's a scary thought. I can see it now: "O Blessed One...hear our prayers! Receive unto Thee a sacrifice of-"
Okay, shutting up, now. :lol:
Now THAT's scary. :eek: :lol:
dont let them get to you Ann I've got alot of Catherine fans (or GC fans to) that say trashy things about her eventhough they know I like her , I just let it slide off My back they can have thier opinions I'll keep mine
Whatever GC fans say, she's the best!

and she proved it when she came out of Gil's bathroom in that awesome robe! OMG, I can't stop giggling! :lol:
*sigh* I'm back to loving Sara again.. although.. hmm... I never really STOPPED loving her! At the risk of sounding psycho, Jorja had some great acting going on last night! Camera duel... nice...
I can't stop smiling. :) I've been going on like this :D for hours, even now. :lol: Jorja's an excellent actress, always been and will always be. :)
It's funny, because I was watching the episode and talking to QTR at the same time.. and uh... *cough* Let's just say that I'm surprised her computer didn't break, because I hit random buttons/enter for like 5 minutes straight. I was excited! Not about ABOUT what happened (and I won't say, for spoiler reasons), but because of her acting throughout the whole episode. I had to giggle a whole bunch of times!
:lol: Alright, so after last night's eppy I had tears in my eyes and I was giggling like a giddy schoolrgirl for almost an hour :lol:

And Janet, you're terrible. Torturing me like that ;)

So the ending with her coming out in the robe with Grissom lying on the bed had me scream 'HOLY CRAP!' :lol: But it was a good 'holy crap!' ;) And she looked so pretty in the robe :D

Also, I loved her lines in the ep--

"Go in for sex and get stung. Pretty much every man's fear."-- the look Grissom gave her was priceless! :lol:

"I'm sure the whales appreciate that." :p

And then the camera duel was cute :D
She was absolutely great, the expressions she wears on her (lovely) face are masterpieces... She can transmit any kind of emotion just with a look.
quoth_the_raven said:
WillowsWannaBe said:
Did you like the way she smiled at Grissom in ToYD?

:lol: Did I ever! :lol: Jeez, I loved that look. :p I think Sabrina posted a pic of one of those little 'looks' in the pic thread :p
I love that look. :) She looks really happy and lovely. That look is certainly one of my favs. :D I can't believe I've used the word 'look' 3 times! Umm, make that 4! :lol:
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