Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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GreyWillFade said:
which speech if you don't mind me asking :)
well actually its not on that script site...but its the one from "rashomama" basically her view on weddings and such. so well maybe its not quite a speech but cha. again, if anyone knows where to find it it would mean the world to me. (i need to nail that part) :)
Awh I was away for one day, man I missed a lot! 19 new posts! You rock!

We had to play a roleplay @ english class today, we had to play someone who had to reservate a table for two. So me and my friend started playing;

Me; I'd like to reservate a table for 2.
Friend; What's your name?
Me; It's Roos.
Friend; who is your compagnion? let me guess? Jorja Fox?

awwh that was so funny :)
RoosCSILover said:
Awh I was away for one day, man I missed a lot! 19 new posts! You rock!

We had to play a roleplay @ english class today, we had to play someone who had to reservate a table for two. So me and my friend started playing;

Me; I'd like to reservate a table for 2.
Friend; What's your name?
Me; It's Roos.
Friend; who is your compagnion? let me guess? Jorja Fox?

That reminds me about when I told a friend of mine I had just found out Jorja had a new pet and she said "Is it you?". We still laugh about it sometimes :lol:
One more question for the Sara fans.. which I am quickly becoming..
what does she say to Grissom after the "pin up" scene.
she says something to him right after she realizes how close they are.
I'm writing my story about her and I think it's important to mention that scence and the "Butterflied" episode also
and I have another item to add to the list

128. Coffee Spice Rubbbed Filet Mingnon~$29
California Spinach Salad and Baked Potato ( I'm a vegetarian you know) $14 + $5
Licking Peanut Butter off your boss ( in your fantasies) PRICELESS
Here's their "post pin-me-down" dialogue:

SARA: Grissom, um, I, um, wanted to talk to you about something.

GRISSOM: Go ahead.

SARA: Well, you know, I applied for the promotion for the key position.

GRISSOM: Your application's on my desk.

SARA: About that -- I, um ... I needed to know... I ... I
wanted to make sure, rather, that anything that happened or didn't happen between us won't be a factor.

SARA: Never mind. I-I shouldn't have said anything. I, um ... I'm always over-talking around you.
hhunter said:

One more question for the Sara fans.. which I am quickly becoming..
what does she say to Grissom after the "pin up" scene.
she says something to him right after she realizes how close they are.

Always happy to help out a fellow Sara-fan. Here's a link to all the transcripts up to Season 6. The episode you're looking for is Invisible Evidence.
Awh, I just watched 'Bang Bang'!
I loooove the quote; 'He was mowing more than the lawn.'
It was so funny, especially that lovely face of hers xD
Thanks everyone that actually really helps
and Invisible Evidence is on tonight on SPIKETV
and I'm waiting to find out what happens tomorrow night.
:lol: Roos, I loved that scene, that was priceless! :lol:

So last night I'm sitting in my room with my bro talking. I do this thing before I go to bed every night; I mostly just write in a journal, it helps take away a lot of my stress and anxiety that I have. So I'm telling my bro that it's sort of like a therapeutic ritual...

Me: It's therapeutic for me. *laughs* And then I pray to my god... (I'm joking! ;))
Bro: No, no, pray to your god...JORJA FOX!

I just laughed :lol: He knows about my Jorja obsession :p
^^Jorja, a god?

Now that's a scary thought. I can see it now: "O Blessed One...hear our prayers! Receive unto Thee a sacrifice of-"

Okay, shutting up, now. :lol:
:lol: :lol: It would be kind of creepy, actually, all things considered :p

My sis said something at dinner today that really ticked me off. Very insulting about Jorja, I was giving her three chances and she blew all of them! Except I didn't do anything because we were in public :p *cough* Anyways :p I was so mad! But I think she was just doing that to push my buttons. But still! It was mean! :rolleyes:
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