Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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SQUEEE !! Yeese, QTR , its REALLY ME! I'm back! Thanks for the help. :)

Did you get my message on fanficdotnet? I responded to a story or something, The Life & Times of Sara Sidle, I think.. hmm, great story. I cried, I swear I did. :( So sad.

Haha, oh, Jorja. (L) I lurve you like a duck lurves his dollar. Keep posting with me, quoth, and we'll have a Sara & Jorja chat! See, TallyHo & Destiny , we can keep on topic and still have a chat! :) I do love you guys, though.. hehe.. :p

Edit: Sadly, I have to go to sleep now, or I'll be cranky in thee morning. It's 10 to 1 here, and I shall post bright & early, of course, because as all of us TalkCSIers know, we live on the computer :lol:

See you all in thee morning glory. :D

peeaceee. xx- Alyssa !
Aww, thanks for the comment about the story, Mini_Catherine :) Comments always make my day!

And I'm going to sit down tonight in probably about an hour or so and watch the new movies I got. I haven't felt well all week, but now I'm all rested up and feeling better so yay! :D And besides, I think Jorja will make me feel better anyways :lol: :p
Welcome back MC! I remember you. :) You're still very chirpy for someone who has got to go to sleep. :lol: Goodnight, or erm, morning! :p

Enjoy watching your por- no wait, movies Ann! Tell us if they're any good (Of COURSE they're good, DUH! Jorja's in them. :p) after you've seen them. Now I gotta see if I can get my hands on Foxes on Fire. :devil: :lol:

ETA: Feel better Ann. Get your dose of medicine (Jorja) and you'll turn into an energizer bunny in no time. :)
My last message;

Ann, I hope you'll get better soon. :)

And MC, welcome to the thread full of insanity and jorjeousness!
*steps in and hopes Ann is feeling much much better :D*

I've missed this thread so much. I finally got internet back now and last night I had a dream of Sara which got me back in the mood. I do realize I have alot to catch up on though, and will be doing so. Gladly :).
Pfft. SidLer, I'm always "chirpy," or as some call it, such a freakin' bubble. I love this thread.

Ooh my, the only reason I wasn't on at 8:30 this morning is because, a.) I didn't wake up, and b.) I went school shopping! (got lotss of grrrreAT stuff)

Hehe, btw, call me Alyssa or Lyssa or Lyss, not MC, it makes me feel.. I duno, like a stranger. We're all one big happy family.

So, QTR, I'm hoping I can also feel welcome and call you Ann, it would make my happy as a clam.

Now, I hope this wasn't already posted, but who thinks the Sara/Grissom scene at the end of the finale was amazing? (This is prob'ly for some sort of ship thread, but I'm moving on to the Jorja part..) I just loved how she said, "I'm not ready to say goodbye yet.." and then did the smile! Jorja's so pro-GSR. She said this:

"I was very intrigued and I had sort of been gearing up from the beginning of the show that might happen," Fox said. "We suddenly find these characters together, and we know not how long has this been going on. And I think that was a really brilliant way to do it. I think it's going to open a lot of ideas for the characters." : JorjaFoxOnline - , which, of course, everyone here knows. : Direct Link :

I don't think that exact statement was that much on her being pro-GSR, but it shows her intrest as an actress on the whole thing.
Yup, you can call me Ann, MC :D No need for formalities :lol: :p

And thankies everyone! I feel much better ;)

So after watching both Velocity Trap and Food for the Heart yesterday, here are my verdicts :p

Jorja's character in VT was... interesting :lol: Kick-ass space pirate with a machine gun :p What else can you ask for? And I also found it very interesting how she was the only one who could actually aim a gun :lol: :p Everyone else just wasted their bullets! Also, she could fly a space ship, peeps ;) Haha, I found it very amusing that she was very amused when they had their little dog-fight in space :p She was kicking their asses! And then...!

The stupid ships' turrets shot her and she died! Gah! I was so mad! Even though I knew she died... but... that sucked! She was SO kicking their asses! That $40 billion should've been hers! HERS, I TELL YA!

And then her husband was a total ass *mutters* I wanted to give him what-for, but... *continues to mutter to self*

Food for the Heart on the other hand was a very feel-good fluffy romantic comedy. It had it's 'aww' moments and it's *sniffle* moments (believe me, I cried a few times), but it was a very feel-good movie ;) At the end you want to jump up and down and scream "YES! IN YOUR FACE!"

In the movie, Jorja's character Delmar doesn't have enough money to open her own restaurant (which is what she wants to do because she loves cooking and it would bring more money into her life). So she decides to become a surrogate mother for this guy since his wife can no longer have children. If she goes through with the pregnancy full-term than she gets a total of $50,000. Along the way she meets this guy named Moses and they fall in love *aww*. She tells Moses, after they open the restaurant on a very successful first night, that she wants to keep the baby. So Moses goes and tries to offer the man she signed the contract with a deal, but he refuses. So the day she has the baby, the blanket is pulled back to reveal... it's Moses' baby! Yay! And they all lived happily ever after :D
Wa-hey! Roka's back! *waves like crazy* :D

Okay Alyssa, I'll call you Alyssa and you can call me Sabrina. :) In fact, all of you can call me Sabrina. But don't call me Bree. Call me that and I'll cook you and eat you for breakfast. :D

Regarding that statement Jorja made, I think she was excited for the character developments that's (finally) taken place. Not just because now the GS-Relationship is official (Yay for us!), but she's also excited to see if the dynamics between the two characters is going to change and how the other characters will react to their situation too. :)

Velocity Trap sounds kick-ass Ann! I'm not surprised her character's the only one who can aim a gun. When she was with Dr. Carter at that firing range in ER he shot the EXIT sign and his neighbour's sheet! :p She IS a pretty distraction. ;) And ooh! She can drive a space ship! I think I can hear ID4 "Part II" calling her name. Won't it be cool if she and Will Smith are partners in that movie? They'll kick alien ass. :cool:

Food For the Heart sounds so good! I must see it. :)
Hee! I feel like one of the gang now!

Oh, I will SOOO be watching Food For the Heart! It sounds sweet. :) Uhh. So many happy faces, and Ann, call me by my name, plu-eeze! Sheesh. & YAY Sabrina. *forces the thought of calling you Sabby out of my head*

Ohmiie, I can't wait to see if the other characters find out about their relationship. We should bring some Billy P peeps over, see what they think, I do beleive. Jorja would be fun to watch if CATHERINE found out, or better yet, see Catherine get nosy after noticing something different about thee beloved Sara and trying to find out what's up. HA! Imagine the look on Sar's face if she was like, "So, Sara, have any new guys yet?" and her reaction, "Hey, Catherine, but out, you.. you.. you poopyhead." Oy vey, once again, I'm too tired to write. It's 1:10 here. *sighs* I need to stop living on my computer.. or get a portable fridge, whatever floats your boat.

Mini_Catherine said:
"Hey, Catherine, but out, you.. you.. you poopyhead."
:lol: !

I want to see if the gang knows about G/S and how they will react. I think Sara will act coy and Grissom will... I dunno, blush? :p I can't wait to see how Sara acts around Grissom when the gang is around. Will she turn pink? Be nervous? Or will she act like her normal self. Strong and kick-assy. :D

That's right Alyssa, get Sabby outta your head. :p You can borrow the gang's fridge from the pantry at the lab. But careful, you might find Grissom's decapitated head collection in there. :p

Peace out!
Alrighty Alyssa (if that IS your real name ;) :p) :D

And yup, VT and FFTH are both really good movies, though I wanted to bawl after I watched FFTH. It was just that type of movie! It made me realize how important family is (not that I've never known, and I have a very loving, close and supportive family and for that I am grateful), and made me think of how wonderful it is for people to find the 'one' :p But hey, I've been sensitive all week, heck I even cried during Snakes On A Plane because the flight attendant died :lol: But I digress :p

VT was just a fun space-action movie. The beginning cracked me up because...

In the beginning Jorja's character and this other guy named Fallout (who eventually gets sucked out of the spaceship which really pisses Jorja's character off and almost gets her *mutters indecipherably about stupid husband* Anyways... so they're in a ship trying to board the main ship (did that make sense?) and they only have a few seconds before this explosion is going to kill them. So she asks the guy if he's ever been really scared, and back on the big ship the navigator says, "They'll never make it." and her husband (the ass) replies with, "They will. She always loved a good ride." :lol:
Hieee, back to what Sabrina said, Gris prob'ly would blush, and Sara, ohmii, I just duno.

Ann, Alyssa IS my real name, from what I know myself.

I'll be on again laterrr. I have to go out.|

One of the types of movies I like are those that tears you up and make you realize how important the important people in your life are. That's why FFTH (*pffthhh!!* :p :lol:) sounds really good to me. :) An added bonus: Jorja's in it. :D

VT is very outer-space and alieny. Wait, are there aliens or are they just shooting off their machine guns at nothing in particular? I don't go CRAZY-crazy over space movies but ID4 and Alien kick ass! So I might just watch that. :p Or maybe I'll just buy Memento and try to figure out who the heck killed who and gawk at Jorja. :p
VT doesn't have any aliens, Sabrina :lol: Jorja plays a bad-guy, but I was rooting for the bad guys the entire time :lol: (three guesses why :p)

FFTH was a really good movie. A family movie, even! :D

And Memento, hands-down was one of the best movies I've ever seen. :p
Hey, kids! Glad to be back. Sorry I haven't been around much, but poor Asuka was kinda chugging this past month. After days of the bogs, I ran a virus scan and found to my horror 1830 viruses and 10 bits of spyware. I finally got rid of the buggers yesterday and Asuka's feeling MUCH better now.

MMMmmmKaaay, where we at now? Haven't seen those movies you guys mentioned, ya think Amazon might have them (heck, they've got everything else). So uh...did we decide that Jorja's and honest-to-gosh superhero now? Sweet. Here's another one fer ya, how about Spider-Woman as in Jessica Drew (whom I always thought was cool. Anybody remember the cartoon from 1979)?

You got yer speed, strength, agility, ability to glide and bio-electric blas- Oooohhh, next movie role, perhaps? :cool:
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