Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I absolutely looooooved that scene. :) And well, I love every person the way they are, but especially Maggie, Gina, Sara and Jorja, don't you think? :) They're all so sexay!
Sexy women are Superwomen! I definitely love them all. :)

ETA: Not only sexy of course. Smart, strong, sassy, steely, sweet, snazzy and STUPENDOUS. That's what makes her a Superwoman. ;)
YAY! and I have 2 superman t-shirts. mhmm. :D They both have a SUPERMAN symbol on it. But now it means Superwoman, which actually now, means: JORJA!

ETA: I just got an idea! Jorjeous Jorja/Superwoman Sara.

:D That's right.
SidLer said:
Dr. Maggie Doyle is a very strong and beautiful woman. That's why Dr. Cute Carter had a crush on her and asked her out on a date. :D He followed her to the shooting range, and what happened there is hilarious. :lol: Sigh... memories. :)

:lol: :lol: I downloaded that clip and watched it like three times :p That was hysterical. The look on his face... :lol:

And then there was another clip I laughed at. She's walking through the hospital and one of the orderlies is wheeling a patient through the doorway into the hall speaking gibberish. He says something like "The chains shall not be brought down by any man..." or something to that effect, and she replies with, "No meat, no men; I'm your woman." :lol: :p
Hehe! No meat, no men. Got mallows? :p Which episode is that from Ann? I miss the Maggie seasons of ER! We should all buy the Superwoman t-shirts we can get our hands on and change that S to J. So it'll stand for Jorjerwoman. :p
Too bad Sara can't use the 'No Meat, No Men' line huh? She's taken. :) Maybe she can say 'No Meat, Never Mind' instead. :p
I just saw Memento. Crazy ending! Crazy movie! I love crazy movies, though. Especially if Jorja's in it.

Now that I think about it, she had kind of a raspy voice in the scene when she was reading her book.

I looooved that movie. I just wish Jorja was in more scenes!
SarasGirl said:
Sidler I agree, there is this girl at my school with a space like Jorja's between her teeth and everytime I talk to her I think of Jorja...sooo purdy! :D

Haha, I think you'd love me. I, too, have a gap, also, I have Jorja's hair, (colour & flip/kink) and bone structure (sp), I also have her laugh & I'm working on the smile. I was so upset when I had to get braces, because it would close my "Jorja/Sara gap.) :(

uhh, my sweet Jorja, how I love thee.
Welcome to Jorjeous Jorja's heaven, Mini C! :D
May her beauty be with you! :lol:
Wouldn't you just want to be George?

Edit: Mini Cath, I know this is not the pic thread, but I resized the banner in your sig to make it suitable for the forum, so you can use it as a pic and not as a link... Hope you don't mind. Here it is:
Uhh, Cal , do you know how much I love you? It's not even sensible.

Thanks, and this is was off topic for this thread, and I'm prob'ly going to get my ass kicked by the mods, but, how in tarnation, (yes, cool, i know) do I get the banner to be shown as a picture and not a link. Please help.

And thanks for the welcome. I just adore The Sara/Jorja. So beautiful.
OMG! Mini_Catherine, is that really you!? *tackles in huggles* :D And to make the sig a pic and not a link, you add the
tags at the ends of the URL :)

*SQUEEEEEEEEEE* This has been such a good day! I took a long nap and then after dinner my sister got the mail and the things I ordered from Amazon.Com came! So I'm rested-up and I'm going to be having a Jorja-movie night :D

And Mini_Catherine, I didn't even know about Jorja or CSI: when I got braces :lol: The gap between my front teeth used to be so big I could fit my lip between my two front teeth :lol: :p

ETA: When my stuff came my sis was harrassing me to know what I got. All she knew was that Jorja was in the movies I got (because she was the one who got the email confirmation from Amazon), so then she went around saying, "PORRRN! I bet you ordered porn, didn't you? With Jorja Fox!" and then I handed her the receit and she said, "Oh... so you didn't order Foxes on Fire?" :lol:
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