Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I hadn't post anywhere on this forum for a while. Life kidnapped me and they just returned me back to earth. :(

SaraSullivan said:
Okay, so yesterday I was sitting at the dinner table with my family. My Mom laughed at some joke my brother made or something, and I just started laughing! Because I noticed that she has this space in between her two front teeth, and it reminded me of Jorja, with reminded me of Marshmellows.

I got weird looks from my family, but it was really funny.
Hehe! Whenever I see or talk to a person with diastema, I'd have to keep myself from screaming OMG! YOU'RE BEYOOOTIFUL!! Even when that person's a guy. :p I mean, that gap's what makes Jorja Jorja ya know? It makes her extra special. :D

ETA: We're on the 19th PAGE!! WOOOT!!
Sidler I agree, there is this girl at my school with a space like Jorja's between her teeth and everytime I talk to her I think of Jorja...sooo purdy! :D

now..okay I hope it's okay that I trough a random thought out..if not..someone tell I was watching a ep of ER with Jorja in it and then I watched a newer ep of CSI and I noticed that on ER Jorja's vocie is raspyer then on CSI...any one agree? or am I just crazy?... :D
Her voice is raspier in ER? Raspy voice is so sexy! :D I can't remember actually, because I last saw the eppies with Jorja years ago. But I can check. :)
Wow, you guys have been busy with the thread :p I'm sooo excited because even though I didn't have enough money, my mom let me buy both Velocity Trap and Food for the Heart off of Amazon.Com yesterday :p Yay me! I couldn't find them anywhere else, because they're old movies and my town's got squat, but yay! :D

Also, I'm currently browsing Amazon and I have been typing in the names of all the movies Jorja's been in just to see if they have them. Well, they have a majority of them, including one called The Kill-Off. Now, I've heard of the movie but I have yet to see it, and now I sort of wish I had gotten it because it sounds really good (but remember, I have a reputation of being an angst-whore) :p I also stumbled apon some of the customer reviews for the film, and this one intrigued me (actually, the second I noticed Jorja's name mentioned in the review I couldn't tear my eyes away ;)):

The plot isn't the best, but I rented it mostly to watch a young Jorja Fox. Jorja Fox (listed as Jorjan Fox) plays Myra Pavlov, a barmaid at her father's nightclub. Myra is in an abusive relationship with both her father (who may or may not be molesting her) and her boyfriend (who gives her crack cocaine). But that's the SUB plot.

Now, you guys remember how we were saying that in essence all the characters Jorja's played are similar in some ways? Well, this character, from what I've heard, probably reminds me the most of Sara Sidle (though Maggie Doyle and Gina Toscano are butting heads for second place), because they mention that her character is an abusive relationship. Now think about it: we've all suspected that Sara has had a history of abuse, so...?

And imagine how hard the rule was for Jorja to play! Again, she's said she can't read scripts before she goes to bed at night because she has dreams. She did this movie in 1989, so that means she was 21 at the time (or even 20, depending on what month it was). That's a tough role for anyone to play, I know it'd certainly give me nightmares. And then she went on to play the sorority girl that gets a pick-axe driven through her head in Happy Hell Night which was filmed in '92 (so she was about 24), and then Memento in '99 where she plays the person who gets raped and murdered. Not all that cheerful, needless to say! I know I'd have nightmares from any of those roles! So I think that might have been one of the reasons that she didn't want to do the rape scene in Committed. And really, who can blame her?

ETA: I spent my whole night watching clips from The Kill-Off, and her character's dad and boyfriend are complete asses. *mutters to self* :mad:
WOW, you lucky bastard! Ann, I think I'm going to buy them too. My father owes me 15 euros, I hope that's enough to buy them, that's about 20 dollars. Probably not, hehe. :) And her voice was a little raspier in ER than in CSI, yes. But that's so sexy, as Sabrina already said. :D YAY for Raspy voices.

And the rape scene, in Committed. Yeah, Jorja's already played loads of angsty roles, in probably every movie she's played in she played an angsty role, except for Forever Fabulous, I think. I'd really love to see that movie, though. Was it on Amazon too? She has also played a creepy role in House Of Frankenstein.. lol, the character she played in that movie's called Felicity, it always reminds me of Felicity Huffman. And I personally think that was a reason why she didn't want to do the rape scene. But ehm, probably also because it was a shock to Sara, and luckily, we had a happier Sara-season. :)
And nope, Roos, Forever Fabulous/i] wasn't on Amazon. You'd probably have to get it off of Ebay! And Velocity Trap and Food for the Heart came to about $32.00 plus tax. :p
How kind of your mom, Ann. :) I've been wanting to watch Food For The Heart since forever (cause she looks so damn cute in it :D) but I can't seem to get my hands on the DVD. When you get the goods watch them and let us now how they are, k? Her character in The Kill-Off sounds a LOT like that one Miss Sidle we know. Jorja has played a lot of angst-characters hasn't she? I wonder if she did it by choice or if it's accidental...

Roos, I feel like buying the ER DVD seasons Jorja's appeared in just so I can hear that sexy, raspy voice again. :lol:
SidLer said:
I feel like buying the ER DVD seasons Jorja's appeared in just so I can hear that sexy, raspy voice again. :lol:

Whenever I watch an ep, I always watch her scenes over and over again, half worshipping her and half laughing at her nerve. :lol:
Dr. Maggie Doyle is a very strong and beautiful woman. That's why Dr. Cute Carter had a crush on her and asked her out on a date. :D He followed her to the shooting range, and what happened there is hilarious. :lol: Sigh... memories. :)
She met her ex-girlfriend over there, that was one of the funniest Maggie Doyle-scenes ever. :D And uhm, I really don't get why the writers have written Maggie out of the series. She was such a cool character, and she was the best doctor! :) Romano Stupido, hah? :D
OMG, I loved that ep! :lol:
Maggie teaching Carter how to shoot was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen on ER.
And him asking her out was indeed something that made me freak out. I think Maggie Doyle represented some sort of sponsor for homosexuality: "Come to the gay side, lesbians are like her!" :lol: I bet that worked.
I know. :) But on the other side, homosexuality is in your genes ;). But yeah, she's a great commercial sign. :)
That scene is crazy funny! :D

*Carter shoots next guy's sheet*
Maggie: *laughs* Pretty good, except you're supposed to hit your own target.
*Guy frowns at Carter*
Maggie: You might want to keep your eyes open this time. Let me show you. Okay... now relax, the trick is, to crust the butt, and squeeze the trigger slowly. OMG!
Carter: What?
Maggie: Uhh, *whispers* over there.
Carter: Where?
Maggie: Don't look, maybe she won't see us.
Carter: Who?
Maggie: That woman in the red sweater.
Carter: *turns to look* The tall one?
Maggie: Don't look!
Carter: Why?
Maggie: That's, that's my ex-girlfriend. Amy Elliot.
Carter: Girlfriend?
Maggie: Cop. I broke up with her two months ago. She's jealous as hell.
*Carter accidentally shoots the EXIT sign*

Poor Dr. Carter. :lol:

Btw, I love Maggie, Gina, Sara and Jorja just the way they are. :)
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