Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I love FFTH. Shows once more how amazing and talented Jorja is. My fave would be the scene where she has the baby, the way she looks at it makes you feel it's her own. She just radiates with the little one, soooo cute :) And when she bites the sleeve of the baby's shirt, I just fell in love with her even more...yes, I'm crazy by the way ;)
CalleighDuCaine said:
melbel said:
i have FFTH on dvd i watch it some much coz i love it.
JF looks so good pregnant

I've always thought so, too. The obgyn scene is hilarious! :lol:
"You're a good baby maker!" :lol:

:lol: "Look at that cervix! You're a good baby maker!" :lol: I loved that part. Cracks me up everytime :p

MiaCharlize said:
I love FFTH. Shows once more how amazing and talented Jorja is. My fave would be the scene where she has the baby, the way she looks at it makes you feel it's her own. She just radiates with the little one, soooo cute And when she bites the sleeve of the baby's shirt, I just fell in love with her even more...yes, I'm crazy by the way

You're not crazy, because I did the exact same thing :lol: I start bawling my eyes out whenever I see that scene :p

And I'm kind of upset because I think my FFTH disk got damaged during shipping because it's all scratched up and part of it skips in the movie :(

Sidler said:
She sure knows how to exit in style!

That she does, Sabrina! :lol: I was so mad at the good guys... they just led her on so that she ran into the damn turrets. Stupid good guys :p She had enough to worry about! Her stupid husband, the money... add trying to stay alive and pfft! :p

There's one part where I felt like cheering :lol: Her husband tells her that they have a problem with the good guys:

Ass husband: Pallas.
Pallas (Jorja :D): What!?
Ass husband: We've got a little problem outside the ship.
Pallas: Oh this guy is really starting to piss me off.

WHOO! :lol: :p *holds up Jorja flag :p*

We've got Jorja-flags now?!

How come I didn't know about the Jorja-flags?

I want a Jorja-flag!!!

*steals quoth's Jorja-flag.*

: O ! Wow! I need one! Sorry I haven't posted in like, two days. My fan was broken in my computer tower thinger, and I needed to get it fixed. Aww, well.
Hello everyone, my name is Tori and I'm and new to the site. I think Sara/Jorja is sooo great. She is like my role model. She's cool, confident, smart.... I could post about her for hours but I must have restraint. Sigh. Also quoth_the_raven is it?, I noticed your Swarrick banners. Where did you get them because I love Swarrick!!! :)
Haha, SarSul. Very true.

Yess, and welcome, Tori! Great to see some new Sara/Jorja fans around :) Enjoy your stay, and help yourself to the cookies and other snacks at the door (not really) Just don't touch my watermelon. I swear, it's mine.
Welcome, Tori! You mean this little thing in my sig? I made it myself. lol crop> add text! ;)

Hey MiaCharlize, that is the most awesome thing ever!! :lol:
We should start putting the flag in all our sigs. Baha. Lettin' 'em know the open quote "SidlePrideCarvedDeepInside" end quote. Quote: Roka4CSI.
I love 'em Jorja Flags! :D I'm gonna wave 'em around in class when the teacher asks questions (Nyeh nyeh! My classmates are gonna be soooo jealous. :p) and hang one above my bed. :D

Welcome to the loonybin Tori! One question: Are you CRAZY?.. because we are. :lol: Don't be scared if we suddenly break out into mad laughter and throw marshmallows into the air. :devil: In fact, join in! Btw, I see you're looking for Warrick. He's hiding under my sister's bed. :p Whereas I've got Sara under mine. :D

Ann, why is Pallas' (Jorja) husband an ass? Is that his name? :lol:
Alyssa, I'm giving you a huge hug now... *hugs Alyssa and wipes her tears away* I'm sorry sweetheart.. Bad things does happen to good people. It almost always does. I lost my grandfather whom I haven't seen in years a few months ago, and my brother lost his friend just recently. They might have left without saying goodbye but before they went, they gave us the most wonderful gift that we can ever receive in our lives - Memories. They're right here in our hearts. Always. They are in a better place right now, and they are up there looking out for all of us. Be strong Alyssa. She would want you to be. *Huggles*
*Cries into arms on computer desk* Oh.. You sound very much like Roka4CSI, whom I was talking to just after Sharron (my lost.. step-mom) passed away. I feel the need for hugs when talking about her. Thanks, Sabrina. :(
The bastard hits her, Sabrina! :mad: And his name is Nick, which is strange, 'cause... there's also a guy with the last name 'Stokes' in the movie :lol: But the husband is SUCH an ass! :mad:

Alyssa, I'm so sorry :( *huggles* I know it hurts, and I know that it's sad... and like Sabrina said, bad things happen to good people. But know that she's in a better place now and that it was her time to go. The Lord had a plan for her, and there was a reason that she left the world so early. It's okay to cry, it's a sign that you care. I once cried for nearly three hours one night when a friend passed away. But know that even though she is not with us on Earth, she's always with you in your heart :) She's always going to be watching over you.

She will see the snow melt, honey. Believe me, she will.

*huggles again*

:lol: Now I'm tearing-up :lol:
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