Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Okay, so I was sitting here, at my computer and thinking. Then I thought of a question I want to ask all you crazy people.

If you were to be in a movie with Jorja, what would you do?

My answer, SCREAM AS LOUD AS I POSSIBLY CAN! and jump on my bed, and boast it to anyone who would listen. :D
Me, if I was in a project with Jango, I'd have a drink with the gal between takes. Or two. Or three. Of course I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I do make killer daiquiris. :)

Aside from that, I'd probably have to bring a wheelchair or something 'cause I ain't much of a drinker and I know I'm gonna pass out after the third one. Could somebody wheel me back home, please? :lol:
Oops Ann, I thought there are aliens in VT. :lol: 3 guesses why you were rooting for the bad guys: #1. Jorja, #2. Jorja looking hot, #3. Jorja looking hot handling a weapon. Did I get any right? :p

Welcome back Trent! I thought you left for Jorjaville and didn't invite us along. Didn't know where you went. :p I'm glad Asuka is all better. :) Cute name for a PC. I call my PC, PC. I'm not very original I know. :p I think you can find the movies on Ebay, Amazon and surely many other places. About Spiderwoman... I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't know there IS a Spiderwoman! :eek: I've only ever known that spider dude they call Spiderman! Maybe it's because in 1979, I was negative 6 years old. ;) But hey, if there's ever a Spiderwoman movie, Jorja MUST be her! If her costume is anything like Spiderman's... it's enough to make one droooool... And her speed, strength, agility, ability to glide etc. too, of course. :D

Sara, if I were to be in a movie with Jorja, I'll first pinch myself to make sure it's not a dream, then I'll wake up because it's a dream. :p But seriously, I'll probably hide behind a lampost because I'd forget all my lines coz she's there and she's Jorja and she's so awesome I wanna die. :p

ETA: *plops Trent into a wheelbarrow and wheels her back home* :p
Ohmi, if I was ever in a movie wiff thee Jorja, I would shuuurley tackle her, bulldoze her down, and she'd be like, "Cool." Haha, she's such a hippy. *flashes peace sign and smiles* Hee!
SidLer said:

*plops Trent into a wheelbarrow and wheels her back home* :p

Oh thank you, sweetie! Fortunately, I'm skinny enough for Jorja (or anybody) to carry me home or swing me around like a rag doll! Okay, I'm kinda scrawny... :lol:

SidLer said:

About Spiderwoman... I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't know there IS a Spiderwoman! :eek: I've only ever known that spider dude they call Spiderman! Maybe it's because in 1979, I was negative 6 years old. ;) But hey, if there's ever a Spiderwoman movie, Jorja MUST be her! If her costume is anything like Spiderman's... it's enough to make one droooool... And her speed, strength, agility, ability to glide etc. too, of course. :D

Oh dear, did I forget to provide a link? Bad trent. Bad! And yes Sid, Spidey's costume is quite a sight. Ya'll need to behave yourselves now. If anyone needs a rag or something to wipe up the drool...:lol:


Whoa, she DOES look just like Jorja...

Note to Jorja: Drop what you're doing and get on the phone with Chris Claremont RIGHT NOW!!! :lol:
Haha, she does look like spiderwoman.. Except, I really can't picture Jorja climbing a wall and swining from buildings? Unless it's to do some sort of case.. or peace offering.. :lol:
SidLer said:
Oops Ann, I thought there are aliens in VT. :lol: 3 guesses why you were rooting for the bad guys: #1. Jorja, #2. Jorja looking hot, #3. Jorja looking hot handling a weapon. Did I get any right? :p

Nah, of course not :p That's ridiculous, Sabrina! What kind of person do you think I am?? :p *holds up little Jorja flag* :p

Jorja's last line in the movie is "SHIT!" and I literally screamed, "SHIT!" when she died xD
:( She DIED?! Oh no! We must have a funeral, oy vey. This is a sad, sad day for the "Jorgeous Jorja/Sara" Gang. But, on a happier note, I wrote the first chapter in my Sara FanFic. Hehe, it sucks. And it was a very.. hem, interesting beginning. It's called, "All I Need." Take a looksee!
Mini_Catherine said:
Haha, she does look like spiderwoman.. Except, I really can't picture Jorja climbing a wall and swinging from buildings?

I can. Spider-Woman doesn't swing, 'cause she doesn't have webbing like Spider-Man. Besides, she can fly now. Oh yeah, and no precog, either. You gotta admit though, the wall-crawling thing is really cool.

Jorja would have the time of her life running and jumping around like a giant spider. Of course she'd HAVE to buff up for the role. If Tobey Maguire can do it then there's NO excuse. :lol:
trent_bowie said:
And yes Sid, Spidey's costume is quite a sight.
trent!! :eek: You're a VERY NAUGHTY girl!! I think you just killed me!! BLAM BLAM BLAM is all I can say! :devil: (We need to buy her a sweater. She's gonna catch a cold wearing that. :p :lol:)

quoth_the_raven said:
Jorja's last line in the movie is "SHIT!" and I literally screamed, "SHIT!" when she died xD
She sure knows how to exit in style! :lol:
SidLer said:

trent!! :eek: You're a VERY NAUGHTY girl!! I think you just killed me!! BLAM BLAM BLAM is all I can say! :devil: (We need to buy her a sweater. She's gonna catch a cold wearing that. :p :lol:)

Hey, I didn't design the costume, okay? I DID warn you guys. :lol: Admittedly, it did kinda freak me out as a kid. She looks way better in civvies, anyway. Hmm, jeans, muscle shirt, denim jacket and boots. In black. Much better. Jorja don't need to wear that neon bright red (I'm blind, I'm blind!) costume. :p
I think she's all set in the costume department. Day costume, Night costume. Even her hair changes color. :lol: And she won't easily catch a cold wearing those as compared to that "I'm blind, I'm blind!" red one. :p :lol:

I wanna see JF pregnant! Need to get FFTH!

ETA: Wow! So most of you have seen FFTH? I'm so jealous! :p
she really shows the pregnancy emotions.
only part of the movie i dont like her in is the Work suit
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