Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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hahaha okay I go away for a few days and I come back to find us going to Jorja's house..which by the way i am totaly in!!! I think if we show up with beer and mallows Jorja will let us in emedatly!!!!
SANE fans? Where?? WHERE?! All I see is a bunch of girls in white jumpsuits with mallows in their hair and hands and mouth and the beer truck parked around the corner. On wait, I think I'm one of those jumpsuit loonies. :p

SQUEE! Sara's birthday is a month and a day from today!! Get your prezzies ready gals! :D I wonder what Sara'd like for her birthday? :p
Hmm, Chemlab 5000? Or maybe.. uhm.. beer and marshmallows? LOL

I have the flu atm, so I won't be online that much the following days. :) Sane fans.. are so.. insane.
Another entomology textbook maybe? ;) I think Sara's the type who doesn't like anyone to make a big deal out of her birthday. She'll hang out with her friends at the bar, drink tequila shots, get on the dancefloor and a few hours later she'll call it a night. The next day she'll turn up at work on time as usual. :)

Btw Roos, hope you'll get better soon!
Hmm, yeah, on time.. but with a banging headache. And I think she'll have a drinking contest with her friends. Sara wins, of course. :)

And, Sab, thanks!
She's a champion beer chugger, she'll definitely win! But things are not going to be pretty the day after. :eek: That's where we come in. We'll camp out at her house and nurse her back to health. ;)
We'll play Maggie Doyle, Sabrina! :D We're going to have a party.. a huge party. We'll drink loads of beers with the jorjeous. We'll give her loads of gifts. Coz' she deserves them. :)
Wow , this thread is weird.

But I love it. :D

Okay, so yesterday I was sitting at the dinner table with my family. My Mom laughed at some joke my brother made or something, and I just started laughing! Because I noticed that she has this space in between her two front teeth, and it reminded me of Jorja, with reminded me of Marshmellows.

I got weird looks from my family, but it was really funny.
LOL, you thought only this thread was weird? Sara, I have to tell you something. Just a little secret.. ; WE ARE ALL WEIRD! :D
This thread is hysterical, I have to agree. I disappear for awhile, and then I come back, and the topic has totally changed. Marshmallows I know about, but I missed the start of the beer! Man... although that must come from the interview, where she says she has a beer belly/gut, but she wants to keep drinking beer?

You know what I just realized? You know how everyone has been saying that Sara had a "happy" year? Well, yeah... she was in love! Cool beans.

Anywho, I'm going to read backwards, and try to get caught up again... although I'm leaving for a week, so I s'pose I'll talk to you when I get home!
Hello Jorjaddicts! (cute). Haven't been here in aaaaaaaages. It's good to be back! Anything I should know about? Is there any news about our Jorja?
Ok, this is like the craziest thread ever...

but hey, I'm crazy so pass the marshmallows and let's adore her together... :p
Man I missed this thread!!! I ain't been here in ages :( Been watching lots of Jorja/Sara though :p So I haven't abandoned the Jorja train ^_^ I brought Marshmallows back from my non existent trip :p *throws them in the air* QUICK! Catch them.... before they go to Marshmallow heaven :(

Woo Jorja! !
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