Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I'm here! Dunno where everyone else went though. :p Jorjaddicts! That's brilliant girls!

At a JA (Jorjaddicts Anonymous) meeting...

Me: Hiiii!! My name is SABRINA!! And I'm a Jorjaddict!!!

Everyone: *jumping up and down* HII SABRINAAA!!!

Me: *Waves a Jorja flag and throws marshmallows into the air*

Everyone: Mallows!!! Jorjaaaa!!! WOOOOT!! *all start to boogie*

That's how us bunch of loonies will act when we're high on sugar! :lol: Hello fellow Jorjaddicts! :D
OMG!, Sabrina, you're sooo funny! :lol:

We don't want to go in rehab, that's the point of the JA-meetings. Cause the addiction is too good! :D :) We should get real meetings. And I already know the location.
WOOT! Follow me everyone! :D Jorja's gonna get the biggest shock of her life! And we kinda look icky with mallows all over our hands and mouths. :p
LOL! Don't forget to bring the beer, she'll probably like it, a lot. :D And uhm, have we got any spare mallows? I hope so! :)
Beers and a truckload full of mallows are on its way! :D Okay viewers, keep tuning in to the adventures of Jorja and the Jorjaddicts. (We will be back after we've cleaned ourselves up. :p)
*Scrubs mallows from hands* Heh, sh*t.. it won't get off my hands! Ah, when I drink the beer, it'll probably go away. Beer cleans everything! Well, not everything.. you'll get drunk.. and when you drink too much, your liver will be..
*okay, shuts up* :)
:lol: You're funnie Roos! I think we ought to ask Jorja if beer cleans everything. Maybe she'll do an experiment with us. :) ...That is IF she doesn't slam the door in our faces because we're so weird. :eek:
Well, we can act like normal people while we're at the door. Right?


Then we can go crazy as she graciously lets us into her home, because we brought beer and marshmellows. :D
I bet Jorja'll go crazy too, if she sees us.

Jorja: Looky-looky, what do we have here! The insane people!
Us: *Puppy Eyes* Can we please come in?
Jorja: *Looks at truck* What does it contain?
Us: Beer, marshmellows..
Jorja: Ofcourse you can come in!
Us: *Running like insane people to get in her house*
Jorja: Yeah. Just what I thought you'd do. Insane...
I don't think she's ever had sane fans before. So there's no reason for us to sane-itize ourselves I guess. :p

Who over here CAN'T WAIT for Season 7?? I can't!! You guys, what do you think if Sara sports a short new 'do like this. Isn't it sexy? :D
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