*cracks knuckles* Alright, peeps, let the master of obsessive-compulsive-disorder and all that fun stuff have a bit of air-time
I suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder; actually it's both a gift and a curse. But I'm pretty sure Sara has OCD and that it ranges from mild to major at different times. During cases that cause her all sorts of mental anguish (ie rape cases, child abuse cases, domestic violence cases), she gets very agitated very easily. She feels like she
has to solve the case as quickly as possible and that she can't rest, sleep or eat until it's finished and the bad guys are put behind bars.
OCD makes you feel like you
have to do all sorts of crazy things; disinfect things of all germs, wash hands excessively (I know, my hands used to bleed and crack all the time), count things a certain number of times, and organize anything and everything. Sara's form of OCD just takes a different form; self-destruction and mental stress. She feels as though she isn't doing enough to help the victims when really she's doing more than she really can do. And because of this, she doesn't pay any attention to her own personal needs (she may not even do it intentionally).
You've Got Male, at the very end of the episode we see Sara throw out her take-out menus, catalogues and food in her fridge. This tells you that she feels pressured by her peers to get out more and have a life outside of work; that she feels pressured to fit in with the crowd, if you will. She's forcing herself out of her comfort zone to prove herself and try to be 'normal' in everyone else's eyes. I know exactly how that feels; in school I was never 'cool' enough, or athletic enough, or so on, so forth.
Having OCD doesn't mean you're crazy, it's just an inbalance of chemicals in your brain (oooh, freaky!
). But as
trent said, part of Sara's problem might be from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), as the poor dear has been through many traumatic things in her life. But PTSD combined with OCD? Whew, you've got a field day.
So to end my long post, I think Sara definitely has OCD, it just takes on different forms (which is normal; that happens to everyone who has OCD)