Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Gorgeousity. I like it. :lol:

Model 1: Eh. Who is she?
Model 2: She's that chick from CSI.
Model 1: She's gorgeous.
Model 2: But she's got a slight tummy.
Model 1: Yeah. That's a pity. At least mine's taut.
Sabrina: *pumps air into model's tummy*
Model 2: Eeek!
Model 1: Ack!!
Model 2: What the hell happened to your tummy?!
Sara: OMG! Get over yourselves! It's just a bloody tummy!
*Models cry and run home to mommy*

And that is how cool she is. :cool:


I'm glad all of you know the dangers of eating disorders. You make me proud. That's why I love you guys so much. :)

Jorja/Sara does have the "girl next door" look. If only she were my girl next door. I'd go to her house and borrow some sugar everyday. ;)
:lol: Sabrina, you always make me laugh :p

Crysthala, I'm actually not one hundred percent sure now! But if I find it I'll send you the link in a PM ;)

x_lea_x, what is it with kids and pitchforks today? :p *tsk, tsk, tsk...*

Janet... :lol: This doesn't surprise me since we're basically the same person, but Jorja reminds me of Sandra Bullock just a little too :lol:
About the beer belly:

She just rocks. It's just.. normal. I've got a beer belly too, and I always wanted to get it away, but when I figured Jorja has one too, I actually loved it. She's a role model for lots of teens with eating disorders.. I mean like *is mentioning names, sorry for their fans, no offense* Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie, they were as skinny as (...)! Lucklily LH has gained some weight, but I mean, Nicole Richie's still thin! I liked her when she didn't wear those designer clothes and when she had some fat. But since..

I'm just creating a story here :lol:
*at modeling agency*
Poster says: Looking for models with a little extra.
*Sara goes in*
Sara: I saw the poster, look! *points at belly*
Modeling Agency Guy: You're perfect! Tonight you're flying to LA for a shoot with Armani!
Sara: But.. I have a case to solve!

-To be continued-
quoth_the_raven said:
...but Jorja reminds me of Sandra Bullock just a little too :lol:

Eh, Sandra Bullock's okay, but she has this really whiny voice. Jorja's is easier on my ears, husky and not as squeaky.

Bummer note. I just found out that Syd Barrett (that's the dude that was in Pink Floyd before he went nuts) died this past Friday.

Bummer. Bummer, bummer, bummer and bummer...
Hey guys. I visited this thread a REALLY long time ago, but got bored and saw it, and decided to look at it. You know what I found out? You guys are insane!

I'll fit right in. :p
Hey, SaraSullivan!

We're so insane, this is the INSANITY-thread! :D All insane people.. are insane here! LOL
quoth_the_raven said:
x_lea_x, what is it with kids and pitchforks today? :p *tsk, tsk, tsk...*

Too much shrek I believe ;)
and yeah this thread is a little crazy... but I think the title just gets everyone too excited... who can blame us :p ............. Jorja......... *jumps up and down*
*jumps up and down with lea*

lol I'm dancing to The Ex by Billy Talent. It's so funny to dance to.. cause you go crazy =D

Whoever thought of Jorjeous Jorja as the thread title was a Jorginius. LOL! GET IT? GET IT?? I know.. its corny. =D but I'm insane, so I'm allowed to be corny.
I'm the Jorginius! :lol: LOL! I'm dancing up and down on Banquet by Bloc Party. It makes me think of Jorja, I don't know why. Well, everything makes me think of her, actually. :)
trent_bowie said:
Eh, Sandra Bullock's okay, but she has this really whiny voice. Jorja's is easier on my ears, husky and not as squeaky.

You're right, actually! Sandra Bullock is hilarious and a great actress, but her voice does get annoying after awhile... Jorja's got sort of a tom-boyish-sounding voice, but when she goes higher (like when she's acting and her character's mad requiring the higher tone ;)), it's not squeaky and annoying. :p
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