Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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SidLer said:

trent, Jango Fox sounds kinda... hot. :devil:

Welllll, normally I'd agree with you, but...

dude lost his head.
SidLer said:
I think anything with "Fox" is hot. ;) If you put a Fox after your name you're smokin'!

ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: *wipes away tears* I'm sorry, Sabrina, but... my therapist's name is Dr. Fox, and he's an old balding guy who looks like he dressed himself in the dark. His glasses could pick up cable and he smells like old coffee and body odor :lol: :p

Hehe, I do rather like Jango Fox as well :lol:
<rolling all over the floor, laughing like a complete lunatic> AAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA! AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAH! AHAHH! AHHA! AH! AH! Hah! heh... whoo... (are you)
Dude, I freakin' LOVE THIS THREAD!
That's really weird, trent_bowie. I spent several hours today looking at the vast Wikipedia net of Star Trek stuff. It's put me in a CSI mood, oddly enough, which pisses me off royally because my laptop's being difficult again and I can't go downstairs and watch it because I have a bedroom curfew of 11:00... >.< NOOO I NEED MY SARA! AND MY GRISSOM! AND... AND.. and... I think I'll go on a fanfic binge. Scuzzi.
Crysthala you're... really weird. :lol: I love it. :lol:

quoth_the_raven said:
ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: *wipes away tears* I'm sorry, Sabrina, but... my therapist's name is Dr. Fox, and he's an old balding guy who looks like he dressed himself in the dark. His glasses could pick up cable and he smells like old coffee and body odor :lol: :p
Hey he could've once been a hot jock back in High School ya know? ;) See if you can find his yearbook pic. His name is Fox! So he gotta be hot once upon a time!

trent, did the dude literally lost his head or did he, umm, become mentally unsound? :eek:
SidLer said:

trent, did the dude literally lost his head or did he, umm, become mentally unsound? :eek:

Literally, my dear. Lemme put it to you this way: one minute he was mano a mano against Mace Windu, then next, his (scoopable) helmet was bouncing on the arena floor.

Those Jedi don't play...

Wait...wait. THIS JUST IN!!!

Geonosis Kid #1: Oh my God! He killed Jango!

Geonosis Kid #2: You bad mother-

Mace Windu: Shut your mouth!

Geonosis Kid #2: Yes sir...
SidLer said:
Crysthala you're... really weird. :lol: I love it. :lol:
Whoi thankee, m'dear. I'm flattered. You know what they say, though. "The only thing weirder than strawberry-flavored mice with monkey tails hanging upside down on a purple chandelier by their warp zappers is juiced frying pans tapdancing around none of the above while slowly cursing their own juxtaposed jiggliness." (It's worth mentioning that by "they," Crysthala means the voices in her head, who, while not always entirely coherent, tell her things she has no right to know and do things without her permission and then don't tell her about them. They appear occasionally.)
I think he literally lost his head, CSI-spraying gore style. But I dunno.
Funny story, once I was talking with a friend I hadn't spoken to in awhile, and we got started talking about CSI... the first thing he said was
Crysthala said:
once I was talking with a friend I hadn't spoken to in awhile, and we got started talking about CSI... the first thing he said was

:lol: That's what I always do, especially when I go to the swimming pool and I read those huge writings on the walls... CSI everywhere! :lol: (CSI stands for Italian Sport Center). Once I wrote "feat. Jorja Fox" under one of the CSIs of the posters in the changing rooms. :lol:
OMG! :lol: I love this thread! Crazy people everywhere! Crazy people do make me feel crazy, so I'm going to tell you a story now too, because Sabrina said everything with Fox is hot. Okay here it comes:

I have this teacher, he teaches me English (he does his job bad, as you can see) and he's as round as err.. a bowling ball. And guess what? His name's...

F+O+X=FOX. Yeah. :lol: New mathematic formula :lol:
trent_bowie said:
Geonosis Kid #1: Oh my God! He killed Jango!
Geonosis Kid #2: You bad mother-
Mace Windu: Shut your mouth!
Geonosis Kid #2: Yes sir...
Mother what? Motherboard? Mother bear? *blinks* So Jango's dead eh? Don't worry, they've now got Jango II - the Foxay version. :devil:

You're welcome Crys. Strawberry-flavored mice with monkey tails and juiced frying pans. :lol: It must be one hell of a riot there in your head. :lol:

Yup Roos, Sara once said that crazy people make her feel crazy. But over here I can't tell who's sane and who's whacked. :lol: I think everyone's a nutjob! :p

That's it! It's so clear now why Jorja's so popular and hot! I'm going to Foxify my name to Sabrina Fox. That oughta get me dates. :p

Btw, does anyone know if Sara has a birthday?
SidLer said:

Mother what? Motherboard? Mother bear? *blinks*

*press fingers to temples, shakes head and sighs* Haven't you people ever heard of Shaft? Aaaargh. How do I explain this while still remaining PG-13? Okay, kids. The dialogue should be obvious, since it's (kinda) ripped from South Park with the usual Stan/Kyle thing. The variation comes from a rather common theme in Samuel L. Jackson's career alluding to two of his many famous roles. First, there's Shaft, with that song with apparently ya'll are too young to remember.


Okay, Sidler, think back to Pulp Fiction when Jules (Jackson) had that wallet with three words on it. That's all I'm gonna say...

SidLer said:
Btw, does anyone know if Sara has a birthday?

September 16, 1971
LMAO... hey, that means that Sara's birthday is coming up in a few months! Woohoo! I love celebrating birthdays.

Okay, medical question. My hand is pulsing. I'm staring at it right now, and I can see/feel it pulsing. Why might this be? Is there an alien living in there or something? I don't understand...

And CSI, in Italian, stands for Italian Sports Center? I don't think I could get anything done in that kind of an environment. It would be a constant reminder of the show, which... doesn't leave much room for other thoughts, whn I really get going.

Hmm. Cool, though!
SidLer said:
Strawberry-flavored mice with monkey tails and juiced frying pans. :lol: It must be one hell of a riot there in your head. :lol:... I think everyone's a nutjob! :p
Yes, it is. And normal people are weird.
Zan1781, that feeling in your hands, that's what happens when you have a pulse.
Zan1781, that feeling in your hands, that's what happens when you have a pulse.

But it's in the skin in between my thumb and my pointer finger. Strange! I don't like it!

So besides modeling, what else did Jorja do before she started acting? Does anyone know? I didn't even know that she modeled... that was interesting in itself! (although... I kind of like her current pictures more than I liked those modeling poses. Now, she's got the 'girl next door' appearance!).
Honey, it's probably nothing too serious, since your hand just happens to have the radial artery.

However, have you been typing for a while now? If so, then perhaps you need to take a break. Typing at a keyboard for hours on end could cause you to develop carpal tunnel syndrome which makes your hands hurt and possibly pulse like you're describing. Why not take a break, stretch all your limbs and take deep breaths. You'll feel better. :)
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