Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Trent_Bowie is so cool, she makes liquid nitrogen look like a poser.
Zan, I totally agree there. The poses make her look weird.
*blushes* Awww, shucks, Chrysthala! You're making me blush. And call me trent. :)

I could never see the point of modelling anyway. I look at all these pictures with those models in all sorts of weird positions and I wonder, "Who on Earth would subject themselves to this?"
Okay, then, Trent! You can call me Crys. ^.^
I know. And models tend to act weird. And they're almost solely responsible for eating disorders IMO. Not Jorja of course, just those digitally altered stick people. Models (most of them) are right up there with Bill O' Reilly, Wal-Mart, and American Idol in my "Tools of the Devil" list.
Trent, thanks :). I disappeared for a little bit, and all is well in the world!

But yeah. I don't know! She just looks more "real" on the show, I guess... or in the screencaps. Not all made up... ya know what I mean?
I'm really excited for the seventh season this year! I really want to see how Sara's character develops and I want to learn more about her past (to see if my suspicions and theories are correct! The suspense is killing me!).

My post was random :lol: Anyways, I was reading an article in my sister's PETA magazine and apparently Jorja became a vegetarian while eating a meatball sub. It just 'clicked'...


:lol: What was really strange was that that same night I had a meatball sub for dinner :lol: :p (but the meatballs were frozen and it kinda sucked...)

ETA: OMG! :lol: I read a Q&A article with Jorja that just made me crack up when it got to this question-- :lol:

What is your fancy dress costume of choice?

My birthday suit.

:lol: :p
:lol: Yeah, that is so great. That's weird, she seriously became a vegetarian while eating a meatball sandwich? Subway must be so depressed...
I can understand, because I was a vegetarian for two years. It happened while I was eating a chicken nugget at school. Then again, school food can just make you stop eating entirely.

And Ann, I remember that question from the interview. I remember thinking, well, nm :).
Zan1781 said:
Then again, school food can just make you stop eating entirely.
Noo! Don't stop eating entirely! :( This is somewhat OT, but I suffered from an eating disorder for two years when I was in my late teens. (I'm 21 now.) It was horrible. I looked malnourished, had trouble breathing and I was cold all the time. Fortunately I woke up and I'm better now. I'm speaking from experience, and risking your health is not the way to go. Girls, never, ever think you're not thin or pretty enough. Love yourself the way you are. Quoting a few lines from Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful"... "You are beautiful no matter what they say, words can't bring you down..." Please remember that. :)

Crysthala said:
And models tend to act weird. And they're almost solely responsible for eating disorders IMO. Not Jorja of course, just those digitally altered stick people.
You know what I love about Jorja? The fact that she's not stick-skinny like most actresses you see on screen. She has a beer gut, and in the interview she admits that she dislikes that about her appearance; but she also said that she's not going to quit chugging down beer anytime soon. She's that cool. Beer gut, schmeer gut. It doesn't bother her. And I don't see her sucking in her tummy in any of the episodes either. She's so comfortable in her own skin, and she doesn't give a rat's ass what people say about her tummy. And that, my friends, is admirable. Btw, I think she looks cute. She looks human. :)

trent, I was just teasing you when I asked mother- what? ;) Your explanation is so cute though. :lol: I know that theme song from Shaft. I'm such an oldie. :( And that wallet from Pulp Fiction – my brother used to have that till my mom made him throw it away. :p

Mark your calendars for Sep 16 ladies! We're gonna throw our babe a huge b-day celebration! :D Wouldn't it be nice if the gang throw Sara a surprise party in an episode? Everyone will buy her the same gift – silk robes. ;)
You know what, Sabrina? My mom had an eating disorder, too, so I know where you're coming from. It's not the thing to do, people!

And you're right about Jorja and the beer gut. As long as she does what she wants to do she's happy! :D Why aren't more people like that, seriously? ;)
quoth_the_raven, I am digging on your banner. Where in cyberspace did you get that excellent font? We wants it, precious...
SidLer, it's totally awesome how comfortable with herself Jorja is. She's like, "Um, if you have a problem with me, that's too bad, because I don't give a damn." It's so freakin' COOL. I find it amazing how easy it is to manipulate people using their appearance; why is it so important, seriously? Besides, Jorja's hot as it is.
I actually think she's very prety... I tend to not really like the whole "model" look, anyhow (then again, that could be because I'm not model!). But... Jorja Fox reminds me a LITTLE bit of Sandra Bullock. Just that 'girl next door' appearance.

And beer gut? Nah, she doesn't really even have one! She looks average. Average is what we should be portraying... not someone who is like, 90 pounds or something (unless... 90 pounds is considered average for your age/height).

But I digress. Don't even get me started on eating disorders. Been there, done that, too. Not smart!
Talking of quoth_the_ravens banner, i've had a song in my head all day 'i know where to run, and know where to hide' << just that line, i had finally got it out....and guess what... it's back *grabs pitchfork* :devil: ;)

And talking or Jorja's beer belly, she looks pretty hot with it anyway :p hope it never leaves...bless it..what i'd give to be that beer belly *cough* I didn't say that :cool: But I like that she don't care what she looks like...makes me respect her more :D
^You know that's what i love about her... that she is so Down to earth. She says whatever is on her mind she doesnt give a damn who likes it or not. She is not like other celebrities (not going to mention names) but i damn she is just so down to earth and so GORGEOUS!
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