Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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quoth_the_raven said:
trent_bowie said:
Eh, Sandra Bullock's okay, but she has this really whiny voice. Jorja's is easier on my ears, husky and not as squeaky.

You're right, actually! Sandra Bullock is hilarious and a great actress, but her voice does get annoying after awhile... Jorja's got sort of a tom-boyish-sounding voice, but when she goes higher (like when she's acting and her character's mad requiring the higher tone ;)), it's not squeaky and annoying. :p

Lalalala, *agrees* Jorja has such a cute voice! :) (well, everything's cute about her)
Hey guys. I visited this thread a REALLY long time ago, but got bored and saw it, and decided to look at it. You know what I found out? You guys are insane!

I'll fit right in.

We are kinda insane, aren't we? Hmm... nice!

And Trent, that's sad about Syd Barrett :(.
We're insane? <looks around, shifty eyes> Realllly? YEAH! WE ARE INSANE! Dude, I totally hadn't noticed! :lol:
Poor Syd. :(
My fish died today :(. I know that my fish isn't a person, but... I'm very sad for my fish. Poor fishy.

I think I need to go watch a happy CSI episode. A happy Jorja episode, I should say.
Sorry to hear that, Zan.

There's a happy CSI episode? Musta missed it...:confused:
Sorry about your fish Zan. :( *huggles* What's his/her name? If it makes you feel any better I had 30 fish once and they all died. I'm a fish killer. :(

Maybe not happy episodes trent, but weird ones. Fur and Loathing and King Baby are a few of the crazies. :eek:

Welcome to the nuthouse JorjaFoxHot! Jorja. Fox. Hot. Those words are like hot potatoes! :D

RoosCSILover said:
I'm just creating a story here :lol:
*at modeling agency*
Poster says: Looking for models with a little extra.
*Sara goes in*
Sara: I saw the poster, look! *points at belly*
Modeling Agency Guy: You're perfect! Tonight you're flying to LA for a shoot with Armani!
Sara: But.. I have a case to solve!

-To be continued-
:lol: Funny stuff Roos. More please!

I love Sandra B. Jorja and her are similar in some ways. They're both smart women, beautiful, they're not in the news for their extravagant shopping trips or crashing their latest BMWs (unlike some people), and they're both talented actresses. Both have done high-profile shows (Sandra – Speed & Crash, Jorja – ER) and also shows where they kick ass (Sandra – Miss Congeniality, Jorja – CSI & West Wing) Out of 10, I'd rate Sandra 10 and Jorja 11. :D I'm biased. ;)
trent_bowie said:
Sorry to hear that, Zan.

There's a happy CSI episode? Musta missed it...:confused:

Man! I typed up a response, and then it disappeared. But yeah. Mr. Blue. I work in a... unique environment, and everyone liked Mr. Blue. They talked to him, fed him, went out of their way to see him. And he's been sick for a week now (just listless, not eating, and leaning), and everyone's been worried. He'll be missed!

And as for happy episodes, sure! Any ep that has a "happy" Sara moment in it. I especially like Unfriendly Skies (or whatever it's called). That one shows that Sara can be a wild woman (mile high club :D).

But speaking of funny Sara moments, does anyone have any favorites? I'm also partial to the exploding toilet scene... good stuff!


And SidLer, thanks for your sorry and the hug. His name was Mr. Blue, and it's a long story how I got him. I'm kinda glad that he passed away, dumb as that sounds. I was going to send around an allstaff e-mail today to see if someone could... help him... because he didn't look good at all. You could tell it wasn't going to be long. Poor guy.
No problem Zan. Mr. Blue. What a nice, strong name. I named my favorite fish Spike. One day when I came home from school, they were swimming funny. Some were going sideways and the rest were upside-down. I knew then something was wrong... but it was too late. :( Think of Jorja and Sara. She'll make you smile. It'll be better soon. :)
See, Mr. Blue was a funny fish. I told y'all that I work with adults who have disabilities. Well I love one of my consumers to pieces. She's amazing, and has two kids. They don't have much, but... they're a great family. I wanted to give them all of my playstation games for Christmas, but I knew she wouldn't take them, so... I traded them for Mr. Blue (because her cat hated the fish, and she wanted to find Mr. B a good home). So Mr. Blue came to live with me (although she "babysat" him for a few more months)... except... he was purple. And her kids will be really sad when they find out that he's not alive anymore. I think he was old for a fish, though, so... ick.

Anyhow, Sara will make me smile. She's a cool character. Very strong yet vulnerable. It's hard to be vulnerable, and I'm glad that she's finally opening up to someone!
Zan1781 said:
\And as for happy episodes, sure! Any ep that has a "happy" Sara moment in it. I especially like Unfriendly Skies (or whatever it's called). That one shows that Sara can be a wild woman (mile high club :D).

But speaking of funny Sara moments, does anyone have any favorites? I'm also partial to the exploding toilet scene... good stuff!

Ooh, I love her in Bodies In Motion, especially when Greg gets all the fluid in his face, that's dead funny (hmm, sounds like a Jorja-movie :rolleyes: :p)

And yes, Unfriendly Skies is one of my favorite Jorja-episodes too, Zan! She kicks ass in that epi! :D My favorite part is telling Grissom about 'the sex on great heights', oh I love that part :lol:

Okay, here's the rest of the story, or else I will keep you waiting for a month, not a nice idea :lol:

Sara at the model agency, part err, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc.

MAG: Yes, you have a case to solve. A case. What case?
Sara: I'm with da CL, ya know (wants to sound tough)
MAG: Ah, perfect model with brains!
Sara: Unlike other models.
MAG: We'll get you the photo shoot on the crime scene.
Sara: Okay, see you tonight.
*Sara goes to crime lab*
Grissom: Where have you been?
Sara: Oh, I'm going to be a model.
Grissom: You serious? D'you have to go to LA and stuff, now?
Sara: No, they'll come at the Crime Scene.
Grissom: Okay, I'll process it, then.
*later that night*
Sara poses in front af the camera, looking sexy
Photographer: Nice, nice, you're going to be the greatest model in the world!

*lala, and after that shoot, Sara is indeed the best model in the world, they'll always shoot in Vegas for her, and the shows will come to Vegas too.*

Nice heh? So, this was my present to say goodbye to you all, bye bye! Kissie Kissie. :eek:
SidLer said:
...or crashing their latest BMWs (unlike some people)

:lol: :lol: :lol: That is so true :lol: :p

I was just thinking... I've been re-watching Too Tough to Die, and I was a bit mad at Grissom for one of his comments to Sara. When she's on the computer looking through the missing-persons files and he tells her she needs a diversion? The poor dear's probably never heard that word directed at her in her life. Her work is her diversion; it's her release to escape herself. I know it was all in good heart, he was concerned, but... he shouldn't have said this:

"You've gotta find something to like. Otherwise you're going to end up spending all your time in hospitals trying to help the people you couldn't save."-- And then he mentions her burning-out.

Now before anyone gets on me, let me explain my reasoning :p

Sara's life is her work. Burning-out... she's terrified of that! If she burns out, then she'll no longer to do the only thing she knows how to do to escape her own personal demons. She's never even considered doing something else; in her CBS bio it says she's afraid of what she'd find out about herself if she ever slowed down. Grissom's known her longer than she's known anyone else in Vegas- wouldn't he be able to notice that from spending so much time with her?

Then again, it is Grissom :p (and I'm not bashing GSR, I love GSR ;))
Grissom has a diversion. He rides roller coasters, or at least he used to. But now he has Sara. :lol:
My favorite Sara moment would probably have to be when she was like "I know who I am, I think you're a little confused" back there in the days of the first few episodes.
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