Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Haha after reading that I sooo myspaced Jorja fox, but so many come up, and well it's all fake, but if you search the characters, you see thats there's loads of role play going on, so thinf thtat could exist with the 'acters;' too :p hehe srry from abrs spelling wil correct tomox if i remember but a little tipsy here ;P
Crysthala said:

Jorja has a website??!!?!??!???!?!?!?!? GIMME! GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME!

It's all right, honey. I've got the link, Mmm-Kaay? :lol:

And here it is. A few things, though. First, it takes forever to load, since it's flash-heavy. If you happen to have any kind of pop-up blocking software, press the "ctrl" button on your keyboard whilst clicking on the "Entrance" button (no, I'm not a nerd). A new window that you can't resize will pop-up and loop this spacey music while it's loading. When it is ready, you can click the enter button (okay fine, I'm a nerd). Another thing, the site doesn't seem to like Firefox (which I prefer over IE. Black japan style is easier on my eyes) for some reason. It'll freeze at "entrance" and not respond to any kind of input.

ANYway, Once you click the button, you will get a flash animation with the word "alchemy" flushed to the left. Each letter is a link to the section to the site.

A is basically the definition of the word alchemy.
L is a list of Jorja's favorite links, including PETA, Amnesty International USA, Human Rights Campaign, etc.
C is the commentary section where Jorja vents. And man, does she let it rip...
H is the jukebox. Click on any song and it will loop over and over and over again. There's no way to turn it off so forget about spinning "See Emily Play" on Winamp while you're over there. I mean you could, but the resulting silmutaneous noises might not sound very good, especially with the treble on the site being a little rough on my ears (ouch). The song selection's okay, but I do NOT care for Dave Matthews. Bonus points for Wille, Bonnie, the Doobs and the Bobs, though.
E is a bunch of quotes. Cool stuff.
M is the photo gallery.
Y is where you get to send feedback. On top is the email to the site and the rest of links to various organizations where you can get involved, like the breast cancer site, animal rescue, etc.

The only complaint I have about it, besides the browser issue is that the window is so doggone small. I am seriously myopic enough as it is without me having to crane my neck to see it. Is a resizable window too much to ask? :lol:

Well kids, go on and pop over there (with magnifying glasses :lol:) and have fun!
Ooh I didn't post a day and I missed so much! Thanks for all the Jorja Bdae wishes everyone. I hope she comes here and read our posts. :) In case she does, *waves to Jorja and blows kissies*

trent_bowie said:
Happy Hippy Birthday, Jorja! It's also my mum's b'day so you're in good company!

Drink one for me...
By the looks of it I think you've had enough to drink missy. :p Here's wishing your mom a belated Happy Birthday. :)

You guys have sung Happy Birthday in English, Dutch, French, Italian, German, Latin, Arabic and Spanish! :lol: She's a very lucky girl isn't she? :)

Cordelia_GRS_Fan said:
My lil sis was born today...another one lol. Wanna know what she's called? Georgia Serenity
That's a really pretty name! :D Congrats to you and your family!

*sprinkles baby fairy dust*


She will grow up into a feisty little miss, and a beautiful one too. So be prepared to watch her kick butt. ;)

Thanks for the link trent. Am I the only loser here who has had to look up the meaning of the word "alchemy"? :p It means "pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times" btw. And don't ask me what "pseudoscientific" means. Anybody want to look that word up? :p

Jorja. Her name is just
don't you think?
I forgot why I love this thread so much! Soo friendly!

Dictionaries. I hate that about them! You always have to look up the word in the definition of the word that you're looking up. So silly.

Sara... I love Sara. I'm in a very squee-ey mood, and I'm in CSI withdrawl, and... Sara. She's the best character! I hope TPTB continue to develop her character next season. OMG! THAT STINKS! I just realized that CSI is on Thursdays, and one of my classes is on Thursdays! And I have a 2 hour commute... *does the math* Class gets out at 7:00pm... two-hour drive... man, that's close! *sniffle* I'm dropping out.
Hehe I love dictionaries! It's one of my favorite books. :) Do you wonder if there is another word for "thesaurus"? You can look that word up in a thesaurus. ;)

We're friendly people. We're all about da LOVE. :D

I definitely want character development and continuity. I hope they won't just let her hair grow longer and call that development! And hey, what's this about dropping out of school? *drags Zan back in* :p
Hehe... It's for my ph.d, and... *sniffle* I want to watch CSI! Damn. I should have gone for the M and W classes. What the heck was I thinking?

I was thinking, because as I mentioned, I'm especially squeeish right now, and I can't get the finale out of my mind. How much talent does it take to make people all of the country scream, with something like 15 seconds of screentime? (or 10 seconds, or whatever it is). I remember watching it in NY, and I was talking to Ann on msn. I'm pretty sure I've never gone that crazy before... but her voice, and her expressions were just so amazing. I'm almost tempted NOT to buy the DVD set, because then I'll watch the scene 100 times... okay, who am I kidding. I need the DVD set!
SidLer said:
Am I the only loser here who has had to look up the meaning of the word "alchemy"? :p It means "pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times" btw. And don't ask me what "pseudoscientific" means. Anybody want to look that word up? :p

Hmm, was that supposed to be a challange? *Yaaaawn*

Huh? What? Oh Yeah! "pseudoscience" is literally fake science. In other words, a theory presents itself and a hypothosis is formed, but there is no way that theory can be proven using the scientific method. Examples include phrenology, telepathy, time travel, palmistry, homeopathy, etc. Alchemy was the forefront of the psuedosciences since the main goal of the alchemists was to find a way to change lead into gold. Along the way, modern chemistry was discovered, and while elemental transmutation is not quite possible (yet), new elements have been "created".

Any other questions? :p
OMGoodness you actually looked it up! Thanks trent! :D And no mam, no more questions. :p *crawls back under her rock*

You're taking your PHD Zan? That's great. All the best in your studies. :) I'm currently studying for my degree, and it's been tough juggling school and life (or lack of it). But watching CSI, coming here, talking to my friends and talking about Jorja/Sara keeps me sane. God bless that woman. I don't know what I'll do without her. :) I think she gets an average of 9 minutes/episode of screentime. I don't know for sure, when she's on I just gawk at her, no time to count the seconds. :p
This is the thing I love about this thread. Everybody's so nice, and nobody's all like "RAWR! MY WAY OR TEH HIGHWAY!" And when information is needed/wanted, information is acquired. It's crazy. I love you guys. :lol: :p
I have a question, Trent_Bowie... How is it that you are so awesome?
Thanks so much for the link and the info. trent bowie i really appreciated because every time i used to go there it will take foooorreeeever! and i will just close it! :)
Hey, it was my pleasure, guys. :) I love doing the Wolverine thing (sounds a lot better than "research whore". More suited to a tabloid journalist) and sniff out any info (within reason) I can find. I once spent all day reading up on the Star Wars (Expanded) Universe on Wikipedia. Needless to say, my eyes were crossed.

And now the geek-fest Jorja-definitions:

Jorja Fett

Boba Fox

Jango Fox

May the Fox be with you (The light side of the Fox)

May the Fox serve you well (the dark side of the Fox)

Jor-Ja Binks *dodges rocks, rotten fruit, etc...*

Jorja the Hutt *see above*

Jorja Padawan

Jorja Knight

Jorja Master

Millenium Fox

Princess Leia Jorjana

Qui-Gon Jorj

Fox Vader


Okay, that was pushing it. :D
:lol: Trent, you're so funny!

But did anyone notice the Alchemy on her website is relating to a movie she's ever played in? She played a tomboy in a vineyard or something.. no, it were apples! Jorja the apple-girl! :)

We have this guy in the street, and he owns a VW Fox :lol: And I asked him if I could go on a picture with that car, and he looked at me like: WTF? :eek:
A friend of mine's name is Sara Volpe and 'volpe' in italian means 'fox', so she is Sara Fox, which is a funny coincidence. Unluckily we're not that close, so I can't bother her with all my Jorja/Sara stuff... :lol:
trent, that's hilarious :lol:

Janet, you're going to see CSI and get that PHD, you hear me? :p I command it. You'll still see Sara's character develop, and maybe you could even tape the episodes you may not be able to see? I don't know, but you'll see it! *sniffle* YOU WILL! :p

I was having a conversation with my mom yesterday in the car... I very much enjoyed it :p

Mom: I didn't notice Jorja Fox in ER when I first saw her, but she was really good in that.
Me: *silently cheering* SCORE! Yeah, she was.
Mom: She does really good in CSI, too. I'm sure that when CSI's over she's going to go onto another series.
Me: Of course.

Go Ann's mom! :D And trent, Jango Fox sounds kinda... hot. :devil:

RoosCSILover said:
But did anyone notice the Alchemy on her website is relating to a movie she's ever played in? She played a tomboy in a vineyard or something.. no, it were apples! Jorja the apple-girl! :)
Her character's name is Josie and umm, she looks cute in overalls. That's all I know. :lol:

I think anything with "Fox" is hot. ;) If you put a Fox after your name you're smokin'!
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