Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Isn't it kind of hard to believe Jorja's 38 today??? :lol: She really doesn't look a day over 25 :p

Some people just become more beautiful when they age.
Congrats to you as well, by the way!
And Congratulations to little Georgia Serenity!
Seriously, Jorja's b-e-a-uuuuutiful. And an awesome actress, too. I love the expression on her face when she said "I know who I am, I think you're a little confused." :lol: That scene always makes me crack up.
It was really sweet for your folks to name your new sister Georgia Serenity, Mia-Sara.

Of course you realize with a name like that, she could be a little hellion when she's older. :lol:

Have fun! :lol:
Wow, congrats Mia-Sara! (I didn't see that before... I was kinda working on Thrall II. Sorry.) What a pretty name! I agree with Trent_Bowie up there though, watch out for this one. :lol:
No one sang Happy Birthday to her in Spanish! :eek:

To the lovely Jorja Fox:

Cumpleaños feliz,
Te deseamos a tí,
Y que cumplas muchos años,
Muchos años feliz!

Party and gifts time!
Plus some bubbly for the more mature thread members!
Plus some bubbly for the more mature thread members!

ummm I am 21 I swear :D.

See I officially wished her Happy Birthday with 2 hours to spare, usually I am a week or so late (still haven't given people their christmas prensents yet). It is weird thinking that she is 38, some of my mom's friends are that old :eek:. Jorja looks about a bajillion years younger though :).

My mum and I had this conversation yesterday at dinner:

Mum: So, how old's she?
Roos: Guess?
Mum: 29?
Roos: Aaaaalmoost...
Mum: 30?
Roos: No, 38 :lol:
Mum: woot!
Jorja on myspace? Okay, she's not, I'm sure, but whoever created that profile for her did an interesting job. I was so excited at first... but then when I realized that she only had five friends in her extended network, well, it probably wasn't her. It's not, right? hehe. No, it can't be. It's not.
RoosCSILover said:
Jorja on myspace? Where? Linkie Linkie!

Whoa slow down, kids. I just did a search and it ain't NOwhere. I got this messgae that it was either cancelled or deleted. Obviously a fake.

Of course, I avoid MySpace like the plague. It's too much "Hi, look at me!" with everybody having a looky-loo. Besides, you can lie so much on your profile that a real-life meeting could turn out disappointing to say the least. That, and it's become a favorite stopming ground for online predators.

Besides, Jorja has her own website anyway. Although it would be nice if she'd update once in a while so we know she's alive, at least...
trent_bowie said:
RoosCSILover said:
Jorja on myspace? Where? Linkie Linkie!

Of course, I avoid MySpace like the plague. It's too much "Hi, look at me!" with everybody having a looky-loo. Besides, you can lie so much on your profile that a real-life meeting could turn out disappointing to say the least. That, and it's become a favorite stopming ground for online predators.

Besides, Jorja has her own website anyway. Although it would be nice if she'd update once in a while so we know she's alive, at least

I know it was a fake one, but I wanted to be sure. :) :lol: I have a MySpace, but I'm not online that much, it's only nice to add some bands and get news about their tours and stuff. And I'd be really cool, if Jorja'd update it again :)
I also avoid myspace, mostly because I already have a Xanga and a Livejournal (both under Crysthala, if you'd like to see) and that's good enough for me. Speaking of which, I think I'll upload the rest of Thrall to my LJ...
Jorja has a website??!!?!??!???!?!?!?!? GIMME! GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME!
it's amazing how many fake myspaces are out there....and Jorja does have a website so theres no need for her to have a myspace...though i agree 100%, an up date once in awhile would be nice!!!!!!
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