Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Happy birthday to youuuuu, Happy birthday to youuuuu, Happy birthday dear Jorja and Ann... Happy birthday to YOUUUUU! *muackz to you both* :D

"Auntie trent", trent? :eek: She's so much younger than me so I guess I'm her "auntie" Sabrina too. :eek: ;)

Yup Zan, he did say Moby Dick. I don't think it's a coincidence that it was mentioned in two episodes. I think the writers were teasing us. ;) About your issue, I'm like that too! I've seen Butterflied about a zillion times, and each time I watch it with a pillow in front of my face! I know that's Debbie and not Sara, but she... she looks just like her. :( I get all sad and stuff seeing her lifeless like that on the floor. *cries*

End note - I'm just a happy girl today!
SidLer said:

"Auntie trent", trent? :eek: She's so much younger than me so I guess I'm her "auntie" Sabrina too. :eek: ;)

Well, since I'm literally Sara's age, I think it's safe to say I'm the oldest person on this thread. :lol: Age is just a munber, my dear. And think of the wisdom that goes with it!


And...we're back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Whoo, I've read the last page and a half and talk about a downer.
Why don't we try something a bit more uplifting? Here's a Sara thing we haven't covered yet...the mechanical ability. She can take things apart and put them back together. Cars, killer robots, whatever...if she builds it, it will go. Forge, eat your heart out. :devil:


:eek: Wow! Eight birthday wishes and it's not even July 7 over here yet! :lol: Thank you all so much, it really means a lot to me! :)

I have an Auntie Trent?? :eek: Wow! :D *giggles* Aren't I special! :D And an Auntie Sabrina!?? :eek: WOW! :D

*cough* Annnyyyways, yeah, it's a bit of a downer, Auntie trent ;) :p Hehe, killer robots? :lol: Could you imagine? I bet they'd all come with over 50,000 phrases for telling off Ecklie as well as sass :p

Me: Yeah-HUH!
Robot: NUH-UH!
Robot: Oh, is that all you're going to say? How intelligent.
Me: Shut up, you smart-ass.
Robot: *beeping*
Me: *runs away* AHHHHH!

Yeah, I said killer robots. :) Ya'll remember Precious Metal when Sara and Nick were taking apart the bots and put 'em back together? Imagine if she built one and it tears around the Lab-O-Trail wreaking havoc. :devil:

Ecklie would jump on his desk, screaming bloody murder. :lol:

Enjoy your birthday, Raven!
So, in ten minutes (its now 8.49 am here) it's 0.00 am in LA. So, I'm just going to type.. coz' in ten mins, it's OFFICIALLY THE GODDESS' BIRTHDAY! :D Happy birthday, Ann, as I said you a couple of times before :lol:. And err,

Happy birthday to Jor,
Happy birthday to Jor,
Happy Birthday, Happy birthday,
Happy birthday to Jor

Now in Dutch:

Prettige verjaardag voor Jor,
prettige verjaardag voor Jor,
prettige verjaardag, prettige verjaardag,
prettige verjaardag voor jor

In French:

Bonne anniversaire à Jor,
Bonne anniversaire à Jor,
Bonne anniversaire, bonne anniversaire,
bonne anniversaire à Jor

I don't know it in German, but I think you've understood my message :D 38, can you even imagine? She looks like a teen, or.. no, not a child :lol:

Ann, I think you might read this long after I posted this, but what presents did you get? I hope you've got loads of pretty Jorja ones ;)! Or when you get some money, spend it on Jorja :lol:.

I've been awake now since ten minutes, just to write this post. Nah, I can't sleep anymore now, so, whatever.. I'll just stay awake. I hope Jorja got my letter, that's my B-day present to her.. so. :D.

And, Michelle! Nice to see you back again.. you're not online that much, the last couple of months, I miss you, 'dingie'! :D So, man, 4 mins to type more.

Have you seen the interview with Jorja here? You have to read it, it's so lovely. She's just.. *sigh*, too many words to describe it.

I know one phrase in German! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! That's the phrase I was looking for! It means: My best wishes for your birthday.. to Jorja and Ann. :D

So, I'm having my party later this day.. all my friends come, but only one fellow Jorja-fan. I should have more! So guys, you're all invited :lol:. Bring Heineken! It's Jorja's fav!

Oh now, it's 9 am! Bye, and sorry for the long post :D
Happy birthday, Quoth_The_Raven. May your life be long, prosperous, and happy.
You know what I would absolutely love? If somebody gave Sara an excuse to kick the CRAP out of Ecklie. Heck, Grissom can join in too. Actually, the whole lab can. But Sara gets first blow.
Trent_Bowie, it's the Lab-I-Trail. Not Lab-O-Trail. :lol: I love Sobell. And now I just HAVE to throw this in here... this was a daydream I had during commercials of Rashomama.
Ecklie: It isn't working, Evil Overlord. We must proceed with the alternate plan.
Sherriff: I am disappointed in you, Emperor Palpatine.
Ecklie: I am truly sorry, my master.
Sherriff: Whatever is necessary... whatever it takes... we WILL prevail.
Ecklie: Yes, master. We WILL bother Sara Sidle until she loses her mind... Storm Trooper!
Sofia: Ecklie, you really have got to stop doing this.
Sherriff: AAAAHHHH!
Sofia: ...Right. <leaves>
Happy brithday Jorja and quoth_the_raven!

Edit: Since Roos sang the "Happy Birthday Song" in Dutch, now I'll sing it in Italian :D

Tanti auguri a te
Tanti auguri a te
Tanti auguri a Jorja
Tanti auguri a te!

*audience clap hands enthusistically* :lol:
OMSG, Jorja's birthday?!?
Happy birthday to Jorja, guys!
<smacks self with ruler>
Seriously, I had no idea! <smacks self again> By the way, if you want to, you can just call me Crys. Or copy-paste. Either way.
Okay, how did I not know it was Jorja's birthday today? Nooo... I feel so violated... <sniff, tear>
Oh, geez! I wrote it wrong, now, sorry, Crys!
You guys should all read this. It's so cute!

'As often as possible' (omg) And the question about her beer belly :lol: how I just love this woman :D

I know that I hardly pop in here, but of course I need to show my devotion to this gorgeous woman on here birthday!
Jorja, you're still doing great and WE LOVE YOU! marry me...
Nah, she's already marrying me :lol:

Welcome back, Fabian! :) I see you live in the Netherlands, where do you live? Little OT, but I never see you in the CSI:Holland thread, so :)
Happy Birthday Jorja :)

Hehe, I can "sing" it in German:

Zum Geburtstag viel Glück,
zum Geburtstag viel Glück,
zum Geburtstag liebe Jorja
zum Geburtstag viel Glück

lol, that sounds so stupid...

Happy b-day to you too, Quoth ;)
NO WAY!!!! Michelle!! You're back in Saraville too!! Yay!!!
Happy Birthday Jorja (on my mind)! And quoth my beloved - happy birthday to you :D 2 wonderful ladies born on the same day. Good Gracious God!!
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