Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I had a Sara/Jorja dream, again, last night, I'll tell you about it:

There was this exposition in my city, with all those kinds of statues, and there was a Jorja-statue too, and I went to see it, so bla bla I'm walking through the atelier, Roos sees Jorja statue, goes kiss it (who wouldn't?) and the Jorja-statue does *pop* and it's alive!

It was so funny! I loved the dream, but I woke up because of my phone which said it was Jorja's b-day in 24 hours.. stupid phone.

:eek: I can't wait till tomorrow! It's the goddesses b-day! I'm going to make a fan-art thing, because it's her b-day. I'll tell you, there will be lots of diamonds.. Oh, I'm so creative *and hyperactive atm* lala, can't wait.
Roos my beloved... she only came to life cause I was standing right behind you. She saw me and decided to come back to life, that's what its all about, thank you.

See, she came all the way to Lebanon for my dreams. Has she ever done that for any of you???? I DONT THINK SO!
Thank you, carry on.
Grissom was on the bed talking about how he'd like to die... having some time to prepare, re-read Moby Dick and have enough time to say goodbye to the people he loves.

SidLer, he really said Moby Dick? (Okay, I admit it: I was so shocked at seeing Sara come out of the bathroom in a robe, that I really didn't listen to anything that Grissom had to say... for the entire time that he was talking). But that's fascinating, because... and this is a very loose, very minor connection, but one of my favorite scenes in Committed (which is decidedly my favorite episode ever), is when Grissom and Sara are processing Adam's room. All of a sudden, Sara gets pretty animated, and turns to talk to Grissom... with a really adorable smile (almost out of place, given how she's behaved the entire episode), she explains to Grissom that she once read Moby Dick, and bla bla bla "Sometimes a dying whale is just a dying whale..." And then Grissom flashes her a very cute, very bemused smile :). Moby Dick in Committed, Moby Dick in the finale... yup! Okay, perhaps it's a coincidence, but they shared a moment in Adam's room! And then they've obviously shared a lot more since then!

Not to change the subject, but I have a question. Let me know if you can understand what I'm getting at. I love Sara, and I love Sara-centric episodes. That being said, I can't watch them for the life of me...(although I've watched Committed a good 10 times in the past few weeks). I get so caught up in the episodes, that... I get sad afterwards! So I avoid the sad episodes. Or sometimes, I'm not too fond of the fact that it's Thursday, because then I have to watch CSI... and I get all caught up in the episodes, that I just can't stop thinking about them.

Does anyone else have this issue? Or is it just me?
Oooo yeah Jorjas birthday tomorrow, I love birthdays :p so exciting :D:D how old she going to be 38??
okay I'm just going to jump in here. Now I am sort of new to CSI and I just saw Commited a few days ago. When she comes out of the room where Adam amost attacked her and she a grissom are talking and Sara says something like "being around crazy people makes me think if im crazy"...sorry i don't know the actual quote..but it sort of seems to me that there is a deeper meaning to that..she doesn't want to end up like her mom but she doesn't know how to deal with it. And she indintifies, in a way, with Adam, he hates his mom, but can't help but love her.

We don't know enough about Sara to really know how her relationship with her mom was/is but from that episode I just get thr feeling that she carries a lot of mixed feelings about her mother...even from the small thigs that she said, you can sort of see the emotion that she had to carry with her (which is Jorjas wonderful acting).
I love that episode. Jorja did an oustanding job with that scene (like every other scene she does.)
I hope next season we get to hear more about Sara's past and what not. It's torture to learn new things every once and a while and then we never hear of it again.
It's: Crazy people do make me feel Crazy. And you were almost right ;)

Committed is so beautiful. Jorja's acting is so amazing, like everyone has said: She deserves millons, billions of Emmy's for her acting.

And Roka, I turned around in my dream, and I didn't see anybody else, very weird? :lol:
Roos, I totally agree with you on her winning all those Emmy's.
She's the most talented actress out there. :)
Janet, yup, that happens to me, too! After re-watching Homebodies, I wanted to sit in a corner in cry because it was so sad! :lol: :p Seeing Sara cry at the end was absolutely heartbreaking!

Aww, thank you Roos and Sabrina for the birthday wishes. :p
Happy birthday Quoth the Raven.
Ans erm here it's Friday so I'll say Happy birthday to Jorja now :p yay birthdays :D
Hey, Raven!

Happy Birthday, gal!



Many happy returns, my dear...

Your Auntie trent
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