Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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How am I supposed to follow that up? Thanks, Ann! So kind of you. I have absolutely nothing critical to add, except that... hmm... *thinks of something critical* I'm pretty sure that Sara has been raped/sexually assaulted, as well. Her responses to various situations are extremely similar to how a rape victim would respond. If she has not processed things, she could still be thinking about them years later... in many cases, rape victims don't begin to process an actual assault for years to come, because it's just too tramautic to think about. And so every time that Sara is put in a specific situation, she relieves the event.

That's why Committed is so powerful. I don't usually advertise my own fics/fics that I am involved with (I'm too shy for that!), but Raven and I have been writing a fic based on Committed. It alternates between Grissom and Sara's POV of the investigation during Commtited, and I really think that Raven hit Sara's emotions perfectly. Every glance is accounted for... every word is accounted for. It's just interesting :).

And where have I been, Raven? Who the heck knows!
WoW! This place is smokin!

Firstly, Zan, where on earth have you been? You've been lurking around here haven't you? Well, join in the fun and show us some Jorja lovin'. I'll check out that fic. ;)

trent and Ann, I always enjoy reading your long posts. (Or rants as you call it. ;)) I'm usually a long-winded person myself. :p

I mean, my biggest question is, if her defining childhood memory is seeing her father murdered, then why on earth would she want to revisit the same scenario over and over again?
I think it's Sara's way of dealing with it. It's quite clear she's never fully dealt with the traumatic events of her childhood, and I think she's trying to overcome her fear of everything happening again (or everything coming back to haunt her).
And so every time that Sara is put in a specific situation, she relieves the event.
I think she constantly puts herself in such situations because firstly, she wants to, how do I put it... get those friggin b*stards who abuse/rape/torment innocent victims - as she has been there and done that, having being a victim herself (perhaps in the hands of her father, foster brother, or stranger). In other words, she wants vengeance. Maybe not entirely, but part of her wants it.

Secondly, she wants to overcome and/or confront her past. By being this superwoman - taking charge, putting her life on the line, stopping at nothing - she wants to get the message across to the (her) tormentors that she is no longer the victim, but the survivor. And a fighter.

Now that she is stronger and no longer a weakling, she will fight to the death.
I think she constantly puts herself in such situations because firstly, she wants to, how do I put it... get those friggin b*stards who abuse/rape/torment innocent victims - as she has been there and done that, having being a victim herself (perhaps in the hands of her father, foster brother, or stranger). In other words, she wants vengeance. Maybe not entirely, but part of her wants it.

Secondly, she wants to overcome and/or confront her past. By being this superwoman - taking charge, putting her life on the line, stopping at nothing - she wants to get the message across to the (her) tormentors that she is no longer the victim, but the survivor. And a fighter.

Now that she is stronger and no longer a weakling, she will fight to the death.

I REALLY like that! Yeah, take that, bad people! *does a karate kick* I'm hyper, and I don't know why. But I think you're definitely right, too, SidLer. She's now in the position to help people who are otherwise alone... much like she was, trying to navigate through the system. She can put the bad guys away, and she can empathize/sympathize/help the victim, just by doing her job... and doing it well. That's a pretty powerful thing...

Oh, and where have I been? I really don't know! Just busy with work, and doing a lot of writing. And I moved in February, so... I'm settled, and I guess I'm back!
Zan1781 said:
I think she constantly puts herself in such situations because firstly, she wants to, how do I put it... get those friggin b*stards who abuse/rape/torment innocent victims - as she has been there and done that, having being a victim herself (perhaps in the hands of her father, foster brother, or stranger). In other words, she wants vengeance. Maybe not entirely, but part of her wants it.

Secondly, she wants to overcome and/or confront her past. By being this superwoman - taking charge, putting her life on the line, stopping at nothing - she wants to get the message across to the (her) tormentors that she is no longer the victim, but the survivor. And a fighter.

Now that she is stronger and no longer a weakling, she will fight to the death.

I REALLY like that! Yeah, take that, bad people! *does a karate kick* I'm hyper, and I don't know why. But I think you're definitely right, too, SidLer. She's now in the position to help people who are otherwise alone... much like she was, trying to navigate through the system. She can put the bad guys away, and she can empathize/sympathize/help the victim, just by doing her job... and doing it well. That's a pretty powerful thing...

Oh, and where have I been? I really don't know! Just busy with work, and doing a lot of writing. And I moved in February, so... I'm settled, and I guess I'm back!

Wow. I just wanted to say thats the best description of Sara's behaviour at work that I've ever read. I also think it's very true and that she's dealing with her past demons in a very constructive way. I'm just going to ignore the times shes gone a bit over the top with a suspect because every other CSI has done it at one time or another, Sara just seems to get in more trouble when she does it and she's the one with a valid reason for being that way.
You know, she might not have any control whatsoever about seeing connections between what happened when her father was killed and the cases she's working. I know I can't help but recognize elements of my own experiences in the experiences of others.
Saragris, that always really irritates me- Sara ALWAYS gets in trouble for going over the top, when Catherine's always conveniently failing to mention certain men, Nick's occasionally flipping out, and Warrick's freuently voiced infatuation with not being Grissom. Actually, I think Grissom's the only one who hasn't had an openly personal case in the series. He needs one. TPTB... <snap snap>
I think there's a strong connection between Nesting Dolls and Committed. In Nesting Dolls, Sara explains why she always acts so defensive in Domestic Abuse-cases. She tells about her mother, how she murdered her father, and she was always seen as the 'girl whose father was stabbed to death'. I really felt sorry for Sara.

In Committed, Sara says her mother was in a psychiatric (do I write this well? Whatever, it's holiday!) clinic, because she murdered her dad. It'd be really angsty if Sara was raped in Committed, though. She already has so many problems, but that'd be worse if she was raped. I think, and maybe she'd, she'd committed suicide then. But on the other side, Sara is a strong woman.

I had a f***ing weird dream last night. There was this case, 2 adults were killed, and the COD were their stabbing wounds in the chest, like a catholic cross. So the CSIs think it's the work of a religious group, but later they discover it's the daughter who did it, and her alibi was that she was gay, but she didn't want to confess it to her parents, because they believed. Now comes the strange part:

:eek: Sara confesses to Grissom she's a bisex! I woke up when that part came in my dreams.. it was so.. weird!
lol!! love the dream!
And I love both of your views on the Committed/Nesting dolls thing - really interesting read :) , and I think that crysthala, you are so right about how Sara's the one who always gets in trouble, where the other sare just as much at fault, so unfair.

My CSI dvd is kind of not with me - but I miss Sara too much to stay away from the forum.
I havent seen any recent episodes but I did hear that she and Grissom "confessed" it all, and now I'm just wondering has anything changed in the show? We get our episodes really late here - and I always thought that if Gris and Sara got together that she would stop being blamed for everything, since she's now the ''captain's girl''. I'm just wondering if that has happened yet or is she still the one that everything is thrown on?
Hey Roos, when you said you think there's a strong connection between Committed and Nesting Dolls? You're right.

In Committed, Sara mentions her mother going to an institution for evaluation. Also, I think she saw similarties between herself and Adam (she doesn't want anything to do with her mother *as mentioned in the commentary* and his father died when he was young). At the very end of the episode Sara mentions that Adam's mother dying in prison would be better for both of them, and then when she's staring into the mirror? She looks like she's about to cry.

I think the entire atmosphere of Committed also unnerved her because she questions her sanity from time to time (don't we all..). Seeing the patients struggle in seclusion, I think, made her think of her mother, or perhaps made her think 'What if that's me one day'?
*blinks* Roka?! Am I seeing right? :eek: *blinks again* I must be seeing things because I think I've just read Roka's post! If I am in fact not hallucinating and that was Roka's post, then... where have you been girl/guy?! :p

Well Roka, she and Grissom didn't really "confessed" it all. Grissom was on the bed talking about how he'd like to die... having some time to prepare, re-read Moby Dick and have enough time to say goodbye to the people he loves. Then Sara came in from the bathroom in her silk robe and said that she's not ready to say goodbye. It's up to the viewers how they interpret that scene. ;)

We don't know if she is now the "captain's girl" or she was really just using his bathroom because her pipes broke. We don't know what is going to happen or if anything is going to happen. I just hope that TPTB are nice enough to at least explain to us the situation so that we can have some peace of mind, and are generous enough to give her more screentime. That's what I want. I want to see more of Sara (because I can't get enough of her-- I mean, WHO can?! :p) and I'd like to see her with the happy glow she's had this past season. I swear, it's like someone splashed some permanent day-glo serum on her and put a halo over a head. She looks like an angel in Season 6. :)

quoth_the_raven said:
Seeing the patients struggle in seclusion, I think, made her think of her mother, or perhaps made her think 'What if that's me one day'?
Remember in Nesting Dolls when she asked Grissom "Do you think there's a murder gene?". I think she is absolutely terrified that she will turn out like her mother. It looks to me like she's struggling to fight her demons. She is a no-nonsense fighter, but somewhere underneath that strong exterior lies a weak and almost helpless person. I think she fears that one day, she will give in to her weakness (commit murder, become mentally unstable) and become the last person on earth whom she wants to be. We all know who that is.

Btw Roos, that is one weird dream. :eek: I've never dreamt about Sara/Jorja before. Maybe I should put a pic of her under my pillow and the dreams will come. ;)

PS: WOOT! :D It's Jorja's birthday tomorrow! I can't wait! :D And yours too, Ann. ;)
SidLer said:
Remember in Nesting Dolls when she asked Grissom "Do you think there's a murder gene?". I think she is absolutely terrified that she will turn out like her mother. It looks to me like she's struggling to fight her demons. She is a no-nonsense fighter, but somewhere underneath that strong exterior lies a weak and almost helpless person. I think she fears that one day, she will give in to her weakness (commit murder, become mentally unstable) and become the last person on earth whom she wants to be. We all know who that is.

I think she's afraid to end up like her mother too. She hides all kinds of stories about her, until Nesting Dolls. I'm not a shrink, but that's a sign of fear, I think.

SidLer said:PS: WOOT! :D It's Jorja's birthday tomorrow! I can't wait! :D And yours too, Ann. ;)

Congrats in advance to both of the ladies! I'm obsessed :eek: I'm having a party tomorrow, and it's not even my birthday! It's because of Jorja's birthday. :lol:

Edited: Welcome back, Roka! You know, it's so funny, yesterday I was wondering where you might be, cause I hadn't seen you in a while! Welcome back in the JJ-gang!
SidLer :D Blink not my dear, I have returned!
Okay I didn't know he was just lying there I thought they actually had sex so that's why I was confused. All is clear now I suppose. I almost started to hate Grissom... how dare he kill her emotionlessnessessess (cant stop!).
Roos Thanks :D Its good to be back, I haven't been the same without my SidlePride.
Its weird I've had so many Sara dreams. I'm tellin you all, we're meant to be ;)
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