Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I think you may be mistaking the CDC for a big bubble style writing L :p

As for the abuse when she was a child, Quoth the Raven you mae some really good points, and I see the possiblity of her being abused when she was a child.
x_lea_x said:As for the abuse when she was a child, Quoth the Raven you mae some really good points, and I see the possiblity of her being abused when she was a child.

I think its possible. It also more fully explains her mother killing her father - maybe she found out about the abuse? I don't know if we are ever going to have this kind of reveal on the show, though. I think if anything there needs to be more resolution to Sara's feelings of anger before we can have any more reveals about how crappy her past was. I don't want her to snap - I want happy Sara and happy geeks!
CBS has problems with main characters being in non-consensual sexual situations. In "Committed"'s commentary, one of the writers said that they were going to have little flashes of the psycho guy who later takes her hostage raping Sara instead of just looking at her in weird light, but SPTW (some power that was) said they couldn't do it. That may be an issue.
I think there's definitely a possibility that poor Sara was abused as a child, and that would definitely make her mom want to kill her dad. Then again, if someone you were living with beat the living crap out of you on a regular basis, I'd imagine you would still want to kill them.
Crysthala said:
In "Committed"'s commentary, one of the writers said that they were going to have little flashes of the psycho guy who later takes her hostage raping Sara instead of just looking at her in weird light.

That would have been really sad, and the end for Sara I think. If that had happened, then I think she would have completely just broke down, and who can blame her.
Richard J Lewis, the writer and director of Committed, said that he was discouraged by many parties or else he would have done it. Jorja said she was a bit terrified about it, actually (and who could blame her?). Adam wasn't really going to rape her, actually, it was just going to be a flash-forward (not an actual event, just a few seconds of what was going on in Adam's mind during the interrogation).

But regarding SPTW, Nick is a main character in the show and they mention in Overload his babysitter raping him when he was nine. I think they would actually be able to do it, but RJL was discouraged because people thought it may have been going a little too far, that the audience wouldn't be ready for something like that.

They may mention it in the seventh season (they said they were going to be taking risks; more character development) either in a conversation or a flash-back. Not sure, so...we'll just have to wait :p
I'm... speechless. They were actually going to show Sara getting raped? :( (Even if it's only in Adam's mind) I can understand that Jorja's terrified about it. It's a big deal.

quoth_the_raven said:
I think they would actually be able to do it, but RJL was discouraged because people thought it may have been going a little too far, that the audience wouldn't be ready for something like that.
I have to admit that I don't think I'm ready. I'm all up for it of course, maybe they can do the same for Sara, show flashbacks of what had happened to her in the past. So we can understand why she is the way she is now. But when they actually do it, I think I'll cry. It's just horrible. :(

x_lea_x said:
If that had happened, then I think she would have completely just broke down, and who can blame her.
I'll be the first to break down too. :(

They did mention they will be taking more risks in the upcoming season. I can't wait to see how they develop the characters. Especially Sara. *prepares self*
I spent like...two hours tonight making my own Sara time-line through all six seasons and it's hanging up on my wall right now over my bed xD :lol: *phew* That took a while. My wrist hurts :p

And Sabrina, yeah, I think everyone's going to cry if they finally show flashbacks of what happened to her in her childhood. Jorja's such a great actress and from what we've seen and heard Sara didn't have the best childhood in the world. It's going to be a tear-jerker.
Oh I read it wrong, you meant in his mind! I thought you meant physically!! lol.. my bad! But it still would have been scaryfor Jorja to do!
Sorry, Luna, you know the tattoo on her ankle? It's a flower, and since my name is Rose, it says she loves me
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quoth_the_raven said:
I spent like...two hours tonight making my own Sara time-line through all six seasons and it's hanging up on my wall right now over my bed xD :lol: *phew* That took a while. My wrist hurts :p
Wow that's fab! I'm sure all of us would like to see it. :) You can snap a pic and show us if you want. ;)

And Sabrina, yeah, I think everyone's going to cry if they finally show flashbacks of what happened to her in her childhood. Jorja's such a great actress and from what we've seen and heard Sara didn't have the best childhood in the world. It's going to be a tear-jerker.
Jorja's (one of) the most amazing actresses I've ever known. She's talented, beautiful and intelligent. :) If such a scene is going to take place, she will deliver it so beautifully (that we will be in tears :(). I need to stock up on Kleenex.
What's this? All this talk about Committed? I've been away from this thread for just too long! I'm pretty sure that I have said this at least 5.2 billion times, and I would assume that everyone else has already said this at least 10.6 billion times, but Jorja is an amazing actress, who says volumes with one single look... because isn't that the sign of a great actress? In Committed alone, one of her glances is enough to show the audience what she is really thinking!
Hey, Zan, welcome back! Stick around 'cause we can't seem to shut up about the great work Jorja's done. But back on Committed...

Crysthala said:
In "Committed"'s commentary, one of the writers said that they were going to have little flashes of the psycho guy who later takes her hostage raping Sara instead of just looking at her in weird light, but SPTW (some power that was) said they couldn't do it. That may be an issue.

I think the main reason was that Adam was already established as a voilent rapist, so there was really no need to show what he wanted to do to Sara. Those cut-shots were actually more effective, since we were seeing through Adam's eyes and it was obvious what was going on in his head. And because it allowed us to use our imaginations, it was a very frightening scene.

Other the other hand, I couldn't believe how many people nitpicked this ep to death. The biggest pick was the inmates wandering around. I know sobell had a fit over it and Dad was like, "This is wrong," "No, they can't do that." and "Where's the cage? Any barriers anywhere? This is ridiculous." And on the other end of the phone, I just nodded.

ANYway, back to the mine-infested napalm-soaked jungle otherwise known as Sara's mind. It think it's safe to say there's some kind of loop running in there. I mean, my biggest question is, if her defining childhood memory is seeing her father murdered, then why on earth would she want to revisit the same scenario over and over again? Is she looking for something no one else sees? Or does she feel the need to wreak vengeance any way she can? Sorta like Batman meets Pink Floyd The Wall...
Hehe, Sabrina, it might be hard to see, but I can try and take some pictures of it ;)

And trent, I personally think you're right about the cut-shots being more effective than the actual flash-forward of what he wanted to do to Sara. In the interrogation with Adam, you'll notice he never once falters his gaze from Sara (he never shoots one look at Grissom). When she's asking him questions, he seems a bit... preoccupied with his own thoughts. He's hesitant in answering, almost like he zoned-out and then tried to figure out what she asked him again. The first flash from Adam's POV is of Sara's face, and the second one is of her breasts. You can only imagine what he's doing in his mind (and leaving it to our imaginations, as you said, is more horrifying).

And about your second question (why would Sara want to revisit the same scenario over and over again)-- I think it's Sara's way of dealing with it. It's quite clear she's never fully dealt with the traumatic events of her childhood, and I think she's trying to overcome her fear of everything happening again (or everything coming back to haunt her). She's trying to overcome her fear of her father and the violence that ensued in her home. At least that's my opinion ;)

We each have a different way of dealing with things, and Sara's no exception. In the first season of CSI, the poor dear had to deal with a lot. A domestic abuse case, her first rape case in Vegas (emergence of empathy and we see how much the case was affecting her; she wouldn't leave the lab when Grissom told her to, etc), a child-abuse case, and then of course, a serial rapist of whom she tried to bait herself out to. I don't think she's ever dealt with anything that's happened during cases, and because of that she tried to avoid the thoughts and memories that hurt her the most by burying herself in work and becoming self-destructive (i.e Table Stakes "My body-clock is so screwed up; I just want a steak and a shot."-- Mention of alcohol and the fact that she was so exhausted. Also, when Nick mentioned food, her entire face lit up like she had never eaten before in her life).

In The Strip Strangler, that was definitely the case that proved her empathy for the victims was going too far, which is another reason I think there may be a history of rape. She was so determined to find the guy and at the time she didn't care if she got hurt in the process, she just wanted the bastard behind bars. Another thing I noticed was that she mentions being trained in weaponless defense (which shows some aggressiveness; she won't let a man do anything to hurt her without first putting up a hell of a fight).

And last but not least, where were you, Janet? :p

Done rambling. Again. :p
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