Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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All right, kids. Let's not beat on the psychiatrist.
I know ya'll don't like shrinks too much but they're supposed to help folks with their problems, MmmmKay?

SidLer said:
Is that smiley her shrink? He looks like a sleazeball. :lol: If that's him, then it's the "Im gonna get lucky tonight" lucky. *knocks him down with a pan* No one hurts my Sara. :p

Nope, that smiley was me being sarcastic. All I was saying was given Sara's turbulent past, any psychiatrist she's sent to would have a real hard time with her. I can see it now: she'll either sit there sullenly not saying a word for the entire hour or the doc'll ask the wrong question and Sara gets belligerent. And it's just not mere psychobabble, I got this from talking to my dad, who's a retired social worker. Not quite a shrink, but close.

After Nesting Dolls aired, Dad said he wasn't all that surprised by Sara's revelation. He used to work in the juvenile justice department and came across kids like her all the time, not so much parents killing each other but really bad, loud, messy miserable home lives. He said those kids were either very quiet and refused to say anything, or acted up, cursing, throwing things, etc. Dad took up akido to keep the violent kids from hurting themselves and others.

While we're on Nesting Dolls, somebody at the TWoP forums had asked whether being in the foster care system or the circumstances surrounding it would prevent someone from becoming an officer of the law. Since foster care records, just like juvie records, are sealed, it wouldn't be a problem. I also think that Sara may have faked her way through the required psychiatric evaluations. When I asked Dad about it, he said, *Sigh* "Weeeellllll, I don't know about that, but a looooot of people do play the system to get what they want." Yeah, my dad talks like that. :D

And THAT is why I feel sorry for the next shrink who gets Sara for a client...
Right, shrinks are supposed to help people with their problems. I know what you mean, though, and I feel sorry for the shrink who would get her, too (unless they're just a really bad shrink. I've seen many so I know how to pick the good from the bad). From what we've seen, it's safe to say that Sara would not willingly discuss what's going on in her mind, let alone the events of her childhood. Grissom had to pry at least three times until she finally opened up, and that wasn't even the entire story. And that was six years after being in Vegas. So for about twenty years, Sara's kept everything bottled-up until a case came along that began to penetrate her four walls. And I know how that feels; it's frightening. Actually, it's horrifying.

I'm not that good at reading people, and believe me- I'm no shrink. But I have depression/OCD/anxiety so I have experience with these sort of things. I don't like talking to people either- it's hard for me to trust people and I want to punch out my shrinks half the time because I just don't want to talk. Like you said, trent, Sara's sort of like a ticking time-bomb, and I fear that one day the poor dear with finally crack. :( Makes for good drama, but... poor Sara! *wails*

From what I've seen, judging by Sara's reactions during certain cases, I think she came from an abusive home (father was abusive; battered his wife). I think it's safe to say her father abused her mother, but I'm not sure about Sara. Seeing her reactions with child abuse cases and such (and they show her looking up her mother's case at the end of No Humans Involved, a case that was central around child abuse), I think it's safe to say that at some point in her life she may have been abused. Whether or not this was physical, emotional, or sexual abuse (or even all three), it's tough to say.

And I think we've all considered a history of rape. During Homebodies, if you just... watch her facial expressions, you can see how much the case is bothering her. She is a woman and she has a gun; she's very outspoken about topics such as violence against women and young girls. At the very end of Homebodies, when she's talking with Suzanna at PD, she tries to bond with her and make her feel comfortable... and I can only wonder if it's because she too has been in the girl's shoes.

Phew. Done rambling.
Good observation, Raven. My biggest pet peeve about therapy is when you reveal personal details only to have to regurgitated back at you with a vengeance. It feels like you're being judged and wouldn't sit well with someone who's inherently defensive like Sara.

I also noticed that she doesn't say "Mom" or "Dad" but "my mother" and "my father", sounding sad and angry. She can't confront her father because he's dead and she's torn about her mother, who killed him. A few days ago I read this article about a really nasty domestic dispute. A guy got into an argument his mother, who had spent seven years in jail for killing her his father. Long story short, the guy wound up chasing his mum around with a knife, blaming her for all the problems in his life. Scary stuff.
It kind of looks like Sara's story, except for the knife-thing. Some websites say Sara was the only child in the family, but in one episode, I don't know which, actually, she says she had a brother and she found his pot onder his bed, he was grounded for one year or something.

I really loved the episode Homebodies. You can see Sara is involved, because she had this kind of problems too. I loved the scene at the end, where she's crying in her car. It's so lovely to see. Good acting, again.

Ann, I know what you mean. I'm depressed at the moment now too, It's just too much. School, friends, figuring out who I am, it just takes too much of me. So I can understand now too how Sara must have felt like. Luckily Jorja helps me to get out of my depression. :D

And now I'm even more depressed, cause my internet sucks. I'm working off-line now, and I just have to type until my internet works again. Here it goes. So. Ok, Submit.
Thanks trent. :) And you know what? I was just thinking about the 'mother-father' instead of 'mom-dad' thing this morning. She never says 'mother' or 'father' casually, either. But, then again, how could she? It seems so far, from what we've heard, that her mother and father were the people in her life who probably hurt her the most. Family is supposed to be everything- they're supposed to be there for each other, to love eachother and support one another. But...with Sara's family, it seems like things were a lot different.

I suspect that things were probably fine when Sara was young, but that they escalated when she got older.

Regarding abuse (physical, emotional, sexual), in the episode After The Show, I actually started to wonder something. During the scene where Sara and Catherine are both alone in a room together seeing if they can match the blood drops on the panty hose (hehe...a CS dream). *cough* Anyways...

CATHERINE: Did your father ever tell you you were pretty?

SARA: (shrugs) I guess.

Sara was actually a bit hesitant in answering that question. It made me wonder.
You ladies can play tug-o-war all you want, but we all know who Sara/Jorja belongs to. Moi. :D

trent, I admire the things your Dad has done. I have utmost respect for social workers (and teachers). You must be really proud of him. :)

trent_bowie said:
All I was saying was given Sara's turbulent past, any psychiatrist she's sent to would have a real hard time with her. I can see it now: she'll either sit there sullenly not saying a word for the entire hour or the doc'll ask the wrong question and Sara gets belligerent …I also noticed that she doesn't say "Mom" or "Dad" but "my mother" and "my father"
I have never seen a psychiatrist before but I can see that happening to her. Her prolonged silence suddenly shattered by a violent blowout. I'm like that too when I'm depressed or under immense pressure. I'll stay silent when probed, but a sensitive word or reference would trigger an outburst. Sara has gone through hell and back, so god knows what her reaction will be like. I think she says "Mother" and "Father" to distance herself from her parents. "Mom" and "Dad" sounds too personal... too loving. Love was scarce when she was growing up.

quoth_the_raven said:
Sara's sort of like a ticking time-bomb, and I fear that one day the poor dear with finally crack.
I fear that too. I don't think she has fully opened up to anyone about her abusive past. She's told Grissom her mother killed her father in Nesting Dolls, but I'm sure there is more to it than that. One day, she'll be so overwhelmed with grief and break.

quoth_the_raven said:
CATHERINE: Did your father ever tell you you were pretty?
SARA: (shrugs) I guess.
Sara was actually a bit hesitant in answering that question. It made me wonder.
Do you think she was sexually abused as a child? I think it's possible, seeing how she had reacted to the rape case in Homebodies.

RoosCSILover said:
Some websites say Sara was the only child in the family, but in one episode, I don't know which, actually, she says she had a brother and she found his pot onder his bed, he was grounded for one year or something.
She could be referring to her foster brother. :) From Sara is an only child biologically, but she was raised in foster care (revealed in Season 5) and apparently had foster siblings. And Roos, I hope you'll feel better soon. *hugs*

PS: Sorry for the veryyy long post. :eek:
No problem, Sabrina! I love long posts! :D :p

SidLer said:
Do you think she was sexually abused as a child? I think it's possible, seeing how she had reacted to the rape case in Homebodies.

I think it's very possible, though I'm not one hundred percent certain. In Homebodies, Bloodlines (refusing to take the interview with the victim, though it was probably because at the same time she was going through her own crisis, hence the DUI at the end), and Too Tough to Die, I was put under the impression that at one point in her life she was raped.

But in Blood Drops, when I really watched and paid attention to Sara's lines regarding Brenda, I started to think it could have been sexual abuse when she was a child (foster parent, foster sibling, or biological father). Brenda was obviously terrified, and Sara could see that and understand (because she was put in the system after her mother stabbed her father to death; she couldn't let go of the woman's hand, etc). Sara wanted to comfort the girl, and in the scene where Brenda tugs on her shirt? That tells me that Brenda trusted Sara, actually maybe more-so than anyone else. Maybe more than her own mother.

When she's printing the photos of Brenda's injuries in the episode, you can see how pissed off she is (she had that angry sting to her voice).
<We interrupt our normal broadcast for this random message that hopefully comes up during the commercials because personally I hate it when one of these interrupts my shows>
Just stopping by to mention that although I don't normally mention it, I do have an urge to kidnap Sara and give her the time of her life occasionally.
<beep, we will now resume our normall programming>
x_lea_x said:
Ermm I hate it to break it to you Roo!! But Jorja is mine :p

No way, Jorja's mine. Check her wrist, she has the "Exclusive Property of CDC" label, but since I'm a kind girl, I let her be shown to the world. :p
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