Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I was watching ER the other day, and I absolutely loved this Maggie Doyle quote:

"Selfrespect's a bitch"
You're so right, Roos! :lol: It reminds me of her quote from Sex, Lies & Larvae, when she yells at Shelton "Now who's the punk, bitch?"

She's far too great to be described by words.
CalleighDuCaine said:

You're so right, Roos! :lol: It reminds me of her quote from Sex, Lies & Larvae, when she yells at Shelton "Now who's the punk, bitch?"

Honey, the episode you're thinking of is All for our Country and that was directed to the guy who punched the sports freak who died in the tub and his house was raining with "man juice"...


Oh, and it's "Who's the punk now? Bitch."
Lol, sorry, it's the heat. *grabs ice cubes*
I'll go and watch the ep as a punishment (I wish every punishment was like this :lol:)
:lol: I just watched ER, and when Elizabeth Corday doesn't want to be involved in the investigation to the sexual intimidation of dr. Romano, Maggie's so like:

"Sorry my ass".
She rocks!
^^And after that, I didn't like Corday that much.

But back to that other potty-mouthed, gun-toting vegetarian, I just watched Committed again and in the end, Sara and Grissom were talking about Adam Trent's mom (who really nauseated me, by the way).

Grissom said that Mrs. Trent would die without her son and Sara answered "It'd be better for both of them if she did." It was just the way she said it, all casual like, and Grissom got this really weird look on his face and walked away. I was kinda freaked by it, too. Sara's definitely got a dark side to her, and I can only imagine what kind of demons are running around her head (pick any nine inch nails song).

I feel sorry for the shrink that gets her file...
RoosCSILover said:
I don't feel sorry for the shrink, he's just a damn lucky guy! :lol:

Are we talking "Wow, I can make a fortune with this material" lucky, or "Gee, and I thought my life was f***ed up" lucky or "Oh God, please make it STOP!" lucky?

Just thought I'd ask..
:lol: Has anyone noticed that Maggie Doyle and Sara Sidle have so many similarties? :p They're both just so distinctly quirky and they don't take crap from anyone! :p
Okay I'm new so I am just going to jump in and say how much I LOVE Jorja!!! and this may have been posted already but I don't no so, does any one have video or even just adiuo of her and Marg singing at the "what a pair" event? If so I will been eternaly greatful!! thanks!
I have to say that there are many personality characteristics of Sara that I don't care for. Jorja has done some fabulous work and maybe the fact that Sara is so controversial points to her being a good actress but I wonder if she will be type cast as a moody characer type.
Hi SarasGirl. Welcome. :) I don't think any of us have the video/audio of that event, so for now, just drool over the pics. :D (Btw, what do you mean YOU'RE Sara's Girl?? I'M Sara's Girl!!) j/k :p Okay, maybe not. :p :lol:

Hello to you too, AnnaMcCall. :) I love every single thing about Sara, from her gap-tooth smile to her kick-ass attitude. Many people have said (yes, even my sister :rolleyes:) that she's moody, dramatic and short-fused but I don't think so at all. She's a thinker (and a do-er) so at times there's this look of concentration on her face which some viewers might interpret as a frown. I don't think she's moody, I think sometimes she's just tired from all the sleep she's not getting and frustrated from all the *ssholes she has to deal with. Indeed, Jorja is an exceptional individual, and also a very talented actress. :) So far (in ER, West Wing and CSI) I've never seen her being type-casted as the Moody One; but a sassy, smart and independent woman who don't take no sh!t. :D

trent_bowie said:
Are we talking "Wow, I can make a fortune with this material" lucky, or "Gee, and I thought my life was f***ed up" lucky or "Oh God, please make it STOP!" lucky?

Just thought I'd ask..
Is that smiley her shrink? He looks like a sleazeball. :lol: If that's him, then it's the "Im gonna get lucky tonight" lucky. *knocks him down with a pan* No one hurts my Sara. :p

quoth_the_raven said:
:lol: Has anyone noticed that Maggie Doyle and Sara Sidle have so many similarties? :p They're both just so distinctly quirky and they don't take crap from anyone! :p
I noticed that Maggie and Sara like to say the word sh!t too. :lol: Ooh and don't forget Agent Gina Toscano. She too kicks ass. :D
Actually, fogi confiscated my baseball bat as I was using it to beat up on the PG-13-o-meter! :p *grabs Quidditch beater's bat* all better! :D

My sis comes into my room yesterday and throws me her PETA magazine.

Sis: Jorja Fox is on the first page of my PETA magazine.
Me: I know.
Sis: How would you know?
Me: Oh...wait, which one is this? :lol: :p
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