Jorja/Sara Tough As Nails Thread 4.

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Well, about Loco-Motives, I liked how Sara was telling Grissom about the animal commercial and how she did background information about it. It was so Jorja. I loved it.

Destiny said:
H_Caine_is_love said:
what episode is it when sara talks to grissom about her family?
Are you thinking of the season 5 "Nesting Dolls", the ep where she makes an inappoperiate comment toward catherine, and which she talks to Grissom about her family at the end of the ep.

There was also the Season 5 "Committed", when she is attacked in a State Psychiatric Hospital while investigating, in which she discusses her mother.
thanks, i just really wanted to watch the ep and didn't know if i had it on DVD, and luckily i do! w00t.
saraXsullivan said::
Well, about Loco-Motives, I liked how Sara was telling Grissom about the animal commercial and how she did background information about it. It was so Jorja. I loved it.


And this episode alone was enough for me to make my decision to become a vegetarian today ;)
What exactly happened with the whole animal cruelty ad thing everybody keeps mentioning?

Now is it me or did Sara look extra good in Loco Motives, I liked the whole red top/brown jacket combination, and her hair looked great too, but maybe that's just because I’m pleasantly surprised that her hair wasn’t still flat like in the last episode. I also quiet liked that little comment Sara made to Grissom, Its about time she got back at him for all the crap he said to her before scurrying off without an explanation.

Ok, now I’m not quiet sure if this belongs more in some shipper thread and I’ll apologise in advance if it does but god I’m getting sick of seeing Grissom constantly with Sara. I never thought Grissom was the possessive type but that must be the case, he is after all in charge of assigning cases, so it must him relentlessly teaming himself up with Sara, I can’t wait till he leaves and we get to see Sara working and interacting with other people for a change. And then theres the fact that since the beginning of this “relationship” Sara has gotten basicley no significant screentime that didn’t revolve around Grissom in some way.

I said it before and I’ll say it again, for a strong, indipendent female character like Sara as well as a lot of women you see on TV, it’s bloody annoying when some man and that female relationship with said man becomes the center of her whole character arc. I’m hoping to god this GSR thing ends soon, and with the way their going about their relationship I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.
Ok. Just so we head off potential negatives at the pass..... Responses, if any, should focus on the key issue of Sara as an independent soul and the portrayal of women in CSI etc etc etc. This commentary should not be used as an opportunity to crusade for the "rightness or wrongness of Sara & Grissom as an entity, romantic or otherwise". We have a whole forum for this sort of thing but I'm afraid it's not this forum.

So if the post elicits a diatribe about Sara & Grissom or becomes shipper-esque, then either Destiny or I, may be called upon to do some wee "tree shaking".

Cheers. :)
I hate Grissom a... *ok, wrong forum* LOL, I love teasing the mods. :p

Sara is and will stay the independent woman. That's it. I haven't seen Loco-Motives, but I'll look at some screencaps. Well, Grissom will leave for a while, so we'll see how Sara will act.
AHA! Darn you people and bringing up the topic of Sara liking any-person-that-is-not-named-Greg-Sanders! Ahem, calming down did y'alls' presentations on Jorja go? Any highlights?
i'm still working on my presentation but so far a like it and i have a good feeling about it :D

i'm off watching loco motives now .. i'm really excited about the animal thing you guys talked about and what it will be about !!
Sorry if it's been asked before, but I can't find the answer. What has Jorja been up to that she's barely been in the last few eps?

Okay, today in french, we were given an assignment, basically write a script that has to do with a celebrity who is standing up for a cause in french. One person in the group had to be the celebrity, and the other two were fans and you talk about the cause with them in front of the class. Well, today we only had to write the script.

So our group was sitting there, and we couldn't think of anything. I had already said 'Jorja Fox' and 'Vegetarianism', but, seeing as I'm too obsessed with CSI, we weren't going to do that. After a while, of me smiling angelically, my group finally decided to pick Jorja Fox. And guess what? I get to be her.


This may be the one assignment I'm excited about in french.
That's so cool, Sara! I wish I had such cool classmates.

Love your banner, btw. I just adore Committed, my fav Sara-ep, I think.
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