Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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kaylyne said:
I love this one. I'm wondering if this was an official "posed" episode still, or if she was just resting between scenes and somebody snapped the shot.

Thanks for post that picture I never seen that one before.
to all of your Jorja fans and your great pics. here's a recent one, no date, but I think it's last weekend at Pinks house for a PETA event..and with a guy, who's got many tattoos! she really looks young, but I don't know about her outfit, she's worn better :( and what kind of wine are your drinking girl?

SO ANIMATED a good listener ;)
I believe that guy is Pink's husband, I'm not 100% sure but the tattoos look like his.

And it looks like she's drinking prosecco or something... rather unusual for our beer loving Jorja ;)
Thank's sarahSIDLE that one of her and Grissom. yummy :p and so sensual.. can't wait for this to air.. and if she ever does get married, she'll certainly have beautiful children, where are the pregnant ones from? cute ;)
Those pics would be from "food for the heart" (aka the Hungry Bachelor's club). not an overall great movie, but Jorja makes it worth watching, and Bill Nunn was cool too.
Been gone for a few days and obviously missed out on a discussion (I read back). I do have an oppinion about it but this isn't the place and it has cooled down so I will keep it to myself.

Lovely pictures everyone! Some pics I hadn't seen before
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