Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

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Jorja_Rain and all interested parties.

Board manager here.

The personal lives of the stars should be just that, personal, unless they discuss things themselves.

I don't know this star's orientation. I don't care either. That is her business. If she wants us to know, gay or straight or asexual, she will tell us. Until then, I think courtesy is in order. If she's straight, she's private. If she is gay, she's both private and closeted. That is how she wants it and none of our damned business.

Jorja_Rain, do you know me? Would you feel confortable speculating as to my sexuality? I am also a very private person who finds it tacky to discuss my sexual life. Many people surprisingly, are still discreet.

This board is really more set up to discuss the shows and characters than an actor's personal life. I hear enough of that on TV! We shouldn't be projecting shipper stuff onto actors/actresses. All too often that happens. It's a compliment to the actors/actresses that we identify with them so closely. But we must remember two things: They are playing make-believe characters, and their personal lives as actors/actresses are off-limits unless they release information themselves.

I am therefore asking you to remove the avatar. IF the actress has come out and is gay, then of course an avatar reflecting that is welcome.

But trying to force an actress to be what you want her to be is wrong and is rude. Would you like someone to make an avatar of yourself displaying the wrong orientation? That would also be wrong and rude.

I understand that these characters move you and that people find the actors/actresses handsome/pretty. That's normal. But let's not get carried away with it all.

Thank you.
I don't mean to cause trouble but

1. How would you know it's the wrong orientation, JF has never mentioned hers.

2. What makes you think she'd be offended by it, there have been newspapers rumoring about her sexuality and she has never displayed any signs of offense.

3. Comparing yourself, a private person not in the public eye, not getting payed millions of dollars to appear on a weekly, internationally broadcasted tv show, is a wide leap per se. I do not know you, why would I speculate on you in any way? I don't "know" Jorja personally either, but she is giving at least a part of herself away in interviews and by being a public person. That comes with the job. It's what magazines do all the time, any actor will can be in the focus at some point.

4. What does it matter, it's not like Jorja is even reading this, it's just a fan board, people need to loosen up around here, imo. By saying that any board member could ever have the impact of forcing an actress to do anything is giving way too much credit to this site and its members, don't you think?

But in the end, this isn't my page and the rules aren't my own. I'll stick to yours and wait patiently for Jorja to say something. End of discussion.
MiaCharlize said:
1. How would you know it's the wrong orientation, JF has never mentioned hers.
I believe THAT'S exactly the point. She HASN'T mentioned it. Therefore, it shouldn't be speculated one way or the other - until SHE decides to let the world know.

How about something we haven't seen for a while:

Thank you TBonz
this thread was going down a dark ugly path, and way off the picture topic, of our CSI girl. I was disapointed that fans who don't know this actress were putting their own ideas and opinions and theories on this thread. and Jorja has never talked about her 'personal life', like who's she's with per-se ever!!! and it's not anyones elses business. it's rude, tacky, inappropriate & offensive :( and I've read that she does tool around on fan-sites, and if she read all of this, probably would be annoyed & appalled, and shake her head in disgust! I appreciate you putting a stop to this garbage!

CSI CAST and don't they all look stunning?
Actually I read that she does sometimes come on THIS site... but anyway, let's not dwell on that...

kaylene, where did you get those weird little biography things of Sara? They're really cool, are they new or have I just not seen them?
It's from the "Ultimate CSI" book that was released last year. Whereas the "CSI Companion" was more of a story/text book, the "Ultimate CSI" is more of a pictoral book. I've got most of the pages scanned on my photobucket
MiaCharlize said:
I don't mean to cause trouble but

Usually said by people who really DO mean it. ;)

Sorry. I hate when people preface stuff with phrases like that. Back on topic.

1. How would you know it's the wrong orientation, JF has never mentioned hers.

That is my point! If you assume she is EITHER straight or gay, you have an equal chance of being wrong. Best to not go there. Besides, we're really here to discuss the show, not speculate on the actress's personal and private sexuality.

2. What makes you think she'd be offended by it, there have been newspapers rumoring about her sexuality and she has never displayed any signs of offense.

What makes you think she would not? This has zip to do with orientation, more with privacy. Many people, myself included, do not like people speculating on our sexuality. Not because we're ashamed of sexuality, but because the over-discussion of it (especially online) cheapens it, no matter what one's orientation. Why do so many people stick their noses into stuff that is none of their business?

Again - we're here to discuss the show. Is it NECESSARY to speculate on an actress's sexuality? Do we need to know about her private life? Does playing a character expose a person to all sorts of impertinent nosy questions, including ones on one of the most private of things, one's sexual life (or lack thereof)?

3. Comparing yourself, a private person not in the public eye, not getting payed millions of dollars to appear on a weekly, internationally broadcasted tv show, is a wide leap per se. I do not know you, why would I speculate on you in any way? I don't "know" Jorja personally either, but she is giving at least a part of herself away in interviews and by being a public person. That comes with the job. It's what magazines do all the time, any actor will can be in the focus at some point.

Yes, it's a bit of a leap, to be sure. I won't present my limited credentials (including news articles) as it's still small potatoes compared to an actor/actress. That doesn't make the point any less valid. Real people usually draw lines between what they reveal and what they wish to keep private. The actress may have disclosed some personal info. That was her choice. Does that then obligate her to listen to fans who identify so strongly with her, that they might wish to make her into something that she may not be?

I'm sorry, but that's a bit creepy.

Actors are paid performers. Nothing more. Nothing less. To identify with them so closely that one will bend truth, or invade privacy, even online (and who knows who reads stuff here) is frankly, stalkerish creepy to me.

4. What does it matter, it's not like Jorja is even reading this, it's just a fan board, people need to loosen up around here, imo. By saying that any board member could ever have the impact of forcing an actress to do anything is giving way too much credit to this site and its members, don't you think?

Because it DOES matter. It's none of your damned business (or the other poster's) what the actress does in her non-character time. Doesn't matter if she's given 1,000 interviews, doesn't matter if she's given some private type details, there is a line between fan and performer and people who cross it need to get a life.

She's an actress, not a 'shipper's dream. She's a paid performer who probably enjoys her craft a great deal, but at the end of the day, she goes home, feeds the dog (if she has one), kicks back and relaxes and is just one of us.

What actresses don't need are fans who get obsessive. And I won't condone it.

But in the end, this isn't my page and the rules aren't my own. I'll stick to yours and wait patiently for Jorja to say something. End of discussion.

My rules are really common sense. I see no point in speculating on the real lives of the actors. That crosses the line between appropriate and inappropriate. If some cannot handle that, well then, that's why there are things like LJ.
i love her little smirk
i haven't been on here in a few days, and i come back to all these awesomely jorjalicious pictures, rock on. my birthday was the other day, and i think these pics could have been all the gift i needed!!
and that interview....wowowowow!!
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