Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Yeah, and the season premier was filmed MONTHS ago, and we've seen her recently, and she's not preggo. She would have grown a bit by now
Yeah, and the season premier was filmed MONTHS ago, and we've seen her recently, and she's not preggo. She would have grown a bit by now

Yes, Kc from Kc, you are right. The last thing I'll say on this topic is this: if the woman IS trying to get pregnant and is having a hard time (not uncommon at "our" age -- she's 40; I'm 41), then it's probably painful to hear about fans' speculations about it. I'm not speculating anymore about it -- and I hope other fans follow suit.
I loved the episode even though it was very sad, and loved seeing Sara back, but is Jorja pregnant?

THis was probably one of the most spectatcular episodes in CSI history, the acting superb, by them all, seeing Sara return to her man the hug:drool: and her team mates hugging her as well, so sweet. The pace was fantastic, it was perfection. Sara and Greg going to Waricks place, so sad and discovering the paternity papers:wtf:and Nick find out the culprit he's so good. And the eulogy by Grissom electrifying:wtf: and watching Sara and the rest of the team so grief stricken and in pain, lover their beloved Warrick. And on her being with child, the continuity is that it's not been that long, the eps. are back to back on the show, not the long summer we all had to endure, so it's a slim possiblity, maybe another reason for her to be leaving, we have to wait and see. One never knows what TPTB have in store for the fans! I didn't think they'd find McKeen in the first ep. but they did, a real shocker:wtf:, so anything is possible!
Don't miss this next one "The Happy Place" while our Sara is still on the scene:)

It pertains to the great ep. from way back "Too Tough To Die" and how the wife was in a vegetative state, and Sara knew but the husband was so happy she was still alive, when she said to Grissom " I wished I was like you, and didn't feel anything" and his startled expression, when she walked out. so I think this will be one of Sara's shinning moments, I'm not sure of the outcome, but spoiler info. has the hubby pulling th plug. It will be a bittersweet ep. for sure
I'm SO excited about Sara's return, but I hate how they did it. I loved Warrick, and the fact that they used his death as an excuse for GSR... it's just grr... I love that she's back though. She was and is so incredible... and did I mention her haircut is just plain... beautiful? *gushes*

Hopefully this season will give us what at least *I* was hoping for: a happy ending for Sara Sidle. I know that once Grissom leaves, she'll probably be gone too. So... with that said, she needs to be happy, as much as Grissom does. So... let's hope for a happy ending, shall we?
I think when the character Sara leaves, she'll leave with Grissom, it's written in the stars, and she came back "For Warrick" she worked with him for 8 years, and it was a sad occasion for her, so it was great to see her with her beloved, and her team mates they all mean so much to her;) The hugs were so poignant and so meaningful, how much they all care for one another. The sadness at the services was a real tear jerker To see them all crying, who didn't cry along with her and them?
I think when the character Sara leaves, she'll leave with Grissom

They have finished episode ten now so whatever happens it's done and dusted.I'M looking forward to what Jorja will do post CSI, she said she was looking at some projects.So could see her in something else soon.
I'd love to see her in something other than CSI, as much as I like Sara, I would love for Jorja to have to chance to play a different character, something to challenge her as an actor, to see what she can do. Something fresh!
I'd like to see her do something different, didn't she say once something about comedy being a challenge? (Or did i make that up, I'm sure she did)

It'd be good to see her in a couple of short feature films or something.
Well Gary is making a movie, Billy's back in Chicago, doing his plays, so Jorja probably will do something different, when the time or offer that she likes comes along. For now, there's still 9 episodes left in S/9 , that Billy will be in, and she will be in some of them, so I'm focusing on seeing her back with the CSI team however many she'll be featured. Tonights will be fantastic, can't wait~
Can someone clarifiy what happened with Sara in this ep? I missed some of it somehow. Use spoiler tags if you have to. thanks
Grissom asked Sara to stay in Vegas she didn't want to stay, Sara wanted Grissom to take a trip to the Galapagos Islands, but he didn't want to go. then he kind of said he wanted her to break up with him. the last we saw of Sara was her packing her bags.:confused:
It seriously confused (and disturbed) me when Sara and Grissom were lying in bed together, I thought she had sort of broken up with him already last season?

Anyway, does anyone know whether Sara will be in the next episode? Looked like she was leaving again already.
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