Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARA so a Virgo birthsign. Wonder what your honey will get you? could it be something one wears on their finger:bolian:
could it be something one wears on their finger:bolian:


Happy Birthday to our darling Sara!!

So if Jorja did some kind of a tv movie or something, what kind of genre would you like to see her do? She's done drama for so many years.
I'd love to see her in a really slapstick, physical, pee-your-pants, crude, R rated, comedy. We know she has a very colorful vocabulary:devil: , I'd love to see her bring that out on screen :p
I can't believe I didn't notice this on my awesome CSI calendar lol... I'm sure it must say. *goes off to check*...

anyway, happy birthday to Sara. I can send a cake to the crime lab ;) hahaha

Goes to vote for Jorja :D
I was wondering is when Sara returns they'll have Hank on to welcome her too:thumbsup: he's been on twice in "Leapin" Lizards" and "GDC" and in the "Crossover" ep. was mentioned, when Sara came to the lab, and goes to Grissom, I took Hank for a walk, and took him to the sitters " and Jack goes to Grissom, "Is Hank your kid"? and Grissom goes "No, he's my dog":lol: and on the name, why they didn't just let him have his real name Bruno, poor dog might be confused, "here Bruno, oh, I mean Hank " not to mention that was the name of Sara's past paramour, who was two-timing his girlfriend with Sara, and in "Crash & Burn" S/3, the last scene with Sara and Hank painful, she goes "I didn't tell your girl, if that's what your wondering" and Hank goes "I'm sorry" and Sara goes "me too, see ya'" and then goes to the car where Cath is waiting for her, and Cath goes, "got any plans" Sara says "Nope" and Cath says "want to go have a beer"? Sara goes "Drive", and "Wild Horses" is playing in the background:( another riveting acting performance with both of them. Their expressions, so real. So if we see Hank again with Sara petting him and him wagging his tail, that would be so sweet;)

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I loved that scene at the end of Crash and Burn between Sara and Cath. It is one of my favourite scenes ever.
could it be something one wears on their finger:bolian:


Happy Birthday to our darling Sara!!

So if Jorja did some kind of a tv movie or something, what kind of genre would you like to see her do? She's done drama for so many years.
I'd love to see her in a really slapstick, physical, pee-your-pants, crude, R rated, comedy. We know she has a very colorful vocabulary:devil: , I'd love to see her bring that out on screen :p

I would like to see her in a comedy. looks like Jorja wont be returning to ER which I would have also liked to see Maggie Doyle again.

Jorja returning to ER unlikely
I've actually never really been a fan of ER and never seen Jorja as Maggie Doyle in it..except on youtube ;)
you know what Jorja "mystery" still bugs me, because we never got an answer? what's with the painting one fingernail gold?? :confused: she had it in Committed, S/5 and said 'oh it's great that people picked up on that' but why? haha this is so minuscule but it's always in the back of my mind :borg:
I thought it was a "shout out" to Sarah Goldfinger. At least that's what I (vaguely) remember reading in some interview.
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