Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Thank's bubbles and it is amazing, I wished I had her energy:beer:

Jorja talking about her co-star in the latest EW Weekly magazine~

It will never be the same again with the loss of Billy. He's the protagonist, he's the eyes of the show, all roads start and end with him Jorja Fox

What a great high compliment, well spoken Jorja!
someone know where live Jorja? still lives in California? in 3 week i will go.who know,maybe i'm lucky:)
where did you get the news that she now lives in San Juan Capistrano? I think I heard it in an interview that Marg did a while back actually, but I don't remember.
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Exactly. I thought she was still llving in West Hollywood. At least that's where she owned and lived in a house with Suzanne Mara, wasn't it? The propertzy records are on the web, so they definitely owed a home together, but I'm not sure whether it was WH or some place else.
She does still live in California, in San Juan Capistrano, an exclusive community on the coast off the I-5, beautiful very weathy and ritzy. She's a surfer, so this would be her heaven on earth~

Thank's rock!:thumbsup:

Your welcome, have fun in California, and you rock as well,
and as far as the "source" about this, her "new residence" it was already posted a ways back, and I'm not reposting it... and on where she used to live it was in Venice Beach in L.A. county, where her surfer photos were taken, and that's old news:shifty: Also on every bio, or site I've ever read about her, it always states, she "lives alone, with her two dogs, and now she's got two kitties as well. If in fact she had a former room mate that is mentioned, "cite your source"! moving on..... this site has some awesome new pictures of her and her handsome co-star. really nice go look, and ENJOY!
I dont remember anything about her living in Venice Beach, she lived in Silverlake. She gave an interview where she talked about one of her favorite restaurants, which is in Silverlake, and she said it was walking distance from her house. And that came from her.
But that was before she moved recently, so I don't know about this San Juan Capistrano, but it sure looks like a beautiful place to live!!
I thought she lived in San Clemente? (obviously not:lol:) I don't know what made me think that, I must have read it somewhere lol. I don't know where all of these extremely nice looking places are in relation to each other anyway! But they all look very nice. Imagine living at Venice Beach?! I'd love too... Amazing.
I have no idea lol. I'm seriously useless sometimes! Never mind... I know she lives in California:lol:. And I know that no matter why in California she lives, it's thousands and thousands and thousands of miles away from the sunny UK lol.
It was Santa Clarita, up north by Magic Mountain, now they're at Universal Studios in L.A./Hollwood, and Silverlake is in close proximity to Venice Beach. I was born in L.A. and everyone walks everywhere there, and she does live in San Juan Capristrano, as already stated, but stays nearby the studio when she's filming on CSI. Billy lives in Hancock Park also close and in the L.A. area>

I know you stated about San Juan Capistrano already, and I think it's a beautiful place, and if she does live there, than lucky her. The only time I heard about her "new" house as in an article that Marg did a while back when she talked about visiting Jorja, I've only asked you to say where else you heard it,'cause I'm interested and I've been looking, and haven't found anything besides the Marg article so far
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