Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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I loved that scene at the end of Crash and Burn between Sara and Cath. It is one of my favourite scenes ever.

I was an intense scene, and showed her character at the best in acting, she is so beliveable, And she stated she'd never do another TV series, because her heart belonged to CSI:thumbsup: and I was thinking it would be cool to have the CSI magazine do a "CSI celebrities and their pets", Billy and Bruno & his kitties, Jorja and her pets George and his, I think Golden Retriver or Lab, and Marg and her dog, and whoever else has a pet on CSI. Get them all together with their respective animals and have it in one of they're issues:luvlove:
I loved that scene at the end of Crash and Burn between Sara and Cath. It is one of my favourite scenes ever.

Me too.

It seems my favorite scenes in the history of the show always end up between those two. I think they shine when they play off each other, and even though they're usually angsty scenes, it still shows.
Exactly, and in "BTK" 2, when Cath was all dazed and confused from her being drugged and did her own lab test, and told Sara "to keep it a secret" and Sara goes "OK" they do have each others backs, but have gotten in to tizzy fits with each other too, in "Nesting Dolls" when they had a argument in the hall, and Ecklie called Sara in his office, and told her she was on suspension, she goes "Fine" and when she came back she was going to aoplogize to Cath and Sara goes "No, I'm not" with her haughty attitude, & her great expressions, another outstanding scene with her :thumbsup:
That would be awesome but when she does return for 3-6 episodes [still not confirmed] she will have no job, and when her man leaves at the end of ep.10 most lilkey she'll leave with him, but if she came back this time, who's to say she won't do it again, some of the other stars have signed on for two more years, so an occasional 'guest' spot maybe:)
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^ Big thanks Alex....

*my audio not working so i duno what she's saying. ;)* but at least i gotta see her in that event.
Me too, thank's Alex she's always so happy and cheerful, a delightful person, and soon we get to see again, and with her new more mature hair-do, everything changes, and she has too:thumbsup:
She said "There's a few options and I'm looking at some TV stuff now, I'm looking at some feature stuff". TV and feature stuff that sounds good. like there could be new projects before to long :)
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I just watched this again, and boy does she love CSI, no doubt, talking about how it's #1 in the world, and raves again about Billy, how "he deserved an EMMY after 9 years" [ya' got that right Jorja!] and so glad to be back, like "it only seemed like a weekend since she'd been gone":bolian:we'll be seeing you soon Jorja:beer:
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Here's a cute video of Jorja shopping for a bike, don't know the date, but other girl is from "Spin Daily":confused: , but she's a "ray of sunshine" Jorja that is:luvlove:

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