Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Why just the gsr fan Desert? Did your friends spot her standing within 5 feet of some guy and you think the gsr fans are the only ones who will believe thats the boyfriend or something?
okay this is absurd.
if we are going to all get along a forum containing various people with various views, we need to pick our battles. because alot of this focus on one or two words out of a post can be bypassed. and i'm not referring to one specific person.

Where are the Jorja pics on the crazybilly site, then? Isn't that site only pertaining to Billy?
check out the site yourself.
Hi Desertwind, Im new, just registered, 'cause I've been a lurker for a while. I dont have enough posts to PM but im dying to know who she was with. could you email it to me?

First of all WELCOME
and I did e-mail you,:cool: and on her T-shirt bet she wears a small, there like $25.00, and luckily at our last rally we all put ticket stubs with a particular # and I couldn't believe it I won one:thumbsup: so I'm set. On the SPIKE marathon tonight they're re-running "DD" and "Living Doll" so if you've been living in a cave or don't have TV, or do, but haven't seen these two amazing episodes it shows her stunning acting..she rocks:beer:
I very thrilled, stoked and excited about this turn of events, I e-mailed David Rambo, one of the writers for CSI. and I just recieved a reply back from him:wtf: that he took the time to respond to me, how cool is that? I had asked him about how many episodes that Jorja would be in in S/9, it's a bit vague, and I'm letting nothing out of the bag or him either, that we all don't already know! so no *spoiler* boxes! his e-mail to me:hugegrin:

Dear, my name
I wished I could tell you how many episodes Jorja Fox will be in during S/9, but at this point, I CAN'T. I can however tell you that I've seen the season premiere, & it's great to have Jorja back with the team, even under sad circumstances of the story. It's a fantastic episode!
David Rambo

to him!
does anyone else notice Desertwind posts the same things over and over again, but acts like it's the first time? It's irritating. Post something new please.

Isn't Jorja supposed to be attending an Animal Acres event on September 6?

i'm sorry, is this thread about Desertwind?
besides, that e-mail from David Rambo was new, and i don't know about you but I hadn't heard it yet.

yes Jorja is supposedly attending the Animal Acres Event on September 6. i recall this being mentioned on this thread already, so i hope i'm not just posting the same thing over and over again.
The email had been posted before. And I was asking for more information about animal acres. I retracted the first part of my post. Sorry if I offended you.
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DR is basically rephrasing the same response to every e-mail because he cannot disclose any information, but for me, it's still worthwhile knowing them all. and i never once said you offended me.

Jorja Fox will, once again, attend The Animal Acres Gala. She’s not the Chair this year (give it up for Daryll Hannah!) but she will be in attendance. :thumbsup:
Thank's JorjaFoxFan I figured alot of fans haven't seen this, and I appreciate that you acknowledged it, & congratulated me.. and how many other fans recieved an e-mail from him, or any other writer, and this was only posted on the *spoiler* thread, to my knowledge and not all fans go on there! except our blockbuster fan Piper and some fans never say anything, or post anything valuable, interesting or informative , sad:( and it really has no bearing on Jorja, and all this news I post is is NEW, and I think you all rock:thumbsup:,the ones who are productive and post things about Jorja, and if some new photos come out of her at the Democratic Convention with the "person" she was with, we can post them on her picture thread. If I had her phone # I'd invite her to our next Obama rally this Thurs.:cool:

"Every word someone speaks that has anything to do with negative energy, creates another negative energy in this world"
The Scary Guy, Motivational speaker!
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i tend to believe
An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind - Ghandi.

i really want some pics of Jorja from that Democratic Convention. i love the fact that Jorja supports Barack Obama, i do admire his enthusiasm, if i were an american citizen, he'd have my vote :thumbsup:
Thank's Taryn that'll be neat, hearing her narrate:) and if any of you CSI fans caught any of the SPIKE marathon this past weekend, on the "GBAGL" Jorja's amazing acting, seeing her disintegrating, and breaking down and that creepy little pyscho, Hannah being the straw that broke her back the last straw so to speak, "Hannah, Sara your different, sad and a little angry, what's wrong" and Sara, and how she pulls her lips down in a frown, and goes to Grissom "she's spinning me in circles" and him asking if she wanted off the case, and her going "NO, I have to finish this" then her brother kills him self, and when Sara tell her, she has a complete breakdown, I wonder if they'll ever bring this kid back on CSI, and what ever happened to her, good actress I recently saw her in a cheesy "Lifetime" movie, where she was the grandaughter of veteran actress Marsha Mason, and she was totally different, sweet, charming and laughed all the time, a good actress, I forget her real name. She was just playing games with Sara, and really got to her much to her demise in the episode:( Jorja riveting performance:bolian:
Goodbye and Good Luck was a very powerful episode, and Jorja was amazing in it. You could see her emotions through her face. She acted that episode just amazingly.
Another powerful ep. was "DD" OMG, she was fantastic and when Natalie goes in the parking structure, anc calls out her name "SARA" and then lasered her, I got chills up my spine, EWWWW:klingon: scary, and then the whole team went in to attack mode, trying to figure out where she'd taken her, and the little red car, with her hand sticking out:( and the fans not knowing what the H happened till the next season.. riveting episode~
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