Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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This is to several people, not just one particular person: If you want to share GSR stuff with people in here thats fine, but you should give them a link to the GSR thread. They will find all the links and pics in there. This is not a shipper thread, nor a billy petersen thread. Please respect that.
This is to several people, not just one particular person: If you want to share GSR stuff with people in here thats fine, but you should give them a link to the GSR thread. They will find all the links and pics in there. This is not a shipper thread, nor a billy petersen thread. Please respect that.

I'm not being unyielding here, but i don't think that those links were entirely inappropriate for this thread..all of them have information and pictures pertaining to Sara/Jorja and the posters of them did give warning that they contained some GSR.
I'm sure that most people who visit this thread found them useful in some way, because i know i did.

aaanywho..I don't know if this has already been posted? but i couldn't find it anywhere so, here's a Jorja Fox interview i found about CSI and her characters departure, i don't know the exact date of when to interview was taken but i am assuming that it's pretty recent, because it was posted on youtube August 17/08 and she has her short hair, which i think totally suits her :bolian: i think she looks gorgeous in it.
although i kind of want to see her with long curly hair :rolleyes: it think it would look good
If there are pics pertaining to Sara/Jorja only, does it matter if it's a site designed for something else? Really? Because i don't really think so.

I loved that. "I'm at the DNC in Denver. I don't know why I'm here."

If I was old enough to vote, I'd vote for Obama if Jorja told me to. *pretends like she's not a total CSI freak, since you shouldn't listen to celebrities for politics*
to Jorja for being at the Democratc Convention, YIPEE, how fantastic and boy this girl does get around, born in New York, grew up in Florida, lives in California, films in Las Vegas, and parties there, goes to Marg's house in Santa Monica, Billy's house in Hancock Park, Eric's house in Culver City, does a video to help the children in Burma, with Eric, goes to Costa Rica, for the causes there, and Austin, Texas for Cruelty to Circus animals, and now in Denver.. I wonder if she gets frequent flyer miles:lol:

An on other fans sites and respect for others, that goes both ways. Praise and congratulations come to mind, over fault finding. That wonderful PiperGrissom took the time and effort and hard work to put together these new fan-sites is inspiring and radiates positive energy:thumbsup: And as far as being posted on other threads, they are! When someone is promoting these sites, they tend to post it everywhere so fans that perhaps don't go see these, on those other sites will in fact read them here. The Billy site has loads of Jorja pics. and the cast as well. The GSR site also has mega photos of her, and features that fans might find interesting. It's not that these sites are better, just different and in conjunction with our forum. And that she nailed an interview with a CSI writer, is so fantastic:beer: There is a fan on the Billy site who's also on YTDAW, and on here, and promotes her fan-site, daily, and it's largely Nick, Greg, Cath oriented, and I've never seen one derogatory remark pertaining to this!

And on Jorja who's always an optimist, I would prefer to align myself with her attitude vs a pessimists view:angel:

A disposition to hope for the best, and a belief that good will prevail over evil!

A disposition to expect the worst, and a belief that all things tend to be evil!

Websters Dictionary

And be happy, say nice things, and let sunshine into your life!
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Derogatory remark? Please, show me which remark was derogatory in asking for those links to not be posted here. I honestly have not come across one poster on this Jorja thread as immature as you. Which is sad, because from what I understand you are much older than most of us on here. Posting the definitions of those words? That was insulting. And with all the things you say, and the childish way you go about things on this board, please, do NOT say you would prefer to align yourself with Jorja's way of thinking. It's insulting to her, as I'm sure she would never act so immaturely in regards to other people.
Thanks, kc.

By the way, those links have been posted three times in two days now, I think everybody got the message by now.
Woah guys, breathe. I personally don't have an opinion on this topic as I honestly feel both sides have valid points. I think one of the mods should handle this one.

The main thing I think everyone should remember is that we're all here because we love Jorja. Yes, some of us may also love Grissom or Catherine or Warrick, etc, but in the end we all still love Jorja. :)
The difference GSRLUVER is I actually come on here to talk about Jorja, not get into mud-slinging adjectives, and my up-beat prior post was all about Jorja, and was happy and cheerful and full of sunshine, and was describing her positive attitude... not disecting another fan!

Here's some more news about her at the Democratic Convention,
and I do know one thing, we do have many things in common, first this, she likes the same political duo as I do, 2nd the same guy on CSI, go JORJA:bolian:, I wished I could have gone to the DC and possible met her, how wonderful that would have been;)
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Alrighty then, how about this, someone asked what the content of this thread would be about. It is a thread dedicated to both Jorja Fox and Sara Sidel only. BUT that does not mean that if you have a pic with her and Marg, William, George, Eric, people from other shows, etc. that they can not be posted, As long as no one goes overboard, BUT what this thread is not is a GSR thread that is correct. If you have a GSR site, where there is a separate section pertaining only to Jorja (as has been mentioned) then link to that section in here, as anyone who is a gsr/william/grissom fan can click the link to get to it from there. As to having websites, you can place links in your sig (if you don't have a banner), or create a banner for your site and place it in your signature that links to your site, and there are places in the user CP to list sites.

Lastly if you do not want to read or see anything from some people instead of arguing you can always either not click on to the links, or put that person on ignore. I can see both sides of the argument going on, but honestly with the two options listed above I can also see a solution to it, if you want to go that route. And just a gentle reminder, attacking or whatever each other is not a good idea, whether you mean to or not how it is taken with the internet can be misinterrepted. This also pertains replying back if you believe you are being attacked or whatever.

Look you all share the common love for Jorja/Sara and at this time influx with the actress and her character it can get heated, lets just take a deep breath and concentrate on the reason this thread is here. ;)
Thanks for the info desertwind! That's one of the reasons I like Jorja so much. She has many talents and is involved with a wide variety of things. I think she's getting a full life experience by doing a little bit of everything. :)
After about 3 gallons of coffee I have to wonder why in a regular discussion thread are the "pics" being linked to, or a discussion on them being done, when there is a pic thread open. Color me confused, but I will get over it. :)
I swear Destiny I read this like 3 times and have no idea what you mean:wtf: explain.. or not. And some news about Jorja at the Democratic Convention, some friends I know were at the DC, and saw Jorja, and other celebrities as well, and told me all about it, her husbands friend spotted her, and she was with a "group" of people, We can't discuss her "personal" affiliations , but the GSR fans who want to know who she was with, can PM me and I'll tell you, they said she had on a Obama T-shirt, and baseball cap, jeans and was laughing and sorry smoking:confused:, and had a paper cup with some kind of beverage:eek:
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