Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Ouch, that's not the nicest description of her. I agree though Gravity, different clothes can make you look fatter/thinner sometimes.

tHanks for posting the snippet Inxs
another snippet Jorja smoking and drinking tisk tisk

DNC in Denver

stopped in for a cold one

CSI Jorja Fox stopped in for a cold one after she had just purchased a "Bark Obama" doggie bandana for her 12-year-old boxer. Fox said she's been a Barack Obama fan since she watched his keynote address at the 2004 convention, the moment that sent his political career into the stratosphere. "I just feel blessed to be a part of it," she said. "Every major historic event in history needs a devoted and excited audience and I get to be one of those people."
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Just saw a clip (Jorja at the Democratic National Convention, Denver) and she doesn't look too skinny to me (although you can dress in a certain way that makes you look bigger ;) - and sometimes skinnier ;))...but seriously, she looks fine to me.

And here it is, NOW I really admire her, I'm campaigning for Obama and she's there, doing it too, so if I had of went I could have met her, maybe:thumbsup:

Thank's to our lovely PiperGrissom
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I don't think Jorja look skinny she looked good to me, reporters always make some comment about actress's /celebrities weight fat thin whatever.
I don't think Jorja look skinny she looked good to me, reporters always make some comment about actress's /celebrities weight fat thin whatever.

She looked great and as you said not skinny, she has always had a trim figure, and as far as her 'habits' I could care less, it's not my business what she does, or doesn't do! I'm thrilled that she's in Denver, supporting Obama!
I don't think Jorja look skinny she looked good to me, reporters always make some comment about actress's /celebrities weight fat thin whatever.

She looked great and as you said not skinny, she has always had a trim figure, and as far as her 'habits' I could care less, it's not my business what she does, or doesn't do! I'm thrilled that she's in Denver, supporting Obama!

well said, both of you :thumbsup:
just kind of thinking out loud here...but wasn't it published a while back that Jorja had quit smoking? :lol:
i don't think she looks too skinny, and she's not at all fat, I've actually always liked her figure
Wow, yeah, that one article is pretty harsh! :eek: The media always bug me because one day an actress is too fat and then the next too skinny. I couldn't even imagine being a celebrity and picking up a magazine that on the cover said I was too fat or too skinny. :(

What really bugs me, is that these magazines pretend they want to give young girls confidence and role models to look up to and yet they keep bashing these poor actresses. No matter what your age, your self-esteem level can change.:borg:

From what I've seen, Jorja looks great. I think the short, curly hair works for her as it makes her features a little softer in my opinion. :) I'm hoping we'll see Sara is some more colours this seasons, like her wardrobe from seasons 1,2,3 and 4, before things started to get heavy.
Uh, these are other sites that fans might be interested in, I wasn't posting these for naysayers, it's for those that want and might be interested in these sites.. so anyway, moving on to happy news, did you see the convention? Jorja was there, how cool is that? and I'll bet she's having a blast;)and in her video she states our logo YES WE CAN:bolian: go Jorja~
Uh, these are other sites that fans might be interested in, I wasn't posting these for naysayers, it's for those that want and might be interested in these sites..
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the people who are interested in WP sites can go to the WP thread for links related to him.

As for the clip, I agree with everyone else, she doesn't look too skinny in them, she looks the same a always.
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