Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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I would put her higher as well, haven't been on the Internet for a wile or I would have voted. I'm watching "Cross Dressing Carp" at the moment Jorja looks very pretty I think.
So isn't it cool that soon we'll have her back on CSI. It's been a grueling long haul, from "DD" the lost, wounded dazed and confused Sara, to "Ala Cart" and her "reveal" to Icky Ecklie, and the go-cart race track, giving her thumbs up to her team mates,to "Carp" the marriage proposal, "GBGL" the heart-wrenching letter, and then she's back of [course Jorja took this time off, for her own personal life the play, travel, a new home], but when Warrick said to Grissom, in "Cockroaches" about missing her, that was so true. The team although under tragic circumstances, will be thrilled to have her back with them. It seems that her main focus right now is CSI, or she wouldn't have come back:rolleyes: so when Carol Mendohsohn said "she'd be back" she wasn't kidding:thumbsup:
Well, I for one haven't yet watched her goodbye episode nor any episodes that came afterwards. And considering what's been said in the spoiler thread I won't watch any of the new episodes, either. The writers have completely ruined the Sara character for me. So no, I'm not happy at all to have Jorja back because I don't care what happens on the show anymore.
I am looking forward to Jorja returning but as she wont be on CSI for long, I am also interested to see what she will do next
The epi with pam Adler sound intence
I'm positive that all Sara fans are anticipating her return, it does sound intense, as the whole season does. Hopefully she'll have a paramount part of it all:thumbsup: "For Warrick" especially:(
They changed the start date several times but I think it's October 9Th. So by the time the first epi of season 9 is shown Jorja and WP will both have finished filming.
We know what WP is doing next but I would like to know what Jorja is going to do.
I'd like to know what she wants to do too. I'd like to see her do some more things like the Dusty Springfield play she helped produce before. As I've said before, the interviews she did about that she just seemed so happy about and passionate about. I'd like to see her do some more stuff like that, because she seemed to really enjoy it.
I'm only interested in movies or TV shows, seeing that I won't get to see any plays she might produce. But honestly, I think she's past the age of women getting hired in Hollywood. Maybe she should have quit CSI three years ago...When I see people like Michelle Pfeiffer and Sandra Bullock struggle to get any good movie roles it makes me sick. Just because they reached a certain age does not mean people don't want to see them on the big screen anymore :(.
I see what you mean. I wouldn't get to see any plays either, she just seemed to really enjoy producing that other one (from interviews she seemed too) but I'd love to see her on TV or in some movies. But as you say, hollywood doesn't seem to favour anyone over a certain age.

But I guess in terms of TV, Marg got CSI when she was over 40, so she could probably still get a TV role, it's just whether she'd want to. I do hope to see more of her though.
I'm just thrilled that she made the decsion to return to CSI, she's been sorely missed, even Warrick, the character, said to Grissom "I miss Sara, it's not the same without her" in "Cockroaches" with a sad face. So this is exciting to have her back. If she decides to do another TV series, or big screen movies or plays or even the sometimes cheesy "Lifetime TV movies that'll be good. But I will alway associate her with CSI, and her powerful performances:bolian:
Just saw a clip (Jorja at the Democratic National Convention, Denver) and she doesn't look too skinny to me (although you can dress in a certain way that makes you look bigger ;) - and sometimes skinnier ;))...but seriously, she looks fine to me.
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