Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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I actually think she looked best on the first two seasons. In season three her hair was too light IMO and in the later seasons she wore the "depressed" face too much. I liked some of her outfits though, although in the early seasons she looked a lot cooler, in the beginning Sara seemed more free spirited and young. I don't know in how far the changes were itentional, but it's my impression that the job has made Sara age mentally and worn her down, which is mirrored in her appearance. Her wardrobe seems more mature and less colorful in the later seasons.
I know what you mean, especially about her seeming more free spirited and spritely (is that even a word) in the earlier seasons. But I don't know, certain episodes, I'm thinking of the office scene with Cath in Secrets and Flies, I think she looks stunning there. There's a couple more I can't think of the eps from but when watching I thought wow more than usual at.
I still think she look's the same as she did from the beginning, and who's to say she hasn't stopped smoking:confused:, and her 'wardrobe" mainly consists of CSI garb, and that never changes:rolleyes: there are some celebrities who use botex and laser peels to keep their skin looking young and they've got the $$$$, not to suggest thagt Jorja does this, but in the latest photos with her short hair-do, her skin is as smooth as satin, and she look's amazing:wtf: I know a woman who's 50, and look's much younger, and she's a smoker, but uses expensive creams on her face and it works. Some people stay young looking and some don't!

Here's some "quotes" from Jorja, more extensive than the last set!
Ageing is going to happen no matter what, and compared to alot of other 40 year old women, and alot of women younger than her, she is stunning.
Jorja is aging gracefully. I do think she looks a little older than in season 1, but hey, that was eight, almost nine years ago, everyone ages a little at least in nine years.

What I like about Jorja is that she is so confident with herself, she doesn't use (as far as I know) things like botox or crash diets. She keeps herself natural. :)

I do have to admit that I don't like her smoking habit, but I'm sure being a celebrity actress is very stressful and smoking probably takes the edge off, although I'm sure surfing does it for her too. :)
No matter of the age she'll be always hot. Honestly I like all her "faces" from each season. Hard to say is for me to choose which one was the best. Dark or light hair, short or long. She's always hottie. It's great that Jorja is so natural but the smoking habit. It's really dangerous for skin and sometimes I see in few epis some changes. Luckily not big... Anyway, I adore her in way she is:)
Good thoughts and comments Deirdre right on, and like I stated prior, no one knows if she's still smoking or not, unless someone here hangs out with her, or has seen her doing it recently, when Billy Petersen quit smoking [and we all know all handsome he is] he actually tried her veggie diet, so if he quite maybe she did also, on her new photos her skin is pure smooth, no lines at all! no matter like you said, she's still a natural beauty:thumbsup:
I'm happy there are still a few celebs out there who are natural beauties and Jorja's definitely one of them :thumbsup:

I don't really have a favourite face of whatever season. She looked lovely in season 1, she still looks great now. I loved the youthfullness in the earlier seasons but she has triggered me more in later seasons. The woman is hot, we all have to face that ;) :)
Yeh, I think we all agree on the fact she is hot!! :D

I just came to say as well, I finally watched Goodbye and Good Luck earlier. And I was actually a little choked. I can't even explain how amazing I thought Jorja was in that episode. She was just fantastic from beginning to end. You could see how and what Sara felt, and how it was all getting too much, she was just amazing.
Totally agree with you bubbles. She was stunning in this epi. I saw it few times and still I can't stop my tears when she's leaving. Also great moment is when she's telling that little girl about her brother's death (sorry, but I can't remember all these names). It was amazing when she held her hands. Sara's face was full of pain and sadness. One of the best acting pieces in CSI.
I agree, one of her best performances, she's so beliveable, and so amazing her expressions her whole aura, she's a great actress, and this was a intense ep. also "Committed" she rocks and she deserves an Emmy!:thumbsup:
Jorja has had great acting in all of her CSI epsiodes. One of my favourites is the Snakes/Nesting Dolls combo. I think she just carries that edge Sara is on so well from the one episode to the other. You really feel her anger and pain, but also that instinct to try and cover it up.
Yeh, she is great in all the episodes, but she really shows how good she is in some of them. I thought she was great in Nesting Dolls too. I agree that you can really feel what she's feeling.
This week their re-running "Empty Eyes" one of her all time greatest performances, the dead girls, that freak attacking Sara,:scream: and at the end watching the news, goes "I held his hand" and tears flowing down her cheek's as Grissom wipes them away, and then we see creepy Natalie mopping in the background while they're walking down the hallway, who knew:wtf: everyone thought it was a man, I remember Carol Mendolsohn saying "it's someone in the lab, which drove me nutty thinking "who" Hodges.. Ecklie..Archie..David NO etc. and the the time it was her:confused:and then she took Sara and we know the rest!
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