Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Aw, that sucks, if I found out that she had been in Vancouver two weeks ago, I'd be sad. Too bad you didn't find out earlier so you could go around campus trying to find her. lol :lol: I would probably do that. Skip school and attempt to follow her around. (I'm purposely avoiding the work 'stalk'.

Her cats have hilarious names. Rumplestiltskin and Sid Poiter. I don't think I could keep a straight face while I was calling them.
Okay now things start to get strange for me. I have been gone for a few days and I come back to the Jorja threads and in both threads I notice the same rule being dropped about talking about private lifes of actors.
I didn't want to say anything in the pic thread because that is obviously not the place but now that I find the same rule here, I feel like some of the fans are being told off because they are writing assumptions (wheter or not founded by some sort of evidence) about Jorja being gay.

Basically what I feel and think about it, is this: Jorja's sexual orientation is Jorja's and Jorja's alone. But, as a public person and saying the things she has said and also adding together some of the things about her personal life she had made clear, people can draw assumptions. They do not have to be true. But to say somebody is straight unless stated otherwise is not the right way. Because that would mean that all the closet gays would be straight..

I am accepting there are lines. I respect Jorja's decision about keeping her private life private. But the fact that the rule has shown up within a few hours of each other in both Jorja threads and at both times when people are talking about assumptions just gets to me and I wonder why. We are not stating she is straight or gay. We are assuming and there is nothing wrong with assuming as long as you do not use that assumption as a clear fact.

And now I will go back on topic and say that I admire Jorja in any way and I have always seen her as a great example and a very good actress. And I wish her the best in whatever her new plans are.
Needless to say I was offended by some of the stuff written in the other tread. So called points where made that can be considered hurtfull and discriminating towards gay people in general and also gay people here on the board.
I have heard and read that it was said that there was no discrimination but my feelings tell me something different because I do feel discriminated and hurt by what was written.

I find it unfair to say that a person should take down her avatar because it shows an assumption. I also find it unfair to be told what I can or cannot assume and therefor, think or cannot think. I thought that this was an open minded place where we could all hang out?

As for now, I am leaving TalkCSI because I do truly feel offended by what written earlier. Maybe I will come back. Maybe not.
It's sad that apparently we cannot live in friendly coexistence over here. I understand your reasoning completely. In case you read this, you will be missed.
I agree SaraSidle, you will be missed
I hate that you have been offended!! We need to be allowed to talk freely, about her life and the stories or rumors about her life. I don't think anyone should have to change their avatar or anything because it states and assumption...let people express themselves the way they want to...

i think that the people who can not be open minded or can not and refuse to keep offensive opinions to themselves or at least to a minimum, are the ones who should have to leave
i find myself severely dissapointed in this site day after day

Jorja=love, and we need more of it

edited to delete a bad argument
GSRfanatic25 said:
what about all these people sporting avatars about ships that are never going to happen? those are assumptions, more so, they are fantasies, but they are allowed
Those "ships" are about fictional characters. Sara Sidle is a fictional character. Jorja Fox is a real person. When the subject is about Jorja, people should understand how to respect her privacy on parts of her life that she's kept "private". Yes, being on television, she's a person in the public eye. That doesn't mean every part of her personal life should have to become public as well, and always under public scrutiny.

Most of the problems with the internet is that people sometimes forget there are real people out there with real feelings. And Jorja has mentioned previously that she occasionally does check the various websites.
How does anybody know whether someone's avatar is about the actor or the character when there is no name mentioned and the face obviously belongs to either, as the actor is the one portraying the character?

As for Jorja checking these threads: I don't think so. She might have heard about it but I hardly think she has the time to follow every of our conversations. Most of the time we are just repeating ourselves anyway. If she did read this though, I think she'd laugh about a lot of the things posted.I don't know her in person but that's the way I imagine her to be.

[PS: Jorja, in case you do read this, mention it in your next interview, just so we know ;)]
haha, rock on mia
wouldn't it be awesome if she did read this. kind of makes me self concious. and i hate to think she'd have to read through all this tension.
Jorja Fox Rocks, nuff said. that's what this thread is about after all!
Great posts by GSRfanatic25, MiaCharlize, and SaraSidle_girl! It's nice to see that people stick together on this board and let it be known that I'm with you guys! :)

Some people on this board twist words and posts to make them look evil when they are really innocently discussing a topic. I hope you feel better soon SaraSidle_girl, but know that you do have support from us! :)
MiaCharlize said:

As for Jorja checking these threads: I don't think so. She might have heard about it but I hardly think she has the time to follow every of our conversations. Most of the time we are just repeating ourselves anyway. If she did read this though, I think she'd laugh about a lot of the things posted.I don't know her in person but that's the way I imagine her to be.

[PS: Jorja, in case you do read this, mention it in your next interview, just so we know ;)]

Jorja mentioned in an interview she gave in season 6 it's on CSI files JAN 06 she said she checked CSI talk sometimes,

CSI Files: Sara is more popular than ever! She has a lot of fans at TalkCSI, if you've ever seen the site.

Fox: I have checked it from time to time. I haven't checked it in a while but I do. I think the last time I wanted to check it about George's mustache actually. But I didn’t get to unfortunately.

CSI Files: Unfortunately, it wasn't very popular!

Fox: Oh, that's too bad! I think on a day-to-day basis--the writers especially--we gotta just try and follow our hearts. If we're too overly obsessed about whether people are going to like something or whether the fans are following it, then you can get really caught up in that. You can get into a cycle where somebody's always not going to like something and then you get scared to take any risks or chances. It's funny because the show breathes, it begins and it ends with the fans. And we've been so very lucky to have so many. But it's always a dangerous [thing] which is why I don't check CSI Files too much because you get nervous that people aren't happy and you get this crazy downward cycle, like "Oh no, I've let down the fans!" It's like way worse than letting down the writers or one of your co-stars.
I will state this again, and this will be an end to it.

We're not here to speculate about the private life of an actor/actress. That is called gossip. If that offends, I'm sorry, but I don't like gossip.

One can talk about known things about an actor/actress. That would be fact and not gossip.

Characters. You can speculate anything you wish about a character. They are make-believe. 'ship 'em any way you like (or not at all.)

An avatar encouraging a character to be gay (or straight) or shag someone (gay or straight) is OK. An avatar encouraging an actor/actress to change orientation (either way) or shag someone (straight or gay) is not OK. That crosses over into real life and their real lives are none of our business, nor should we be in the business of speculating about them.

If you need to project your wish fantasies onto an actor or actress and are offended by not being able to do so, then you are too involved and need to both log off and turn off the television. This is coming from a parent and what I would tell my own daughters.
An avatar encouraging an actor/actress to change orientation (either way) or shag someone (straight or gay) is not OK.

The avatar in question was in no way encouraging anyone to change their orientation. It read "come out" which basically just voices the person's wish for clarity as to avoid discussions like the current one. Jorja could just as well state publicly that she is straight - if she was - and there would be no more reason to speculate.

As for being too involved: I'm a student, I suffer from boredome and no other hobbies that steal my spare time. I do have a life, I have a partner, a cat, my own apartment and friends. Can't help it that I still have enough time to spare for my fave pastime, the internet.

I promise to leave the board when I become a parent.
The avatar in question was in no way encouraging anyone to change their orientation. It read "come out" which basically just voices the person's wish for clarity as to avoid discussions like the current one.

Nope. Not buying that, sorry. ;)
^Now you're making blatant assumptions about my private thoughts. Nice to see that you are allowed to do that.

Does anyone know the specific dates of Jorja's talk show appearances in November?
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