Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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BrookeSidle said:
I just read the full interveiw with Jorja about her leaving, and she said "I forgot to have kids!". Does anyone know if she's married or anything? I didn't think she was but since she's a very private person, you never know... I know it's not cool to ask about a star's private life, but I'm just wondering.

I'm so confused right now. It's like, "Is she leaving forever, is she going to come back eventually?" I mean, first I thought her leaving meant never EVER coming back, and I was so depressed, it seemed final. But then there was the CM thing... I don't know what to think anymore. I sure hope she comes back eventually! :(

Yeah i read that about she forgot to have kids well i wish her all the best in whatever she wants personal and professional and no she is not married. :)
maybe that's why CM said that about her coming back to keep us Jorja fans watching to see if she does I hope she does she did say if she was going to do more TV it would be CSI. but i would watch whatever she's in
Finally been able to watch 8.4. and damn did Jorja look hot in that white tank and jumpsuit?
She was hot overall in the ep, apart from the weird bee scene... I liked the long top, wasn't very Sara imo, seemed more like Jorja's style, but either way it perfectly accentuated her breast, did they look big or what? :devil:
Grissom proposed!!!!!!!!!!!!
and Sara said yes!!!!.

GSR fans all over the globe have been waiting for this moment, this piece in time, for 8 freaking years for them to be together forever.
THANK U GOD, ANd writers.
Umm...I'm not saying Jorja's a bad actress, but the scene seemed rather forced. The whole deal reminded me a lot of a scene from season 3, Fight Night.

Let me quote Sara: "Smiling suppresses the gag reflex"
Um... I didn't think it was forced! I thought they both sounded a little strange, but I'm just not used to getting scenes like that.

I remember the white tank, it reminded me of some pics I saw of Jorja with her friends somewhere. Actually, I just saw that someone posted one of those pics in the pic thread!
BrookeSidle said:

I remember the white tank, it reminded me of some pics I saw of Jorja with her friends somewhere. Actually, I just saw that someone posted one of those pics in the pic thread!

The girl in those pictures is rumored to be her girlfriend, btw :D. Just thought I'd share because you asked about her being married.
Yeah, I heard that rumour. I only asked about her being married because people keep asking ME. My friend and my stepmom asked me, and they expect me to know. They think I know everything about CSI and the related actors, especially Sara/ Jorja. It's not a secret that I think she's totally awesome, but no one knows everything about her.
csiviper said:
Grissom proposed!!!!!!!!!!!!
and Sara said yes!!!!.

GSR fans all over the globe have been waiting for this moment, this piece in time, for 8 freaking years for them to be together forever.
THANK U GOD, ANd writers.

Yes, indeed, fantastic, and on Jorja's personal life, I could care less, it's her business, and I like discussing her character on talking about her portrayal on the CSI show, and as far as a soap opera, the "lets get married scene" and her answer "Yes, lets do it" was like 25 seconds, hardly taking over the whole ep. and it's been along time coming!!
May I remind you guys of the part of this forum they call "Shipper Central"?

Oh, and I find Jorja much more interesting than Sara. I understand that we should not dissect every part of her private life in here but I'm still more intrigued by personal things she mentiones in interviews and pictures of her at awardshows/chaity events etc than just her character on CSI.

Especially lately Sara has lost most of her appeal to me, so for me it's all about Jorja now.
Taryn said:
BrookeSidle said:
I just read the full interveiw with Jorja about her leaving, and she said "I forgot to have kids!". Does anyone know if she's married or anything? I didn't think she was but since she's a very private person, you never know... I know it's not cool to ask about a star's private life, but I'm just wondering.

I'm so confused right now. It's like, "Is she leaving forever, is she going to come back eventually?" I mean, first I thought her leaving meant never EVER coming back, and I was so depressed, it seemed final. But then there was the CM thing... I don't know what to think anymore. I sure hope she comes back eventually! :(

Yeah i read that about she forgot to have kids well i wish her all the best in whatever she wants personal and professional and no she is not married. :)
maybe that's why CM said that about her coming back to keep us Jorja fans watching to see if she does I hope she does she did say if she was going to do more TV it would be CSI. but i would watch whatever she's in

I can't believe Jorja leave the show. I hope she does come back and does guest appears on the show as Sara. hopefully they still keep Sara character on swing shift and not have her leave Las Vegas. So there is a changes for Jorja to come back for guest appears. I do wish Jorja luck on what ever she chosen to do next.
Sara hasn't become less rebellious, she has grown up, since the relationship with Grissom was revealed she has had a constant glow, she has mellowed and that is a good progression. Being rebellious for the sake of it can be childish and that would be tiresome and annoying.

And any woman Jorja is pictured with is rumoured to be her girlfriend and she has also been rumored to have dated men.
In interviews she has mentioned boyfriends and kisses from bearded men.
I think she likes the privacy that allows her sexuality to be ambiguous, it has served her well in her career.

I have to say that I am losing interest in CSI without Jorja and if Billy takes another break (CM says he will) it will kill the show.
The thing is, none of us know Jorja Fox personally, [or do you?] and only read what she wants to present to the media.. we do however have a pretty good insight to the character she portrays on CSI, Sara Sidle, and a damn good character at that, she's progressed to the place we see her at now, a happy contented calm, peaceful woman, and showing what a great actress she is!
I would like to see her with her family & she can introduce her fiance, wherever that might be! and hopefully that will come into play down the line!
I have to admit I have completely lost interest in CSI, I will read the boards and if Sara returns I will pick it up. CM says Billy is likely to take a break too. so maybe that will work around Jorja's exit and return.
I don't like Catherine enough to watch more of her and the show will lack an interesting female character, unless they do something with Sofia or Wendy. Gil and Brass are great but Jorja was the reason that I watch CSI because I hadn't heard of anyone else. It is like ER without Carter, ER carries on but I have no interest and know nobody else that still watches it.
Jorja has taken a massive gamble and I think that her leaving will be the beginning of the end for CSI and she will out of work. I hope she is successful but so many have tried the seek new pastures from top TV series and only George Clooney has kept working. It is even harder for a woman, there is something odd here. Maybe it is a set up so the Billy can say no to a new contract.
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