Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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I thought I remembered someone saying she would be on another one...I think it was in the Sara spoiler thread, but I'm not sure. And frankly to lazy to skim through it ;)
It said late show or late late show, don't know which one's Ferguson but the date has always been 5th, so I guess it's only that one for now.

More to come in the future, hopefully.
Ferguson is Late Late. ;) And I thought it was that one because the post where I saw it at first said "late show" but then the poster corrected themselves and said it was "late late"

And I've probably said "late" more times in this post than I have in the past week. :rolleyes:
Yeah it's the Craig Ferguson show 5th November and
"The View" sometime in November :) hope some one does put in on utube because we can't get it over hear.
Hopefully, I really want to see them. Jorja's always so cool in interviews. Maybe she's gonna tell us something about her future projects.
Maybe she's gonna talk about her personal life...oh wait, personal assumptions unfounded in reality *zips it*

I hope she'll talk more about her play thingy, I want to knwo whether she's actually gonna portray Dusty or is just producing the play.
On watching CSI it said Kirsten Holly Smith was playing Dusty an there is a video on utube of her sining
Little by Little
I'm probably like, the only person on this forum that doesn't know this, but what time is late-late? And do you get it in Canada? If not, I really hope someone puts it on the internet, I love watching her interveiws.
TBonz said:
If you need to project your wish fantasies onto an actor or actress and are offended by not being able to do so, then you are too involved and need to both log off and turn off the television. This is coming from a parent and what I would tell my own daughters.

Hmmm this has assumption written all over it. Its nicde to see at least someone is allowed to do it around here..

A) I was (and am)not offended by not being allowed to say anything to Jorja related to the word gay. I am offended by things that were said like "someone is straight unless stated otherwise" and other things said about people being gay. I think that some of the gay people around here remind some of the others about the possibility someone might be gay (whoever that is) and its a scary thought to them.

B) The quote I just made out of the mod's little explanation is an assumption about my private life and therefore not allowed, I pressume. Let me tell you something. I work in Special Needs on a group of 11 people with mental disabilities, behavioural problems and psychiatric disorders. I work 45 to 50 hours aweek and I am one of the rare people that can say I love my job. I have a partner and I am moving to England next year.
So whoever says I needs to get a life and stop being involved in this.. read the above part again.

C) The only reason I came back is that I got some very nice back up after what I said earlier Thanks everyone! and because I felt like I needed to. Walking away when feeling hurt and offended doesnt change. Staying does. So here I am back again. Not going anywhere.

And now this is, like the mod said earlier, the end of it. I am sorry I brought it up one last time. I felt like I needed to and so I did.
Taryn said:
On watching CSI it said Kirsten Holly Smith was playing Dusty an there is a video on utube of her sining
Little by Little

Thanks for he info, I'm kinda glad, I can't really see Jorja play Dusty... on the other hand, I was looking forward to a pic of her all donned up :lol:

And welcome back, Chris. Glad you decided on not running away.
The avatar in question was in no way encouraging anyone to change their orientation. It read "come out" which basically just voices the person's wish for clarity as to avoid discussions like the current one. Jorja could just as well state publicly that she is straight - if she was - and there would be no more reason to speculate.

As for being too involved: I'm a student, I suffer from boredome and no other hobbies that steal my spare time. (snip) Can't help it that I still have enough time to spare for my fave pastime, the internet.
*agreeing with point one and leaving it at that*
**agreeing with point two and adding...nope, not adding. i have very little life other than this and related websites. csi IS my life. if that's sad...well i don't care. it's what I love to do, and i think we all love to do it in some capacity. just burrow into the internet and do nothing else!

jorja is a wonderful fantastic beautiful, often butch looking woman. can't we celebrate her and not be so hostile about how we do so?

jorja=love...spread some jorja folks!!!!! ;D

ps where is the video on utube you were talking about?
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