Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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see, that's the thing...i've always found myself bored w/ csi when there's a lack of sara...and csi w/ NO sara is...pointless to say the least.
we don't know jorja personally, though that would rock...she's a great person, and she's human. i love and respect her no matter what. what she does, or who she does for that matter. i just, you know, want her to be happy, and keep doing what she loves. even though i don't know her, and probably never will...i want her to get the best she can out of life, and if this "break" or whatever is what she needs, then so be it! i think we can survive in some way or another. supporting her all the way.
she's a beautiful woman, and fantastic actor, and plays the best damn character on television, IMO!!

lucyj0720 said:
And any woman Jorja is pictured with is rumoured to be her girlfriend and she has also been rumored to have dated men.
In interviews she has mentioned boyfriends and kisses from bearded men.
I think she likes the privacy that allows her sexuality to be ambiguous, it has served her well in her career.

Actually that is not true. It's really only been Susan Mara and that CSI light double of hers whom she has been linked with. Mara and her supposedly even owened a house for 4 years. Of course that's never been confirmed by Fox herself, but the facts (if you google hard enough) pretty much speak for themselves. So anyway, there's really only been 2 women she's been romantically linked with, and not every woman she's ben photographed with.
yeah, I was going to mention that Jorja_Rain. It's usually just that woman that I hear her rumored to be with. And it very well could be her girlfriend...or it could be her best friend whom she takes everywhere. Who knows out here in fandom?? For me, it doesn't matter, honestly. Once again, whatever makes her happy.
And Rain, I like the quote in your's kind of mind's cool!
GSRfanatic25 said:
And it very well could be her girlfriend...or it could be her best friend whom she takes everywhere.

Actually the rumor didn't start because of some pictures, and I'd hardly say she takes her everywhere, there are way to little pictures out there of the two of them together :(.
i meant, i've seen her w/ jorja at a bunch of different events, in pictures. i know the rumors didn't start because of the point is whatever makes her happy is fine w/ me.
trying to be an optimist i guess...sally sunshine. everyone on these threads are at each others throats because of differences of opinion or whatnot...we should all just come here in our mutual love of jorja and be happy go lucky together!!
I hardly think I was at your throat, and neither was I talking about a difference of opinion. I think that a lot of GSR fans in general get way too emotional when someone doesn't agree with them. Some people just have to realize that a difference of opinion is not the same as putting someone down. And I for one don't think that this thread has had any Jorja bashing. Neither do I think that we argued. We stated different points, that's it. Why do some people act so whiny? (and I don't mean you personally, fanatic.)
Before it goes to far I figured I would just add this from the "Help Guide".
A Stars Personal Life Discussion:
While we do tend to discuss a stars personal life, there are really certain parts of that personal life that should not be discussed. While a star may talk about it in public thats one thing but lets respect that aspect of their lives please.
Don't know if any of you have heard but Jorja will be on the late show November 5th. and also on the view sometime in November
This just in:

Jorja Fox, soon to be off CBS' CSI, hoped the evening's sexy lingerie offerings would inspire Hollywood's young to cover up during the coming cooler months: "Lingerie is warm enough for everyone to be wearing it," said Fox, who will segue from CSI to producing a one-woman play about bisexual rock star Dusty Springfield, making its debut in January at L.A.'s Lily Tomlin Theatre.

For those who don't know who she is :p, this is from :

After Springfield's death from breast cancer in 1999, a recent biography, Dancing With Demons: The Authorized Biography of Dusty Springfield, by her friends Penny Valentine and her longtime manager Vicki Wickham (also manager of such acts as Morrissey, Marc Almond, and Patty Labelle), was crystal-clear on the subject of the music star's lesbian sexuality.

Wickham, who is serving as a consultant on the Dusty Springfield film, met Springfield in 1962. The two women, both queer, became fast friends and stayed friends through out Springfield's life, as Wickham reminisced to the Sunday Express in 2000: "We both knew we were gay right from the start and I think that helped enormously. We were totally platonic, though, which I think is why it lasted. We really were just mates and because of that she could tell me about her affairs and I could tell her about mine."

Born Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien in 1939's London, Dusty was educated in a Roman Catholic convent where she reportedly informed the nuns early on that she wanted to be a jazz singer when she grew up. Dubbed a childhood tomboy by her mum and dad in a 1965 New Musical Express interview entitled, fittingly "Mary was a Tom-Boy" Dusty was considered something of an pariah as a youngster, who spent a lot of her time wearing out the grooves on her dad's pop, jazz, and blues records, loving especially the tunes of Ella Fitzgerald and Peggy Lee.
Taryn said:
Don't know if any of you have heard but Jorja will be on the late show November 5th. and also on the view sometime in November

I should have said Jorja is going to be on the
Late Late show with Craig Ferguson
Thanks for the Bio :)
I think Dusty was great my fave song must be
"I Close My Eye's"
if Jorja is producing the play anyone heard anything about who will be in it.
Your welcome, and I've got OLD LP called "DUSTY IN MEMPHIS" and her big hit when I was a little kid, was "SON OF A PREACHER MAN" an I think the info. about the play would probably be on Jorja's fan-sites.. PureJorja, and ;) and she was in Las Vegas two week's ago, at the UNLV.. and of course once again secrecy and privacy is her key in life, I knew nothing about it till the article the next day :(
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