Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Yeah I read that and that is what spinned me around. At first I said I was gonna stop watching CSI without Jorja but with that in my head I am going to keep on track. I am very curious what will happen.
I'm so excited! I've decided that I'm going to treat Sara's departure as a sabbatical, kind of like Grissom's, because now we know that she will be back! :) Thanks for the article Tini!

My mind is just reeling with the many way that they could work her out of the show and then back in. I have a feeling that this is going to make some awesome fanfiction!
I am very curious about the other projects Jorja mentioned. Wonder what she will do. Expecting it might have something to do with animal rights
Tini said:

Exclusive: CSI Boss Vows Jorja Fox is "Coming Back"

After being depressed for 2 days, I think that`s good news isn`t it?

AND the most important thing: Carol mentioned our campaign!!!

You rock Tini THANK'S, boy what a rollar coaster ride this is :eek:.. I sure hope this is correct, I always had a glimmer of hope, that this would be resolved for a positive manner! so here we go again.. what will she do, or not do?
I just read the full interveiw with Jorja about her leaving, and she said "I forgot to have kids!". Does anyone know if she's married or anything? I didn't think she was but since she's a very private person, you never know... I know it's not cool to ask about a star's private life, but I'm just wondering.

I'm so confused right now. It's like, "Is she leaving forever, is she going to come back eventually?" I mean, first I thought her leaving meant never EVER coming back, and I was so depressed, it seemed final. But then there was the CM thing... I don't know what to think anymore. I sure hope she comes back eventually! :(
Jorja said she'd be thrilled to guest star from time to time and from what I read she will be back on occasion.

I was just thinking

about Grissom asking Sara to marry him and her saying yes... is that the same Sara Sidle who had this powerfull rage AGAINST weddings and marriage in the season 6 episode Rashomama? Sara was so not pro-marriage and everything. I really liked the statements she gave then. It suited her.

I find it sort of a shame that she now changed. She seems so soft all of a sudden though I always considered her a rebel. It doesn't quite suit her right. Sara Sidle lost most of her rebellion. Anyone else have a statement on that?
^I second that completely. It's all forced and completely unbelievable. When did CSI become this soap opera? Did I miss something? :(
I had that discussion with my girlfriend the other night. It has become way more of a soap opera that you need to keep watching because things keep returning (minitiature killing, the stuff from Fannysmackin', GSR)..
I missed a few episodes of season 7 and unfortunatly that made it hard to keep up.
It has become sooooo much of a soap opera instead of an independant tv show..

And.. I miss Jorja already! :( :(
Well, I watched every ep and a lot of things still didn't add up for me... in my opinion, the writers have serious continuity problems...

I'll miss her but I'm glad she's free for new projects now, I really hope she'll do something cool.
And something Grissomless.

Sorry, couldn't resist :p

But seriously, I'm really curious to see what she's gonna do now, won't be long until we know :D
"Something Grissomless"
I quite enjoy that! lol.

Yeah wont be long now. But knowing Jorja, it will be something cool. And something worth discussing too
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