Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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It's already up on her livejournal if you didn't know liz :) It's not the greatest recording ever quality wise, but i'd defo like to hear some more from her, her voice seems pretty good, and yeah as mentioned above you gotta have guts to put it on the internet, I'd never put a clip of me singing up that's for sure. :)
i cant really believe that that is her... i dont think it sounds like her. but it sounds cool, like the beat and how it is sung is cool. thanks for the link kaylyne.
Î think it sounds exactly like her :p I've loved that song since the first time I heard it, not because it sounded good (crappy recording), but because of what it was about :D
Sorry for being away for a while, but besides the fact that I didnt have internet in the last 2 days, I kind of gave up on discussing the stay/not stay discussion, because I don't even know how I feel about it anymore, I swear to you :rolleyes: Anyway, nice thread topic change :)

Thanks for the song, I think I had heard it like a long time ago, but I didn't remember it at all. As Mia said, it's not exactly the best song I have heard :rolleyes: But it is necessary to have some confidence to put that online...I woulndn't do it, that's for sure. And I guess the important to her was the message, or just have some fun ;)

On another subject, I watched "The Unusual Suspect", and I just love it. That girl pisses me off everytime, even tough now that I already now what she is going to do "I didn't kill Stacy. Marlon did." :eek: Who does she think she is to play around with Sara :mad: But such a great episode :)
Yeah that lil kid pissed me off a bit when I watched it, I'm not sure if I would have kept my cool if I was Sara in the posistion. :p
I've just been watching "No Humans Involved" I think that's one of my favorite episodes that and "To Tough to Die" is another one.
Sorry for the double post but this thread is dying. :p I jsut watched Blood Drops, so sweet how Sara is with the little girl, just thought i'd mention it. :D ha
^I love that. Where she doesn't really want to do it at the beginning but then she seems to really warm to the idea. It's cute :D
Yeah exactly, how she was trynna get Brass to make Catherine do it. :D I thought it was really sweet when she held her hand in the hospital.
yes I like that episode as well Jorja was excelent she was so compassionate and Dakota was brilliant as Brenda
Rona said:
yes I like that episode as well Jorja was excelent she was so compassionate and Dakota was brilliant as Brenda

Yeah, Dakota and Jorja did a really good job! That is one of my fav CSI eps ever!
I know it was a dark epi. butI love that joke about leaving the girl in the car with the window cracked, the look on grissom and Cath's faces were priceless.
I loved Blood Drops, it's probably one of my favorite episodes of all time. Spike TV played it a lot in reruns, but it was still a great ep :p I like how Sara was reluctant in the beginning like "Why can't Catherine do it, she's the mom", but then she started to grow softer as she made the connection with the little girl. The ending scene with her and Brenda is great, when she's at the hospital holding her hand with that look on her face like, "I've been in your shoes and you're not going to have to deal with this alone."
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