Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Blood drops is definitly one of my favourite Sara episodes too. Not just because of Sara but also because of the story line of that episode. It was really deep and made you think and got to me. But so did No Humans Involved It was a very sad episode but she did a great job.
yeah No Humans Involved was very sad that part at the end when the boys mother is comeing and Brass ask Sara who he should take her to first Sara says " go with the living Jim the dead can wait"
That line definitly has truth in it. I don't know.. it made me think and it eventually made me go like "yeah, Sara is right. The dead can wait.."
^ That should really be in a spoiler box because it's something you've heard about an episode that hasn't aired yet.

Though it's nothing major so I'm sure people will go easy on you :)
There is an article in TV guide about the season premier
Exutive producer Naren Shankar said lets just say fans will be very satisfied with how it turns out, no loose ends will be left dangling at the end of the first episode. He also said Jorja was a total trooper during filming
^ Thanks for posting :) I'd expect she'd have to have been a trooper, I mean being stuck under a car for god-knows-how long :lol: Now I'm just even more excited about the season premiere! :D
That pic is from a SAG Awards Jorja attended a few years ago :) It's from some photos she took with Marg after CSI: won it's "best drama series" award.
I can't wait until the season premiere. But it's like season 7 premiere that I am waiting for at the moment. Probably starting this fall (or so I hope). But I am also curious about how they continue Sara storyline, even tough I have not watched it yet :rolleyes:

Yesterday I saw the second half of "Grave Danger", which I totally adore. I love it when Sara is in the corridor of the lab, with the water thing, and then Mia calls her. And also, obviously when Sara is the one that goes running, gets the information, points to the map *he's here* Anyway, emotions are showed in this episode, and that's always good (imo) ;)
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