Jorja Fox Promises Return To 'CSI'

If she does come back for the remander of the eps, now that the strike is over. I doubt it will be full time as she doesn't have a full time contract, so guest spots would be it.

And as for the CSI job, I doubt that as well jtd94, she walked away from her job it won't be that easy to get it back.
i don't think she'll be back as a full time CSI either. TPTB will probably think of an absolutely unexpected storyline, or they could not give a reason of her return at all.

if Sara is going to be back, it could be somewhat related to her job or a case CSIs would be working on. this show is not a soap but more of a procedural, so if they want to make the most of her appearance, they would have to incorporate her into the case. it wouldn't necessarily have to be the reason of her return, though.

the most possible ending to this is unfortunately Sara coming back only to take Grissom away. and i agree with some of y'all that it wouldn't be the most creative way to end the GSR storyline.
I think that possibly Jorja Fox decided not to renew her contract since the contracts of most of the cast members are not up until the end of this year. She may have decided to return if she could and sign while the others resign.
I think the writers had Sara leave in a way befitting her character. If she returns, even if it is to help William Petersen make his exit, can only help the show. Love her or hate her, she is certainly making all of you stand up and notice her absence.
Isn't it all speculation as to when she's coming back? I kind of read it as an ER what they did with Doug Ross (George Clooney) and Carol Hathaway (Julianna Marguiles). He left before she did and then came back for her. I have a feeling that's what we're talking about here--whenever Petersen's contract is up, Sara will show up and he'll leave with her.
i dont think it would make much sense story wise for her to show up this season, especially with the shortened season due to the strike. it would feel like not enough time had passed (in tv land) for her to deal with the obvious issues she had when she left.

the way they wrote the character in the end i cant see her coming back as a csi, she obviously wasnt cut out for the job anymore when she left. and in the episodes prior to her departure she seemed done with it anyways.

i agree with Top, as tacky as i feel it may be, they may bring back sara to take grissom away. but maybe they will surprise us all with something much better than that (i think anything would be better than that!)
To be honest i would rather Grissom get killed than to have him and sara riding off into the sunset. At least that would be more interesting...
I never got where a TV show was supposed to emulate reality 100%. If it did, it would be boring and we would have no reason to watch. Do you think the science emulates reality 100%? Know of any crime labs in the WORLD that look as the ones they have on the CSI series?

Sara Sidle could absolutely come back full time. Writers can do anything. End of story.

As for those who don't like her, well I just think there's a deep seated jealousy there in the form of "Sara's not good enough for Grissom." I totally don't get that view. She's his intellectual equal not in knowledge, but in curiosity and weirdness.
The most exciting episodes were the ones with Grissom and Sara, sizzling, and so relevant to 8 or 9 years they've been together, and the scenes they had were all of 30 to 90 seconds of the show, hardly taking away from the crux of the episode ;) they show that, CSI's romance is still alive is and kicking!

As for those who don't like her, well I just think there's a deep seated jealousy there in the form of "Sara's not good enough for Grissom." I totally don't get that view. She's his intellectual equal not in knowledge, but in curiosity and weirdness.

OMG I am jellius!!11!!! uh, no.

for the love of god, not one person said they didn't like sara. I want sara away from Grissom because I hate the destroys both of the characters. It makes sara so pathetic...who dates a guy after that much rejection?? No wonder she had a breakdown. She is better than this...
As for those who don't like her, well I just think there's a deep seated jealousy there in the form of "Sara's not good enough for Grissom." I totally don't get that view. She's his intellectual equal not in knowledge, but in curiosity and weirdness.

Why would anyone want to be jealous of a fictional character? If that is the case that person(s) should seek some help and step away from the television.

And nowhere did anyone say she's not good enough for Grissom, it's just not a healthy relationship to be having in a work environment.

Sara Sidle could absolutely come back full time. Writers can do anything. End of story.

Well yes she could, but with the strike the continunity is already going to be pushing it. Even in "tv time" having Sara show up now would seem very unplausable. She needs, at a minimum, months away from the job before it could be concieved as a break.
I never got where a TV show was supposed to emulate reality 100%. If it did, it would be boring and we would have no reason to watch. Do you think the science emulates reality 100%? Know of any crime labs in the WORLD that look as the ones they have on the CSI series?
i agree and i think a lot of people overanalyze the *horrible* aspects of GSR just b/c they don't like the pairing. besides, if you become too worried about it, it stops being healthy.

i understand that people still want to watch it, whether they like GSR/Sara/Grissom or not, but at some point it could get out of hand. people should just ... enjoy those things about the show that they like, and relax. no need to be sarcastic and bitter; we're all on the same side here.
And nowhere did anyone say she's not good enough for Grissom, it's just not a healthy relationship to be having in a work environment.
you didn't but many other people did.
To be honest i would rather Grissom get killed than to have him and sara riding off into the sunset. At least that would be more interesting...
nah, even if this kind of cheezy ending happened, would it make such a big difference? i mean, it's just a TV show! lmao. a scene like that would probably take 30 seconds or a minute tops.

i'm anti-GSR baby, and before the proposal i was anti-marriage too. after 8x04 happened i see them getting married though, and if it was done tastefully i'd accept it as the end of the GSR arc.
i agree and i think a lot of people overanalyze the *horrible* aspects of GSR just b/c they don't like the pairing. besides, if you become too worried about it, it stops being healthy.

it's not about it being realistic as much as it is about bad continuity. They have ignored a lot of stuff that has already been established into the show to have a cheesy romantic storyline.

enjoy those things about the show that they like, and relax. no need to be sarcastic and bitter; we're all on the same side here.

how can you tell if someone is angry on a message board.

nah, even if this kind of cheezy ending happened, would it make such a big difference? i mean, it's just a TV show! lmao. a scene like that would probably take 30 seconds or a minute tops.

It isn't about the amount of time on the scene, it is the impact on the characters. What a way to ruin Grissom's character. I watch shows like CSI because i hate crappy romance stuff...they have thrown the quality and integrity of the show out the window for is stupid.
writers can do anything, but it doesnt mean they should. having sara return this season and go back to a csi would cheapen the story for me. but hey, they writers have dropped the ball on every other storyline involving a character with mega issues so why not sara too?

and saying people who dont like sara because of jealousy is a huge assumption. i dont enjoy the caracter or the acting, that is all. i do think she needs to come back to tie up loose ends, but going back to a full time csi would just undo everything they put into her character over the last few seasons.
I totally agree that JF needs to return at least for guest appearances. And yes I do want her and WP to continue their on screen relationship, even if it means it is played out mostly off screen. I also agree with allmaple and others that she probably shouldn't be a CSI again. There are so many other ways she could return that would be more plausible and healthier for her and actually maintain continuity. Sara and Grissom could be together without workplace issues and maybe with comingling but separate careers. That makes more sense in real life too. What wouldn't make sense at this point would be to break them up. When you look at the whole 7 1/2 years, I can see where some posters feel the relationship has had more downs than ups and therefore may not make sense; but if you look at the last 1 1/2 years the writers and actors definitely want the audience to know that it is real and lasting. And since I have read interviews from JF, WP and CM about how they enjoy the relationship and have invested so much of themselves into it, I am even more supportive. Besides, I think they are wonderful together, and romance or not, I miss their scenes together.