Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

::runs in, slides on her a$$:: HELLO!!!! My mommy came and visted for the weekend, so yeah, couldnt jump on the computer to read all this fun happy amazing crazy stuff. So, yeah, I bought a very whore-ish skirt (I hate my legs, so I was very leary about it) but, my mom actually found it and was like "OH MY GOSH, you have to wear this!" so, I bought the skirt, and some black pants (well, capri-type pants.. ya know, the "in-style" thing to wear with skirts) and they got black lace right at the knee, I'm gonna wear my black vans, and now, I just need to hunt down a whore-ish top, I think, If I work hard enough, I could get some nice cleavage going, lol, and I'm going for a hair cut that week, so I'll be all good with the hair. I'M SO EXCITED!!! I was like jumping up and down when I was reading all the stuff on here, and then glanced at my calendar and was like "f**k yes!! like 3 weeks" he he..

As for drinking, take my word on it, I dont need a drinks to turn me into a crazy ass!!
you gotta bring up NKOTB...who was that?! the stories i could tell...(by saying that probably just brought my credibility was a phase ladies... :eek:)

TOP - i'd love to see you and Mrs G again too! :) i'm waiting to see what the plans are for would be nice to go back to NY, because i'd also get a free trip to see the family after that! i am hoping to make another trip to LA soon for some interviews...maybe if the NY thing doesn't happen that week, i'll try to come out to LA! :) (maybe Mrs G can pick me up at an exit off the 5.. :lol: )
Wow, you guys are old :p. If there was ever an event like this here in Vancouver I'd so be there in a second considering I'm of legal age for everything :devil:.

Hey, was one of the SG name Mina? If so it's pretty interesting that I have the same name as one of the SG :lol:.
:lol: I have another good 14-15 years till I reach your guys age. A good thing is that you can always babysit me since I'm so young :p.

Jokes aside I hope you all have fun. I'll probably be here, doing some lame English assignment while secretly wishing I was out in LA. Damn college...
feenx said:
Nope :( i live in Pacoima.
C'mon, girl, surely you can bum one of your parents cars for the night or find a friend who drives and wants to go.

I'm loving how elderly some of this crowd is! And, PrettyEyes, I didn't mean to neglect mention of any of the bands you listed. There are just too many hair band greats to list them all in one post. Love your hot new avie, BTW. :D

And those of you young'uns who are busting on the elderly can zip it. With age comes experience. It means we can blow the minds of our CSI:NY hotties in 50 ways you haven't heard of yet. :lol: :devil:

CSINYRULZ - You are soooo cracking me up! I'm excited as hell for any time spent in LA, but I think your enthusiasm just might exceed mine. Your outfit sounds fantastic.

For those who can't make it, we will take plenty of pics. Sadly, no cameras allowed in Key Club. :( But I'm sure we can take plenty beforehand.
^ :lol: Indeed we can! :devil: ;)

I'm 29, and listened to all the hair bands in junior high. I was going to grow up and marry Axl Rose. I guess some things change. :lol: I still love old school GnR though, and rock ballads! :D

I've got a short black skirt, black f--- me boots, and an array of cleavagy tops. I think I'm set. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ :eek: :eek: :eek: *blows kisses back* Holy [CENSORED]! Where the [CENSORED] have you been??? Any chance you're going to be joining us for this little shin dig?

:D Hey baby! I'm going to try like hell to get there...I've already asked for the time off, so now all I have to do is get the rest of it straight, and I'm on my way...I'm going to send you an e-mail soon...I've got a lot of stuff to tell you about. <hugs> :cool:

Peace, Love & Bulletproof Carrots :cool:
MrsGiovinazzo said: And those of you young'uns who are busting on the elderly can zip it. With age comes experience. It means we can blow the minds of our CSI:NY hotties in 50 ways you haven't heard of yet. :lol: :devil:

*Raises up in chair slightly and clears throat* Now, I know this doesn't apply to me, now does it, MrsG. :devil: ;)

P.S. Didn't see this post before I posted this one, so sorry for the double post. :cool:
^ No. You're sufficiently freaky that I wasn't talking to you. ;)

Where are you these days? Ever get your butt out to LA? Kinda sounds that way if you're trying to make it to the Suicide Girls show.
I've been without the internet for about 8 months due to life and other things...I've got certification in bartending, and I'm working on video production right now, so I've actually got a wide range of selection by the time I move out there perminately...I've also been doing a lot of stage work as of late, but I'll elaborate more on the in my e-mail...I'm definately trying to get out there...All I really have to do is pay for the tickets, and I should be all set. :cool:
^ Cool. Keep me updated and I think you've been alleging you're gonna email me for like a year now, so get on it! Would love to hear all about your plans.