Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

Sweet sites, kimmy! :D Never heard of either of them, but I gave them both a peek and I'll be back to buy.

I got my serious slut boots from a site called Never heard of that one either, but I saw someone wearing the boots I ordered and asked her where she got them. I ordered a few other items as well, including a fun silver studded leather thong (am I gonna have to dry clean that? :eek:). Trashy site, but I was happy enough with the quality which says a lot for the site since I'm normally a Neiman's or Barneys' shopper.

SO, since I cant work boots, I gotta work the hair and 'assets' lol..
You go, girl. Work those babies! We've all gotta highlight whatever the good Lord blessed us with and for me, well, *looks down shirt and shakes head* ... think I'll go with the boots. :lol:
^ Neiman Marcus is the sh*t! :D But i don't think you'd fit in too well with the SG crowd wearing that :lol: (not to mention the bite it takes outta your budget, but it's worth it. ;) )

maybe try to go for the high class hooker/ escort. :lol:
afrikana said:
^ Neiman Marcus is the sh*t! :D But i don't think you'd fit in too well with the SG crowd wearing that :lol: (not to mention the bite it takes outta your budget, but it's worth it. ;) )
Neiman's is the sh*t! Except for that damn pre-sale racket they've got going much of the time in order to drag your ass back into the store again a week later to pick up your stuff. So uncool. :( But yeah, not for a SG show. :lol: I've got a fair amount of SG on the inside, but will have to alter the exterior a little to fit in at this event.

maybe try to go for the high class hooker/ escort. :lol:
Damn straight, baby. 50 bucks for a good time? Forget that. I'm all about the $2,000 b**w job. :lol:
^ Oh, I am certainly not peddling $2,000 hummers where that man is concerned. Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets. On the house. :lol: ... And I'm sure he can get whatever he wants just about anywhere.
eeesh, you gals are crazy... lol..

well, *looks down shirt and shakes head* ... think I'll go with the boots.

he he, *looks down shirt* yeah, I'm gonna have to work my

I'm just now starting to get into like, ya know, AWESOME CLOTHES!! I was a total tom-boy (still am to a certain extent) but I dropped alot of weight in the past year, and so I can fit into things and flaunt part of myself that I couldnt flaunt before, I need a shopping buddy, Mrs. G , how long are you in L.A.?? Wanna go shoppin'?? I got two jobs and need to just go and blow a paycheck and have fun...

FYI: I just got my ticket in the mail from ticketmaster.. ::dances around:: yay!!!

speaking of * blow *... sounds like you got Danny all set-up Mrs. G ... which is fine, I got Flack covered over here on my end... he's not complaining either... *smirks* I may be young and 'green' but, I dont have any problem in the b*ow j*b department, he he... ::slaps head with hand:: I cant believe I just said that... oh boy..

::yells:: Top!!!!! where are you??? Are we still going out to dinner with... crap I cant think of who we were gonna go with, the weekend before the SG Show??? I just wanna know, so I can write it down, believe me, I'd forget...

I got some inner SG that shows herself if I'm with the right crowd, but I'm definitley not much of an SG on the outside, at least, not to the extreme that they are... I'm all for the chucks, jeans, and rocker-type shirts, but, no fishnets/low-cut shirts/skin tight pleather for me, lol
^I'm here! But I haven't heard from justfriends (I believe that was the poster who mentioned being in LA the weekend before the show). I'll let you know if I hear anything!

I'm tempted to straighten my hair for this. Somehow major eye make-up and straight hair seem to be called for. :lol:
^^^ yes, major eye make-up is a must for this... I dont know what I'm going to do with my hair yet, part of me wants to toss it up into a crazy messy bun and tease some strands out and let them hang loose, the other part of me, wants to just shower and let it do its naturally thing - be straight and un-cool... :)

I gotta get a hold of some dark eye liner/shadow so I can wear it, all I have are neutral colors - green, browns, beige, lol... doesnt work for a SG show.. :)

Yeah, let me know when you hear from her... :)
After learning some other interesting sites from you gals. I so wish I could go. I hope you gals and guys bring back some good pics.
Mrs. G , how long are you in L.A.?? Wanna go shoppin'?? I got two jobs and need to just go and blow a paycheck and have fun...
I'll be in LA from Wednesday afternoon to Saturday morning. I'm trying to fit in as many business meetings as I can on Thursday and Friday, so I'm not sure yet how much free time I'll have. However, I rarely leave LA without making the rounds -- Neiman's, Barneys', the stores on Robertson and Fred Segal. Time permitting, I like to hit Sunet Plaza too. If you care to join me, I'm sure we can work something out. :D

Top - I think straight hair and excessive eye makeup are definitely in order.

And there will definitely be pics for those who can't make it. We'd much rather you join us for a great time, but if not, we'll at least come back and show you the great time we had without you. :lol:
^^^ I'd love to join ya, I have work Thursday-Sunday, but Thursday its 7:30am-5pm at the Firehouse, and Fri-Sun its 5am-Noon at the coffee shop, so I'm down for whatever.

As for pics.. *holds up camera* I'm totally ready to snap a bazillion of them.. :)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
And there will definitely be pics for those who can't make it. We'd much rather you join us for a great time, but if not, we'll at least come back and show you the great time we had without you. :lol:

:lol: Thanks...

I can't wait to see the "TalkCSI SG" :D
MrsG, your new black F*** Me boots sound great! And I had a pair just like that back in "the day" LOL, except they were black suede. And unfortunately when I left them at home one party weekend out in H'wood, on the floor of my closet, my cat "Slash" had her damn babies on top of them. (Suede doesn't react very well to kitty blood and placenta, BTW. :( *sigh*) That was the end of those boots. But yes, I did name the runt of the kitty litter "Axl" :lol: She just passed a couple months ago, in fact, after 17 years!

And did someone mention the Lip Service clothing line?!! Holy Crap, I used to wear Lip Service when I lived out there (before I got old and started wearing Depends :lol:) Can't believe that line is still around, Axl Rose made it famous by wearing alot of their clothes. And yes, I still do have a few select pieces, just couldn't bring myself to get rid of 'em, even after all those years.

*wistful sigh* Aaaww, you gals are going to have way too much fun! Color me Major Green with Envy!
^ LOVE that your cat was named "Slash"! BTW, I met Slash at Baja Fresh on Sunset and Vine this summer. Classic story. He was in line behind me, but I had no intention of bothering him even though G 'n R is my absolute favorite band of all time and I love Slash's new band Velvet Revolver too. Then the timing couldn't have been better. My cell phone rang. My ring tone? "Sweet Child 'O Mine." Dead serious. As I was fishing my phone out of my purse, I could literally feel him breathing down my neck because he closed the gap between us from a normal couple feet to like an inch and was practically touching me. Just as I answered my phone, he asks, "You like that song?" I smile and say, "It's my ring tone, isn't it?" He nodded his head and goes, "Right on." Then I continued talking on the phone, he resumed a normal distance, we ordered at separate registers, went our separate ways and ate on opposite ends of the place. As I was throwing away my garage and leaving, he screams out, "Hey!" and nodded and waved from the whole other side of the place. :D

I'm sad you won't be joining us, MBGrissom. You sound like my kinda girl and we Depends wearing gals needs to stick together.