Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

mrs g., it's still up in the air if i have to go to NY for work...and it's that, i'm not sure yet. :confused: i'm supposed to know for sure next week. but knowing where i work, they usually like to change plans at the last minute! :rolleyes: (that's why i need to get outta that joint!) if not, you can swing down to SF, pick me up and go! (j/k) :lol:

would love to hang out with you ladies again! :)
wow... I totally snorted my cereal up my nose when I read about you gals and your depends... :) ::giggles::

I'm so totally excited about this, I have no idea what I'm going to wear... :) Any ideas Mrs. G??
He he Nov. 15 is my B-day. That would be a cool b-day present but of course i live all the way in MN.

One of my good friend of me and my husband knows Lennon really well.
^That's awesome! MrsG has played some of her music for me--she's really good!

messinwithmesser, I hope you can make it! It would be awesome to see you again! :D

And Cahill_Fan, would love to meet you! I'll keep my fingers crossed that tix are still available this weekend--it's still a while away yet, so hopefully they will be! :)
^^^ I think we need to hear somethin' from Mrs. G... maybe an encore performance after the party at Key Club.. :)
^Oh, no, I meant Lennon...MrsG played Lennon's music for me. As far as I know MrsG isn't musically inclined, but maybe she's holding out on us. :lol:
hehe... I have to hear some of Lennons music, I'm pretty sure I have - the name is kinda making the lightbulb in my brain flicker, but its not turned on all the way.. lol...

Hey, MRS. G may say shes not musically inclined or *pretend* to be musically inclines, she may be holding out on us... just like she *isnt* holding Carmine captive in her closet.... mmhmmm sure... and Eddie *isnt* laying naked on my bed tied to the bedposts... lol

::slaps hand over mouth:: sorry.. PG-13 sorry, sorry, sorry.. I'll save it for our gals night out. he he
i am going to try. my sister and i are going to get our tickets on saturday (most likely, unless something happens.) we are both over 21, so it will be lots of fun. heeheehee. my mom didnt watch wednesdays episode until tonight and she said "who would want to see these girls?" my sister and i just started laughing and my mom rolled her eyes and said "you guys do, dont ya?" yeah, sorry mom! LOL
^^^ ha ha. Yeah my roomate watched the episode and was like 'who would want to go see those chicks?' and I looked at him and smiled, and he's all.. 'yeah, besides you and your crazy friends on that csi board' lol... I had to laugh..

I think I may be the only one going whos under 21... ::slams fists on table:: WHY!?! I hate not being 21, I'm so close... but so far away... I dont care, I dont need drinks to get me feelin' crazy, just some fresh (well as fresh as West Hollywood can get) air, and some crazy gals.. :)
Wow, I love all this activity here. So much to respond to. Let's see if I can remember everything --
Messinwithmesser - Your job is gonna piss me off if you're in NY that week. :( I know, why don't you just quit? You know you're going to anyway. :lol: I drive down 5, so I actually don't go anywhere near SF on my way down, but if you wanna drag your ass to Sac on Wednesday morning, you can totally ride down with me. :D

Cahill_Fan - Get on those tickets as soon as you can. Would love to meet you and your sis!

CSINYRULZ - Clothing wise, I think I will probably go with a pair of tight dark jeans, a whorey top, and a nice pair of f**k me boots or stiletto heels. Tease the hair a bit. Wear a bit more make-up than normal and I should be good to go. Minor detail. I'm debating black nail polish or my new fav OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark, but I'll be scheduling a few business meetings for Thursday and Friday and have to make sure I've got time for a manicure to get that shit off my nails before my first meeting on Thursday.

As for boozing, those who are underage need not fear standing out. As Top can confirm for you, I drink water at clubs. ... Though anyone looking to tie one on is also in good company as Top has been known to enjoy a cocktail or two or three ... :lol:

For anyone who hasn't heard Lennon's music before, I think you can listen to it on her website. and she has some videos on YouTube. She's amazingly versatile. She can rock a guitar harder than most chicks and has some heavy metalish stuff (which I assume is what she'll be playing with the Suicide Girls), but is also great on piano and does some awesome accoustic stuff. Her voice sounds fantastic doing either metal or accoustic. Edgy lyrics too. I enjoy her writing.

As for me holding out any musical talents on ya, oh hell no. This is one b**ch who can't carry a tune to save her freakin' life. I think most of the American Idol contestants featured in the early rounds or "the best of the worst" shows are considerably more talented than me. Sad, but true.
^ Well, as whorey as I can manage. Being cleavage impaired, I could go topless and no one would interpret that as a sexual overture on my part. :lol: But I can jack my rack to my collarbone with a Wonderbra and attempt to "spill" out of my top. :lol:
Aaaaaaaaaw damn, I wish I could join you ladies, you're going to have a fantastic time! LA/West H'wood is my old stomping grounds, and I actually used to dress like some of the S. Girls back in my day! (But "day" was in the Hair Bands Rocker late 80's & grunge early 90's, so that kind of gives my age away - can someone pass me those Depends, thank you veddy much? :lol:) Anyway, have a Jack Daniels & splash of Coke for me, please! (Have several, in fact? :D)
Im so jealous of all you guys going out. My parents where thinking about it, but then my little brother opened his mouth and told them what the SG are and all I remember that day was a allot of cussing in Spanish and some Aztec that I had no idea they knew. :confused: