Jim & Catherine - Just flirting?

umbrello, I really like your idea a lot. Although I'd rather it be me than Catherine. But oh well. Still think they make a great couple. :D

Yeah, well 'til they legalize and mass market human cloning so we can all have a Brass under our tree, we'll just have to settle for dirty thoughts. :lol:

A couple of questions:
-Have we settled on a name name yet?

-How long do you think Jim and Catherine have known/worked together?
Hey gang,

Just popped in to wish you all a very merry christmas and to say that, when you choose a ship name, let me know and I'll add you to The List ;)

Happy Holidays :)
No I don't think we've settled on a name yet. Although I like Brath or Brallows. Maybe we need another poll.

Hmmm, how long have Jim and Cath known each other? I'd say since she started working as a CSI. Because for some reason I get the feeling that Jimmy was there before Cath was.
I've been wondering: Ever since the episode "Bite me" I have a feeling that there is seriously something going on betweeen Jimmy and Cath. Just the way they've been looking at each other. Especially in the episode "Still Life", when they were in Grissom's office, just the way Jimmy looked at her. I really hope they do something, romantic wise, with these two characters. I would be in heaven then. :D
I've definitely had that feeling, Brassfan24, and I know a couple of others who would also agree. There's just something about their comfort level with each other that screams something's going on between the two of them.

And if we're lucky enough to see it actually happen, I'd be right there in heaven with you. I never started out being a Brass/Catherine shipper but considering what I've written and posted so far, I guess I am.
I've been a Jimmy/Cath shipper since the beginning. Ever since I saw "Pledging Mr. Johnson". Paul and Marg just have some great on-screen chemistry. I hope they have more scenes together in the new episodes. I mean aside from Jimmy working with Grissom, he works best with Cath. They've had some great scenes over the years. I think one of my all time favorites has to be their flirting scene in "Bite Me". That and the scene from "Pledging Mr. Johnson". I mean I can't leave that one out considering it's the scene that made me a Jimmy/Cath shipper to begin with. Not only that, they'd make the cutest couple. :D
I joined the Jim/Cath ship when I saw them together in "One Hit Wonder". I agree Brassfan24, he does work best with Cath. They have wonderful chemistry when they are together.
I agree gloosmoos "One Hit Wonder" is my favorite Jimmy/Cath episode. They were great together in that episode. Especially when they were interviewing Justin in Jimmy's office. I think I love them the most in interrogation together. That and when they flirt with each other.
Catching up on some of the websites and found a reader response comment about Jim and Catherine from the episode, "Still Life" on the MSNBC site here

It's the very last comment and has the title "Brass and Catherine".
cool, i checked it out.. maybe the comment came from one of the posters here. :D i agree too that even early on, they had teh chemistry already.
Yeah I always knew there was definately a potential relationship lurking there. Now the TPTB just have to realize it and hook them up. Hope Jimmy and Cath are working together in Thurdays new eppy. Hell, I just hope Jimmy's in it period.
They are just great friends. But I'm hoping TPTB make them more than friends before the season ends. *crosses fingers* here's hoping! :D
I was disappointed Jim wasn't working with Cath in this past episode. It would have been interesting to see how they handled the situation together.
Yeah I know what you mean. And I think Brass would have been just as sympathetic to Allison as Catherine was. He would have talked to her not avoided eye contact like Sofia did. But yeah it definately should have been Jimmy and Cath working that case together. I really hope they get more scenes together in upcoming episodes.