Internet Terms Help ~ Updated 16th March 2006

I don't know about you all, but most of the internet speak confuses the heck out of me. A great, quick resource to figure out what the stuff means is to check the Urban Dictionary. You can just cut and paste it in the search box to get the definition. It works great, and I haven't found anything yet that isn't in there. Hope that helps.
Last week at PodCamp Pittsburgh 2 “bacn” was coined to describe email that you want but don’t want to read right now. This can include social network notices from Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, email newsletters, and more.

‘Bacn’ is an emerging Web 2 term already being widely used. Putting it bluntly, ‘bacn’ is: “Notifications you want. But not right now.” You know all those notifications, newsletters, project notifications, updates etc. that you sign up for and really, really want to keep up to date on but don’t seem to have the time for right now? (and now, and now, and now). Well, that is ‘bacn.’
You might want to add FTW to the list. I heard it so much and I was like what the hell does it mean? (FTW = for the win, by the way). :p

Yeah, I got that much. But what do they mean? Like ^_^ looks kind of angry, but peeps don't seem to be angry with their words. lmao

Well -_- is like a frown. Sort of. And ^_^ is a smiley face. Like this smile --> :D see it's eyes? They're pointed cause it's smiling so much so it's the same with ^_^

I totally made a fool out of myself trying to explain that. *gdr* :lol:
check the Urban Dictionary
I didn't think of there! Thanks. :D No, no wait: ^_^ :lol:

ETA: Thanks sandersidle too lol, you were editing as I was typing! I felt like an idiot asking, so it's all good. :lol: I still think ^_^ looks angry though. :rolleyes: :p
Actually, since there are no eyeballs, I thought that meant sleeping.
eggbe4thechicken said:
ETA: Thanks sandersidle too lol, you were editing as I was typing! I felt like an idiot asking, so it's all good. :lol: I still think ^_^ looks angry though. :rolleyes: :p

For me it's a cat :p

...or wolf :rolleyes:

I know I's just me
^ :lol: Yeah, they could be little ears. :lol:
I don't think it looks like a happy sign at all though, but well, at least I'm not confused when it's used now. :lol:
Quoth explained that one to me once. :p It's someone crying, right? The - of the T is the eyes closed, and the vertical lines of the T are tears, then the _ is the mouth? >.> Am I right?