In Between the Scene: Going Under

In the morning all was at peace, in the Caine home. "Daddy, I put out Ernie and Ert". "Thank you sweetheart, what would you like for breakfast"? "Eareal and oast, pease". As Horatio made breakfast, Calleigh came waddling in with Horatio Jr. "Hi oreo, ou ant beakfast"? Horatio giggled, showing his two teeth, while he clapped his hands.

"Morning love, how are you feeling"? "Great, starving though, were's the chocolate, and waffle's"? "The waffle's are on the table, with the chocolate sauce". "Mama...I ave ocolate auce too"? "No Emer, not today, you have cereal". "I ave a bite mama"? "Sure you can", as Calleigh broke off a piece, Horatio watched and babbled out..."mama, maaaaaama". "Okay love, here you go". Giving her son the waffle, she watched him suckle it, till a piece broke off.

"Daddy, I go scool oday"? "No love, you go to daycare today, with your brother". "Why I not go to scool"? "Cause you are to young love, you have to wait till you become a big girl". "I's a big irl, ou's said so". "I know Emer, but you're not old enough yet, don't you like Daycare"? "I's do, but I's ant to pay wit the big ids". "I know EmerAngel, soon, a couple more years, I promise".

Getting the kids into the car, had tired Calleigh out, for Emer wouldn't cooperate with her mommy. "I no go mama, I's go wit ou and daddy". "Emer, you can't go with us, we have to go too work". "I's ome before". "I know love, but that was when you were sick, you're not sick anymore". "Es I's is, see mama, blah, blah...EmerAngel pretended to gag. "Good try sweetheart, but you're going to Daycare". "Is not air mama, she screamed. "EmerAngel, stop that right now", yelled her dad. Knowing daddy was serious, Emer sat quietly while in the car.

Arriving at Daycare, Horatio walked the kids up, and that's when Emer cried. "Ease daddy, ease, I no go, I's ome wit ou, pease daddy". "Listen sweetheart, mommy finishes early, she'll be here to get you before you know it". Still crying, Emer kissed her daddy, and walked inside. "Is she okay, handsom"? "She will be love, don't worry, she will be".

When Horatio picked up his children from daycare, Emer ran out yelling...."daddy, daddy, omorrow is my irthday". Laughing "H" said..."no love, friday, two more days". "En I get to go too chool". "Yes you do sweetheart". "My eacher says, I's mart, and I's will do ood". "I'm sure you will love, are you ready to go home"? "Yeah, I's ready, ere's mama"? "Mommy be home later, she had to finish up".

Placing the kids in their seatbelt, and carseat, Horatio asked...."would you like pizza for supper Emer"? "Oh ease daddy, yes ease". Stopping at the pizza take out window, Horatio ordered two large, one plain cheese, and the other everything, but anchovies. "Mmm...smells ood daddy, I's ungry". "I bet you are Emer, okay here we are, unbuckle your belt".

Opening the door, Horatio placed Horatio jr, in his chair, while he went out and grabbed the pizza's. "Hi Ernie, and Ert, I's et ou in". Opening the back door, Emer seen the man standing there, watching her, smiling at her. "Emer, did you.....". Looking over Horatio seen the guy walking away. "Who was that Emer"? "I not know daddy, he was sanding, miling at me".

"Okay love, in, come on". With the dog's in, Horatio locked the patio door, got down the plates and fed the kids.
"Handsome, I'm home, and mmmm...I smell pizza". Kissing her husband smartly, she grabbed a slice and sat down. "Mama, I's ave a irthday arty"? "Yes love, mommy has invited your friends from daycare, are you excited"? "I's is mama, I's an't ait to urn four".

While Calleigh caught up on the children's day, Horatio thought about the man on the beach, who was eyeing his daughter.

Ooohh, I don't like that creepy man!! :eek: You stay away!! *stands in front of little Emerald*

Great installment, keep up the great work! The suspense is killing me!! :)
It was the day of Emer's party, as excitment, and screams from young children could be heard. "Daddy, ook at all my iends, tey all ame". "I know love, I see them all, and are you having fun". "Uhuh...en does the cown come"? "Soon Emer, should be very soon, run and play with your friends". As Emer ran off with excitement, Calleigh iced the cake, and added four candle's.

Just a short way down the beach, the clown, had gotten out of his car, and cut through the beach trail, to surprise the kids. As he rounded the corner, *SMASH*, down he went to the ground. Slipping into the costume, the stranger headed over to Emer's party, dressed as the clown.

Watching from the patio door, Calleigh seen the clown. "Oh my, look over there guy's, I see the clown, here he comes". "Yeah...Yay...", yelled the kids with excitement. "Hiya kiddies, I'm Carmel the Clown, how are you all today"? "fINE!!!! they all yelled together. "Who's our special birhtday girl"? "I's is, me, Emerald".

"Well...special happy birthday to you, shall we play some games, or would you like me, to do some magic"? "Ewww...magic ease, we's ove magic". "Then magic it shall be". Performing his tricks, Horatio watched, and could have swore, he knew the guy, eyeing him deeply, the stranger realized, Horatio may be catching on.

Becoming nervous, the clown performed one more trick, and as he was ready to leave, Horatio got the call. "Caine". "H" it's Eric, we have a DB on the beach, we need you down here". "Okay, okay Eric, I'm on my way". Watching Horatio leave, the stranger knew this was now his chance to take, one of the children.

"Okay kids, come have some cake, and ice cream. Running over, all the kids piled into Calleigh, and as her back was turned, he snatched a young girl, covered her mouth and took off. After the cake and ice cream, parents began arriving to pick up their children. "Calleigh...where is Dana"? "Oh...she was here, Emer, did you see Dana"?

"I did Alligh", yelled Greg, she left wit that cown". "What... when hunny"? "I not know, ittle ile ago". "Oh my God, Dana, Calleigh please tell me this isn't happeneing. Picking up the phone, Calleigh called Horatio. "Caine". "Horatio....". "What's the matter love, you sound upset"? "Dana is missing, Greg said he seen the clown take her, oh God Horatio, we have to find her".

Holding the phone, Horatio realized his instincts were correct on this one. "ERIC......".

I really hope they catch him!! I'd karate chop his a**!! :devil: He reminds me of Stuart Otis the way he dresses up to lure kids... :mad: At least Emer's alright, but I'm praying Dana'll be ok too. Nice update, keep it up!! :)
"Eric...get down to the Miami-Dade now, tell Frank to put out the Amber Alert, we are looking for a four year old child, brown shoulder length curly hair, brown eyes, scare on left knee, last seen traveling with a male, in his early forty's, may be wearing a clown outfit".

"You got it "H", are you going to be okay"? "I'll never be okay, as long as this sick bastard, roam's our streets of Miami". Walking away, Horatio headed home, to see how Dana's mother was holding up.

Pulling into the parking lot, the pedaphile taped the childs hands, above her head, and told her too...."Shhhh... stay quiet, and I won't hurt you, I only want to touch you, please, stop crying, if you don't stop, I'll have to hurt you".

Continuing to cry, he took a cloth, gagged her with it, while applying tape over top. "Now stop, I said stop, God damn it, shut up", as he slapped her. Causing the little girl, to cry even more, she began choking on her cloth. "What's the matter with you, stop that, I said stop that".

Trying desperately to remove the gag, he didn't see Horatio, Eric, and frank, sneaking up on him. "Breathe damn you, come on little girl, breathe". Shaking her with fear, Horatio grabbed him by the neck, tossing him, onto the ground, leaving him to Eric, while he worked on Dana.

"Blowing breath into the child, Horatio still could not, get her to breathe. Placing three finger's on her little chest, he began chest compression's, while Eric breathed into her lungs. *Cough, cough*. Looking up at Horatio, Dana threw her arms around him, and squeezed the air from him.

"It's okay Dana, it's okay, I'm going to take you home, to mommy,'s okay Dana, I promise he will never hurt anyone again". Walking with Dana in his arms, Horatio placed her in the hummer. "Good job Eric, thanks for all your help". "No thanks needed "H", I'll see you tonight, after we get this piece of garbage booked".

When they arrived, Dana's mom was waiting in tears. "Mommy...oh mommy". "Dana...thank God, oh Dana, you're okay". Walking her into the house, Calleigh got out the first aid kit, took the scissor's, and cut the tape from Dana's hands. "Owww...". "I know sweetie, I'm sorry, whispered Calleigh, as she applied antiseptic cream, on her skin.

"Better Dana"? "Mhmm...". "Alleigh...I not get no ake". Laughing at the innocence of Dana, she sliced her a piece, with lots of icing. "There you go, how's that"? With a wide smile, Dana said...."ummy". "Handsom, did you get him"? "We did love, it's all over, he'll be put away for a long time.

Later that evening, Emer was looking at all her presents. "Ook mama, I gots a new ackpack". "I see that, and who's that on the front"? "Arbie mama". " I see Barbie, it matches your new lunchbag". "I's know mama, I's go to chool omorrow"? "Yes you do, now how about a bath"?

Running up the stairs, ahead of her mom, Ernie plowed into Emer, who fell back, riht into daddy's arms. "Ad Ernie, ou tipped me, is not ice ou know". Trying not to laugh at Ernie, who was flopping his head side to side, picked up his daughter, threw her over his shoulder, and plopped her in the bathroom.

*Giggling*..."at was un daddy, I's ike otaotes". "That's right my EmerAngel, you are daddy's sack of potatoe's, okay love get in". Helping her step into the tub, Horatio grabbed her sponge, soap, and shampoo. "I's do it daddy, I's big irl now". Allowing Emer to wash, Horatio sat on the stool, reading his paper.

"Are you wrinkled enough Emer"? "Uhuh...elp me out daddy". Picking his daughter up, he wrapped her in a huge towel, passing her to Calleigh. "I'll clean the tub love, you tend to Emer". "Daddy, ou's read me onight"? "I can sweetheart, daddy be in shortly". "K, ove ou". "I love you too, my Emerald".
